PvP condi berserker

PvP condi berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: SrebX.6498


So, I haven’t played Warrior in a while now, Probably since Hambow meta (6 months ago maybe?).
I’ve been hearing everywhere about Warr’s awful current state (and seen it. Been amazingly easy to take down Warrs recently), but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a condi Zerker running around, and I’ve been interested in it.

Has anyone played it? Crafted such a build? I’m not really good at build crafting, I’d like to see your builds and hear your thoughts

[EG] Ethereal Guardians, Fort Aspenwood
Violette Glory [Warrior]
Bala Rama [Herald]

PvP condi berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Zeghart.9841


It has been tested quite a bit, but the general consesus is that it just doesn’t work too well – like most of the PvP options the Warrior currently has. It does pretty good damage but not enough to fit into the current bunker meta, and it leaves you pretty squishy.

Still, some people in low-medium MMR have been able to do pretty well with it.

I don’t have a build of my own yet, but metabattle has a couple up for testing:


It has to start somewhere. It has to start sometime.
What better place than here? What better time than now?

PvP condi berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: Arddyn.7683


Hi. ‘ve been using this if I wanted to play a somewhat viable berserker build. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRApc8enMdAtegdhAWhAElileA7962d/uI1geQOwIA0CXaA-TpBHwAlPIAJLDA4IAoe/BBnAgBPAAA
It’s a bit of a yolobuild, you can actually burst through the majority of bunkeryclasses like druids and scrappers, even necros in that 10 second window with Berserker stance. But other than interrupt cc chaining with your taunt and killing people with all the confusion, you don’t have much survivability. Sometimes I use defiant stance for some more, which helps in teamfights but even then, a condi revenant is just a better choice with the state of balance as it is. Condi revs might not do as much condi damage as one of your interrupt chains, but they have so much more survivability, and more power damage, it doesn’t matter.
Nevertheless I love warrior and berserker and I’m gonna keep at it :p

PvP condi berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: misterdevious.6482


This build has several glaring weaknesses, but is effective otherwise:

  • Sword/Shield, Mace/Sword
  • 4 Stances + Headbutt
  • Rabid + Krait Runes
  • Crits cause bleeding, vulnerability, adrenaline gain, stacking condition damage effect.
  • Sword skills have increased crit-chance and reduced recharge.
  • Gain adrenaline while in combat, and fury when striking low health foe.
  • Control skills cause bleeding and weakness. Interrupts cause confusion.
  • Berserk mode cooldowns reduced, berserk on-death heal, and either stability while berserk or taunt while going berserk.

Just hope you don’t run into any diamondskin ele’s.

PvP condi berserker

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371



This is my Condi warrior. I’ve taken some flack for it because people say it has no sustain…which is funny because no warrior has much sustain.

Anyway the build relies on timing your stun breaks well to gain health and toughness.
Condition DAMAGE comes from two main sources. The primal burst for sword is capable of giving you 4k ticks. The axe 5 can stack up to 2k ticks when whirling the fire field from torch. If you stick with your friends you will notice that you have no problem sowing multiple foes.