[PvP] Please nerf longbow

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: master.1607


Double endure pain – *Check
Insane regen – *Check

  • Berserker stance with endure pain + regen = god mode on (you cant blind,fear,interrupt or anything to do for stop him) – Check
  • Mobility(%25 speed, weapon and utility jumps) – Check
  • Top class armor – Check
  • Top class health – Check
  • Top class dps and condi – Check
  • Stun machine – Check
  • Blocks – Check

There are 2 more abilities missing stealth and teleport. I’m pretty sure you’ll give both or one of them on next expansion.

All these things are fine but please nerf that longbow now. It is op weapon since release. Lets check warrior builds in past and now.

Longbow – Hammer
Longbow – Axe-Shield
Longbow – Sword-Axe
Longbow – Greatsword
Longbow – Mace – Shield

Burn, immobilize, blind, dps, fire area, blast and it is becoming much more powerful with berserker trait.

I know you loving so much warrior. You are using it for all your official videos but there is no more fun in pvp. Just check your top 300 400 players and see how many of them used warrior in last season. Use your stances than spam all your longbow skills 0 risk..

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: mrauls.6519


The most probably reason why LB is used so much is because it is Wars best (?) ranged option. It’s almost mandatory to have some sort of ranged option to avoid a lot of skills in the game

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620


As you have noted, the warrior has no stealth and no teleport. Considering its attacks are highly telegraphed, this makes it quite kitable, by almost anything.

Stances have a 60s CD. Double Endure Pain means that during 52s per minute, the warrior has no physical invulnerability at all. Resistance is another matter, to maintain a good uptime of resistance the warrior must activate the healing signet regularly, losing a significant part of his regen. As for Adrenal Health, it can only be gained when hitting the F1 skills successfully (except for the LB, but this is interestingly not a point you’ve mentioned in your criticism).

Also, there are many other things the warrior does not have, among which:

  • No full invul: check.
  • No protection: check.
  • No aegis: check.
  • No chilled: check.
  • No poison: check.
  • No boon removal: check.
  • No AI: check (but thanks).
  • Combo fields: bow F1 (thanks) and torch #5 (useless).

The balance is made of all the things a class has, and has not. Eventually, if you want to focus on 1v1s, there are hard counters to any class and build – warrior included of course. If you could state (1) the class you’re using, (2) what build you’re using and (3) why you think it’s supposed to counter a warrior, then we could maybe provide some useful pointers.

@mrrauls: the bow is (was) used mostly because the F1 procs all burst-related effects as long as its projectile is not blocked, destroyed or reflected. This is an unfortunate mechanics, which has been criticized many times on this forum. The fact that it remains is probably a technical limitation.

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: mrauls.6519


I can’t see anyone using rifle in PvP seriously

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: steelheart.7386


I would never go back to playing Longbow once I started playing zerger greatsword/mace shield. Its too good. Skill level is definitely higher then lamebow.

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


I would never go back to playing Longbow once I started playing zerger greatsword/mace shield. Its too good. Skill level is definitely higher then lamebow.

Same. Love GS/Mace/Shield

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Hanth.2978


To the OP, I mean this with respect but this is a “get good” issue. I agree that warriors have certain strengths over other classes but can’t the same be said for all classes? We warriors rely on our F1 and when we encounter good players you would be surprised how hard it is to actually land a F1. Once you learn the telegraphs of the warrior and avoids F1’s you won’t worry about them so much.

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Greygus.3427


Myself i love axe/shield and rifle but then again i stick to unranked and its hilarious when playera run away and i smack them with f1 rifle. Downed so many players with that weapon.

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


Tbh, a warrior on longbow just means i have 5 secs in between fights where I’m not pressured as much, much rather a warrior be on his longbow than GS or Mace/Shield set.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: daw.4923


insane burning dmg from firefield 2000k check.

[PvP] Please nerf longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I would never go back to playing Longbow once I started playing zerger greatsword/mace shield. Its too good. Skill level is definitely higher then lamebow.

being lame is one of the objectives in this game :P

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.