Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


I was really interested in a few things in particular:

1) Weakness, as a condition, is getting a global buff. It will allegedly begin affecting critical hits, as well.

2) Warriors are getting more stunbreak and condition mitigation.

3) Warrior adrenaline use will be rewarded, and burst skills will have more “perks” tied to them a la Trait: Building Momentum.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


Until we see the actual in game changes on the hero panel it is absolutely pointless to talk about. In fact we should expect nothing more than general stat boosts because that has been the trend so far.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


No, these were actually mentioned by the devs. =p

Weakness will affect critical hits as well, and they’re doing this mainly for necros more than anything.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


yea if that goes through pretty big nerf to warriors

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


yea if that goes through pretty big nerf to warriors

Weakness would benefit Hammer and Mace, though. And Warhorn.

Out of those, Warhorn is only used a sidearm by majority, Hammer is used by some and Mace by pretty much no one.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


all of our ways to apply weakness are terrible and doesn’t fit the playstyle the warrior is using atm in the game. It’s a huge buff to other classes that will crush warriors even more.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


XD I welcome the weakness change. Sure it screws burst over, but Warriors were never meant to be burst.

Mace/Hammer CC builds, on the other hand… >:D

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


The weakness change could definitely mix things up. Hammer was never really under represented. I don’t think we’ll see more of the mace. The warhorn’s weakness is really short so probably not much there either unless the guy is running support. However, thieves (http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lotus_Poison) and necros could get pretty nasty now… especially the thieves. As if they weren’t already bad enough. Staff ele also has good access to single target weakness in earth attunement, but the d/d builds are so strong, I’d be surprised if we see any significant changes there.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


yup thieves will be even more insane if you thought the LS stealing our only good elite was bad say goodbye to ever doing enough damage to them in the small openings you have.

Warriors never meant to burst? I guess warriors were never meant to do much of anything in this game.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


yup thieves will be even more insane if you thought the LS stealing our only good elite was bad say goodbye to ever doing enough damage to them in the small openings you have.

Warriors never meant to burst? I guess warriors were never meant to do much of anything in this game.

Lol. Ya, I should have linked this too http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crippling_Strike I totally wish I had rolled a thief now. The sword is getting absolutely beastly. All your boons? yes please. Here, have some 50% chance at 50% damage reduction with a side of 50% penalty to endurance regen, courtesy of my auto-attack. What? knockdown/stun/fear/immobilize? Don’t worry, my 2 skill is a teleporting stun-breaker… oh, and don’t try to run because it also immobilizes. In fact, you should just go make a sandwich.

Try writing a paragraph like that with the first 3 skills of any warrior weapon.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Zayle.7253


I’m sure a thief sympathizer will roll in here any second and say we have OP 100 Blades. Any second now…

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


quick someone quote the tooltip descriptions for mace 1 chain, hammer 2 and warhorn 5

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Enmity.3428


I try hard not to be cynical but… more stun-breakers, better condition management and rewards for Adrenaline use all sound good and they’re things we’ve been asking for, but unless ArenaNet are bold enough to actually make these changes strong enough, then nothing will change… just like the in the aftermath of the last balance patch.

Dogged March, Destruction of the Empowered, Signet buffs, the changes to Frenzy, unblockable attacks et al all looked good on paper, but had little to no impact in actual game-play. Warriors were bottom-tier before these changes and the were still bottom-tier after these changes.

ArenaNet have said that they don’t want to do “whack-a-mole” balancing – preferring instead a more touchy-feely-softly-softly-gently-now approach, but to me that’s like trying to perform tree-surgery with a butter-knife. They need to take a chainsaw to it.

Since launch, Warriors have been thoroughly sub-par in PvP and I often ask myself, what are ArenaNet so afraid of? That their precious unholy-trinity classes will get smashed to pieces and actually have to fight for their lives and use some skill instead of face-rolling their keyboards for the win? As for the proposed strengthening of Weakness, (okay this one’s for the Necromancers and they deserve it,) but still, global buffs mean buffs for already powerful classes… like the Thief. You’ve got to laugh.

As always, Warrior players will have to wait it out and hope for the best.

(edited by Enmity.3428)

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


I’m sure a thief sympathizer will roll in here any second and say we have OP 100 Blades. Any second now…

You have OP 100 blades :O,

Sorry I was late, just finished the SoTG video.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


May I have a link to this vid?

Also, are you serrious? I play thief and 100b is so strong that I think warriors should get a weakness nurf. You guys are in denial.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


I play thief and 100b is so strong that I think warriors should get a weakness nurf. You guys are in denial.

Can’t tell if trolling or not.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


A weakness nurf? So make us stonger? Double negativeeeeee.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


I play thief and 100b is so strong that I think warriors should get a weakness nurf. You guys are in denial.

Can’t tell if trolling or not.

You’ve posted on my forum posts before. You tell me.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


May I have a link to this vid?

Also, are you serrious? I play thief and 100b is so strong that I think warriors should get a weakness nurf. You guys are in denial.

Your link and if you are having real issues with warrior on anything other than PP as a thief you need to step your game up.

The described changes sound promising but I am not sure how they will play out in WvW if at all.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


You’ve posted on my forum posts before. You tell me.

I honestly couldn’t tell since you posted those vids or that vid didn’t check if they were different but there’s like multiple threads of your same vid up I think. You acted kind of high and mighty about bursting down those wvw scrubs in your glass hammer gear so I guess I’m leaning 60/40 that your not trolling and you actually think 100b is strong.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


yup thieves will be even more insane if you thought the LS stealing our only good elite was bad say goodbye to ever doing enough damage to them in the small openings you have.

Warriors never meant to burst? I guess warriors were never meant to do much of anything in this game.

Lol. Ya, I should have linked this too http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crippling_Strike I totally wish I had rolled a thief now. The sword is getting absolutely beastly. All your boons? yes please. Here, have some 50% chance at 50% damage reduction with a side of 50% penalty to endurance regen, courtesy of my auto-attack. What? knockdown/stun/fear/immobilize? Don’t worry, my 2 skill is a teleporting stun-breaker… oh, and don’t try to run because it also immobilizes. In fact, you should just go make a sandwich.

Try writing a paragraph like that with the first 3 skills of any warrior weapon.

Ok Im just gonna go attack this theif. One chain okey dokey an extra 100 damage no effects. perfect hes at 90% hp. Ok time to use my 2 and there we go he dodged it BUT THATS OK! i still got my 3 skill. mkay hes crippled at 90% hp earthshaker time woops he blinded that. oh well time to die It was a good effort.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


You’ve posted on my forum posts before. You tell me.

I honestly couldn’t tell since you posted those vids or that vid didn’t check if they were different but there’s like multiple threads of your same vid up I think. You acted kind of high and mighty about bursting down those wvw scrubs in your glass hammer gear so I guess I’m leaning 60/40 that your not trolling and you actually think 100b is strong.

lawl. Obviously you never bothered to click the links. 2 separate videos. Rule number 1 is that glass is downfall. I can see now what you lack to come to that assumption. Yes I’m trolling. Had to make me spell it out.

Rule number 2 is that I am high and mighty. Come at me

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


ok just checking

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


ok just checking

What I thought. Muahh

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Enmity.3428


You know beyond any doubt that the Warrior class is in a bad, bad way when the Game Designers themselves are making jokes about the class. Not just that, but making jokes about the build [5-Signet build] that they buffed in the last patch! “We buffed you guys and you’re still crap, haha!”

I mean, never mind the arrogant über-Warriors insisting that the class is fine and everyone else is just dog-s**t compared to them. “Just l2p, bro.” Never mind the trolls from other classes coming into our forum and purposefully lying and over-exaggerating about the class or creating a mythical beast of a Warrior that only exists on paper.

Never mind them. The Developers cracking jokes about the class tells you all you need to know. I wonder if in the weeks following this next balance patch if the Developers will still be laughing at us? My guess is yes, they will be, simply because I think they’re too afraid of making Warriors equal in strength and capability to their precious Thieves, Mesmers and Guardians. Time will tell.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


Incoming -10s on endure. 80s instead of 90s, Warriors are now fixed you are welcome!

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Enmity.3428


Incoming -10s on endure. 80s instead of 90s, Warriors are now fixed you are welcome!

Don’t joke, you’re probably right.

The new condition will be called Rust and it will affect all heavy armor-wearers… (except Guardians.) It breaks armor and cannot be cleansed by any form of condition removal – you have to put on another set of armor or leave the match to repair.

Warriors will get an additional 60 bag slots in their inventory. You’re welcome!

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


quick someone quote the tooltip descriptions for mace 1 chain, hammer 2 and warhorn 5

Noted. I running a noob dual mace build now so if something will change i will be the first to complain here. As for weakness its has its + and – for wars. If they want it to affect crit dmg, they must take weakness from other classes and leave it to war and necros olny.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Drek Thalon.5490

Drek Thalon.5490

all of our ways to apply weakness are terrible and doesn’t fit the playstyle the warrior is using atm in the game. It’s a huge buff to other classes that will crush warriors even more.


Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


I try hard not to be cynical but… more stun-breakers, better condition management and rewards for Adrenaline use all sound good and they’re things we’ve been asking for, but unless ArenaNet are bold enough to actually make these changes strong enough, then nothing will change… just like the in the aftermath of the last balance patch.

Dogged March, Destruction of the Empowered, Signet buffs, the changes to Frenzy, unblockable attacks et al all looked good on paper, but had little to no impact in actual game-play. Warriors were bottom-tier before these changes and the were still bottom-tier after these changes.

ArenaNet have said that they don’t want to do “whack-a-mole” balancing – preferring instead a more touchy-feely-softly-softly-gently-now approach, but to me that’s like trying to perform tree-surgery with a butter-knife. They need to take a chainsaw to it.

Since launch, Warriors have been thoroughly sub-par in PvP and I often ask myself, what are ArenaNet so afraid of? That their precious unholy-trinity classes will get smashed to pieces and actually have to fight for their lives and use some skill instead of face-rolling their keyboards for the win? As for the proposed strengthening of Weakness, (okay this one’s for the Necromancers and they deserve it,) but still, global buffs mean buffs for already powerful classes… like the Thief. You’ve got to laugh.

As always, Warrior players will have to wait it out and hope for the best.

Um..no..those changes only looked good on paper for people who don’t play the class.

Just reading the patch notes I could easily see the flaws in those changes when they first came out. Check out the threads that popped on the day of changes.

Whomever is doing the balance job needs to be changed.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Incoming -10s on endure. 80s instead of 90s, Warriors are now fixed you are welcome!

kitten ! That looks good on paper!

/Sarcasm off

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


You’ve posted on my forum posts before. You tell me.

I honestly couldn’t tell since you posted those vids or that vid didn’t check if they were different but there’s like multiple threads of your same vid up I think. You acted kind of high and mighty about bursting down those wvw scrubs in your glass hammer gear so I guess I’m leaning 60/40 that your not trolling and you actually think 100b is strong.

I love watching his videos when I’m high. Leave him alone!

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Tetra Bug.7134

Tetra Bug.7134

I was really interested in a few things in particular:

1) Weakness, as a condition, is getting a global buff. It will allegedly begin affecting critical hits, as well.

2) Warriors are getting more stunbreak and condition mitigation.

3) Warrior adrenaline use will be rewarded, and burst skills will have more “perks” tied to them a la Trait: Building Momentum.

1) Good and bad, we’ll see how it plays out.

2) Awesome, here’s hoping those stunbreaks are tied to weapon skills because that would be kitten.

3) This is the one I’m the most excited for. I think there’s actually a good chance of getting a heal from using burst, or that previously mentioned condition removal is going to come in the form of using burst.\

Should be interesting anyway. We may actually see real improvement or more likely its going to be another misguided “buff” that is completely cancelle by some change to another class or mechanic.

Ur Kel – Warrior
AR → EB → DB → Maguuma
Arkham – [Ark]

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


I love watching his videos when I’m high. Leave him alone!

He got me good when he put I play a thief before the 100b comment.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


There were a ton of things discussed and not just those 3 mentioned, should probably go back and re-watch the sotg and write down, because I took a lot more than this away, I think it will be positive.

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


I’m sure a thief sympathizer will roll in here any second and say we have OP 100 Blades. Any second now…

Ironically the Sword auto has a higher base damage than the Warrior’s GS auto (I didn’t believe this myself until I took a look).

yea I decided to roll a troll thief and after running around completely naked in WVW for a bit I realized I was actually kicking more kitten with the sword on this level 2 thief than I could with my warrior. I loled a bit

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


There were a ton of things discussed and not just those 3 mentioned, should probably go back and re-watch the sotg and write down, because I took a lot more than this away, I think it will be positive.

Oh, I’m perfectly aware but those were the three I personally can’t wait for.

You guys do know that Weakness is a core element of the Warrior repertoire? Our Mace and Hammer weapons have the best Weakness application in the game, save for the Thief and the Necromancer classes.

We’re getting a BUFF with this, not a nerf. It’s opening new class options for us, and everyone who thinks it’s a nerf just because Necros are getting it too needs to look at their own ideas of class balance as a whole.

I’m not an uber-warrior (I think?), but I don’t play glassy and I focus all my efforts on sustain and survive, while still whipping out a brutal amount of blunt trauma damage. Just because you die-when-glassy, doesn’t mean your class is bad. It means that glass gets you killed.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I agree, its some buff for maces and hammer. But they both need a different buff tho, mace chain is too slow to begin with and no cripples/pulls/gap closers what so ever on it. I had somewhere a suggestions how to improve maces itself. I can look for it if someone wish.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


I agree, its some buff for maces and hammer. But they both need a different buff tho, mace chain is too slow to begin with and no cripples/pulls/gap closers what so ever on it. I had somewhere a suggestions how to improve maces itself. I can look for it if someone wish.

I honestly think that’s a skill thing. If mace had a true gap closer it’d be overpowered, really and truly overpowered. You can use Shield in the off-hand for a pseudo-gapcloser as well, that synergizes perfectly with Mace main-hand.

And hammer already has the single best gapcloser in the game 8D one that ignores all cripples and chills, and hits in a massive AoE to stun for 2 seconds. If I ever do need to close a gap I just switch to the hammer and smack about with it.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


I fail to see how its would be overpowered as it is now – i running mace/mace in tpvp (puging tho). 1 target cc, weaker dmg output..

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


100blades is OP just press 2 ez gg nerf please buff ele thief mesmer engy ranger and guardian who needs those underpowered classes.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Enmity.3428


Um..no..those changes only looked good on paper for people who don’t play the class.

Just reading the patch notes I could easily see the flaws in those changes when they first came out. Check out the threads that popped on the day of changes.

Whomever is doing the balance job needs to be changed.

That’s sort of the point I was making, (maybe not clearly enough though) – the other classes looked at the patch notes for the Warrior and noted a lot of buffs on there and that was it for them – Warriors gettin’ buffed loads was all they saw. The theory-crafting nonsense began (and I don’t mean just from other classes, from Warriors too,) with talk of things like unblockable, boon-hatin’ Killshots, Dogged March coupled with certain Runes, etc. and on-paper some of them did look like they could be potentially better than what we had. Unfortunately, when it came to actual play, these changes were shown-up as being wholly inadequate.

To be fair, like you and no doubt many others, I too was sceptical about what (if any) changes these “buffs” would bring but I’m always open to trying things to see if they work out, and so was willing to give them a chance. The proof of the pudding, as they say… It became apparent after playing around with these changes for a few hours that yes, they were pretty much just trash.

ArenaNet said they wanted to let the meta settle to see how it worked out… and I remember thinking, “why bother?” Very quickly it became crystal clear that these changes had done nothing for the Warrior and yet here we are, weeks later and still in the same sorry state. It’s for this reason that I disagree with ArenaNet’s handling of balancing in terms of their softly-softly approach and in terms of frequency – as soon as it becomes clear that something isn’t working (or hasn’t worked as well as had been intended,) just change it. Don’t leave it to fester for a couple of months. Simple things like tweaking a few values every fortnight surely can’t be too big a task?

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Exedore.6320


Almost every warrior around plays a full DPS build. I’m not surprised they die so quickly. But having high damage and low survivability is balanced. What’s broken about warriors is that there’s nothing else going for them. ANet is trying to make other trait lines and skills viable so that builds can be more balanced between damage and survivability. They’re not going to make a full-on damage build also one of the best survivability builds.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


“They’re not going to make a full-on damage build also one of the best survivability builds.”

Because that would be stepping on guardians turf. That’s a no no.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I want my survivability tree to also give me 30% damage bonus.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Almost every warrior around plays a full DPS build. I’m not surprised they die so quickly. But having high damage and low survivability is balanced. What’s broken about warriors is that there’s nothing else going for them. ANet is trying to make other trait lines and skills viable so that builds can be more balanced between damage and survivability. They’re not going to make a full-on damage build also one of the best survivability builds.

This isn’t true when other classes can run DPS and have almost 3X the survivability. Thieves have stealth to avoid damage, and mesmers have clones and multiple stun breaks or psudo-stun breaks. Warrior’s don’t have any tricks like these, and before you say “lrn2dodge lololz” I run sigil of energy on most of my builds and even then the amount of DPS you avoid is minimal compared to what you can do with stealth and clones.

We aren’t asking to be able to run DPS and be as tough as a bunker, we just want a way to actually stay in the fight and not be forced into a thief role without stealth. People love to talk about our heavy armor and higher HP pool but without buffs like protection they matter for precisely nothing. Warriors have such a reputation of being easy kills you’re often the first one targeted in a team fight.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Azrayl.4936


Changing how weakness works is not needed. It is already a good debuff.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


Almost every warrior around plays a full DPS build. I’m not surprised they die so quickly. But having high damage and low survivability is balanced. What’s broken about warriors is that there’s nothing else going for them.

That’s exactly right.

The reason you see so many glass-cannon warriors is because if we trait for damage, we can do sick damage. But die easily.

But if we trait for survival, we… still die very easily AND now we do terrible DPS.

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: jalmari.3906


Let’s see warriors probably one of best damaging BURST skill like eviscerate makes maybe 2k normal hit without uber buffs. And for that you need to build adrenaline by being hit or hit something.

Now compare this marvelous BURST to heartseeker or backstab whatever.

I think even guardian is better at doing damage bursts than a warrior. Again not that guardian is so great.

Guardian 80 Necromancer 80 Ranger 80 Mesmer 80 Elementalist 80 Warrior 80

Rabble rabble. Talk about the SotG changes!

in Warrior

Posted by: Dirame.8521


yea if that goes through pretty big nerf to warriors

Weakness would benefit Hammer and Mace, though. And Warhorn.

Out of those, Warhorn is only used a sidearm by majority, Hammer is used by some and Mace by pretty much no one.

Except this guy; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiQQw9c9sPs

And all those other guys who focus on stun locking.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;