Question: Berserker + Berserker Power

Question: Berserker + Berserker Power

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367


To my understanding, the adrenalin bar while in Berserk mode is a single bar of adrenalin. If so, does that also mean that while in Berserk mode you only gain the first stage bonus from Berserker’s Power?

Question: Berserker + Berserker Power

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765



Barring weird bugs, for all traits that rely on adrenaline tiers like cleansing ire and berserkers power, primal bursts count as tier 3 even though it’s only 1 bar.

Question: Berserker + Berserker Power

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Barring weird bugs, for all traits that rely on adrenaline tiers like cleansing ire and berserkers power, primal bursts count as tier 3 even though it’s only 1 bar.

Cheers, that’s good to know :D