Queens Gauntlet pirate crew
I would make a few changes.
1) Use greatsword and rifle (greatsword at first, when only 1 left switch to rifle)
2) Use healing signet and 4 other signets, aka 5 signet build
3) Eat mango pie or omnomberry pie
It should now be easy, enjoy!
(Let me know if you pwned him on the next try after making these changes)
(edited by Excalibur.9748)
Thanks for the reply Excalibur, however i still manage to kill only 1 and the rest finish me off.
I do realize that not dodging the fire is a bit of a problem, but i still manage to barely kill 1 of them so it kind of didn’t do any difference. I still end up on verge of death when 1 goes down.
Maybe more toughness vit gear? Or will it decrease my DPS too much?
I have seen this video
But the person who made it have way more damage then i do and his HP seem to drop way less. I wonder what am i doing wrong?
Is this some kind of a gear check?
You have a glass cannon build with sub-par equipment and are going up against 4 opponents; what did you think would happen? The idea behind a zerker build is to kill foes before they can kill you. Your gimping yourself with subpar equipment. You won’t do enough damage to make it work, and the lack of defense will just dee you dead faster. This fight is a bit of an anti-zerker fight anyways; did you notice how when one dies, the rest heal up all the way?
Honestly, drop the off-hand axe for a shield and the rifle for a greatsword. Change out Signet of Fury for For Great Justice, and the Banner of Discipline for Endure Pain. Change your traits up accordingly. Look at maybe taking a different heal; Healing Signet with heal on crit food works wonders. Add a regeneration booster if you have one laying around.
Take out the melee first. Pick one and burst him down. Use the Rush (GS 5 skill), follow with Hundred Blades, Whirlwind and switch weapons mid-whirlwind (don’t wait for it to finish) then shield bash and eviscerate on your target. Now he is dead. If you used Endure Pain, you are not.
Now take out the second melee (because he is right there), use the same attacks on him. Stay out of red circles (he follows you since he is melee, so pick where you fight.) You may go down during this fight, but you should be able to get back up with a few rocks. It’ll be that close.
The remaining two aren’t so much a problem (I mean, you survived four of them by this time, right?) Remember to close quickly or use shield block while moving, use your cripples if they try to move out of melee, and dodge/whirlwind like a maniac, because why run when you can whirl.
(edited by havoc.6814)
I ran 30/0/25/0/15, GS/Axe+Horn, mostly Zerk/Knight gear. That’s my normal “versatile” PvE setup when I want a balance of durability and offense. Made for a remarkably easy fight.
There are 4 tipes of fighters.
Put down 1st the pistol guy, because unload its terryble.
After pistol guy go to cannon, and after cannon go to healer.
The melee will come to you all time, then he will be easy.
Go Axe/Axe + GS bursting all time and evade strongest attacks.
5 signets: healing, fury, dolyak, power and rage (only rage will be active).
Arms I; X; XI
Defense: II; IX
Discipline: VI; IX.
Some food that steal health helps.
(edited by JETWING.2759)
I actually killed the medic first, then the captain.