Rampage is solo fun

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Sweeps.3059


Been playing with rampage in PvP recently and it is solo much fun. Why do people not play it more

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Ark.9586


Because from an efficiency standpoint it’s less reliable and very niche.

Some people play to win, some people don’t care and play how they want. It all depends what you prefer.

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


Ofc it is fun.

It is the same as lich, they have the same concept and like also the same.
both are gimmick, no skill, high damage

reason why nobody using it, because everybody and their moms are busy playing shoutheal.

while condition necro actually take a decent amount of skill, so people go with power necro which is more noob friendly.

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Brigg.6189


The only time it’s especially strong is on a zerk build. Zerk builds are difficult in this meta.

I would say it’s comparable to lich in team fight presence though.

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Sweeps.3059


I don’t know if rampage is “no skill” high damage but I find it loads of fun and I don’t play with shouys .
I play for fun and use my own build I enjoy

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Skill 3,Dash is kinda bugged atm.It works like how Bullscharge used to be bugged..Overshooting – missing people cus of it and doing no dmg.,quite sad on a transform skill with such a long cd.Ive been playing a bit with rampage aswell and it happens quite alot tbh,no one else noticing this ?

Oh btw fellow rampage users…I know some fun trick.Get an ele next to you let him throw GS,pop rampage and pick up the sword…Now your a Tank with 36k+ hp,4.5k+ toughness and a Gs to use.Great fun espec in wvw,to jump in a zerg with it. d

(edited by Caedmon.6798)

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Brigg.3961


That cooldown though…

The only time it’s especially strong is on a zerk build. Zerk builds are difficult in this meta.

I would say it’s comparable to lich in team fight presence though.

And now I know why we have those little numbers in our names.

All classes, level 80
Dropbear Massacre, Necro Main

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813



Rampage is god tier right now for DPS Warrior. You can’t simply not have it.

Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Brigg.6189


That cooldown though…

The only time it’s especially strong is on a zerk build. Zerk builds are difficult in this meta.

I would say it’s comparable to lich in team fight presence though.

And now I know why we have those little numbers in our names.


On the CD though: It’s faster than banner, lich, supply crate, and FGS. That’s not too bad imo.

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: xDudisx.5914


One thing that would improve rampage is if we could keep the signets active during rampage. You get higher hp, armor and resistance to condis but you lose the healing signet. That is a big problem. If you stay for full duration you just lost 20s of healing signet.

Ouroboro Knight’s [OK]

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


One thing that would improve rampage is if we could keep the signets active during rampage. You get higher hp, armor and resistance to condis but you lose the healing signet. That is a big problem. If you stay for full duration you just lost 20s of healing signet.

That would be too strong,you can pop berserk or ep Right before you pop rampage.But being able to use all utils in rampage is op.

Rampage is solo fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


One thing that would improve rampage is if we could keep the signets active during rampage. You get higher hp, armor and resistance to condis but you lose the healing signet. That is a big problem. If you stay for full duration you just lost 20s of healing signet.

It’s actually one of the primary reasons to not use Healing Signet on a Warrior.

You heal yourself to full via Defiant Stance and then pop Rampage. Defiant Stance (or any other heal for that matter) is then on cooldown during the duration of Rampage.

But the duration is still killer on Rampage though for an offensive transform/heal/utility skill/Adrenaline mechanic lockout. Banner rez heal is just too strong to use in anything not solo/low risk content.