Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157



Why do you move Warrior threads out of the Warrior section for no good reason, while the thread is still being discussed and or a thread that should be kept in the Warrior sub-section

If [ new player rolling warrior/old warrior player looking info ] wants to read something or gather information comes to the Guildwars 2 forums to find Warrior related topics… Do you ( as a moderation team ) think its more beneficial to that player and the Warrior community as a whole for all Warrior information/thread/idea/builds/suggestion to be under the correct forum subsection or to be shipped of to another section that wouldn’t be a Warriors first port of call?

Lately there has been a good number of warrior discussions moved to other subsections where they end up dying out the moment they are moved.

Is it a lack of Moderation training in what should stay or go?

Also, if Guildwars has a dedicated DEV/Group that deals in with Professions wouldn’t it also be better for them( the company ) to be able to see what the community ( warrior community ) is saying by simply coming to Our sub section rather than having to dig through a mass of random other thread which relate to everything under the sun?

TL:DR – why move warrior stuff to non-warrior stuff sections… silly stop plox

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

(edited by Ajaxx.3157)

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: Leo G.4501

Leo G.4501

I’d like to hope that they wanted to expose more of the ideas to scrutiny as a portion of the ideas people were posting about here were straight comparing abilities from other professions.

IMO, that isn’t the way to balance things. Perhaps this will lead to less vacuum comparisons and more critical thinking about viable ideas.

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


The moderation on these forums is totally and completely biased. Stupid troll comments and incorrect responses stay at the top of the page for weeks and when you call these lies out you get heavily moderated.

Now some corrupt mod probably one of the trolls that frequents the warrior forums with L2p comments, that would be too op or my personal favorite the tooltip quoter gets warrior posts moved from the actual warrior forums.

I understand it doesn’t make the game you work for or play and abuse the overpowered classes fun when people bring the truth out from under the blanket of lies you create.

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


…. just turned into people insulting each other near the end.

I believe you have described the entirety of the Guild Wars 2 forums with that statement.

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: Sil.4560


The moderation on these forums is totally and completely biased. Stupid troll comments and incorrect responses stay at the top of the page for weeks and when you call these lies out you get heavily moderated.

Now some corrupt mod probably one of the trolls that frequents the warrior forums with L2p comments, that would be too op or my personal favorite the tooltip quoter gets warrior posts moved from the actual warrior forums.

I understand it doesn’t make the game you work for or play and abuse the overpowered classes fun when people bring the truth out from under the blanket of lies you create.

Totally true. There’s zero accountability for mod bias on these forums and it’s pretty obvious that certain things disappear because someone on a power trip doesn’t agree.

I might not support all of Daecollo’s suggestions, but he’s entitled to post them just like anyone else. At least he’s showing some effort – something must come of it.

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


The moderation on these forums is totally and completely biased. Stupid troll comments and incorrect responses stay at the top of the page for weeks and when you call these lies out you get heavily moderated.

Now some corrupt mod probably one of the trolls that frequents the warrior forums with L2p comments, that would be too op or my personal favorite the tooltip quoter gets warrior posts moved from the actual warrior forums.

I understand it doesn’t make the game you work for or play and abuse the overpowered classes fun when people bring the truth out from under the blanket of lies you create.

Don’t say L2p just say: I think you might benefit from trying other specs or tactics.

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


ohh I love that one too. All warrior specs are viable because they are all so terrible so you can be just as effective in anything you run. tada!!!

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


They are viable. You just gotta run after attacking 2-3 times.

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: Juular.4729


for kicks and funny i ran a zerker warrior in wvw come up on a realy good guardian lol, he out healed my attacks, i needed help to bring him down, also boon hate was in place does nothing, dev dont give a crap about this game, just look on there face on the sotg cams laid back not a care in the world, they dont know half of the stuff warrior does.

Question for forums Mod/staff threads moved

in Warrior

Posted by: Moderator.6025


Good afternoon players!
As the thread does not add anything about “Warriors” and it complains about moderating actions, we proceed to close it.
Thanks for understanding!