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Been trying a plethora of builds a similar one to this and I found i needed mobile strike as I was continuously rooted over and over, the swords do pretty pathetic damage, conditions are easily removed by most classes, impale is great, riposte was not very useful as most people fight at range anyway. I had better luck with sword / mace for the knockdown that has considerable range for multiple targets.
I am not a fan of LB even though its great, I just don’t like the style…
Who knows, I die more often then killing unless I have help so….
So recently I’ve been thinking about the build I use in sPVP. I could use some critique, advice or simply some opinions on it.
I personally think it’s a pretty good build and I’ve managed to engage and slay successfully pretty much anything out there excepting some bunker eles and turret engineers ( which I have a high amount of difficulty with for obvious reasons – turrets and many condi clears).
What are your thoughts?
Note : I did not come up with this – I found it a while ago posted on these forums and changed a few things.
Imo, u shld take 2 points out of arms and drop it into discipline line and get burst mastery for btr synergy with the longbow. Also running doom on 2 weapons is unwise and a waste as it has a 9s cd and u have 5s weapon swap, u can juz run it on one weapon, freeing up 1 sigil slot. Also try using sigil of torment over earth, giving u more variety of condi pressure since currently u only have 3. An energy sigil can also be used for more active damage mitigation since you don’t have vigor or endure pain. Deep strike isn’t rly a good trait imo, furious reaction is a much btr choice again imo.
The Soloblade
Thank you both for your input.
I find that while conditions are easily cleared by most classes I can easily re-apply pressure because I try to bait condi removal and don’t just throw out all my condis at once.
If I land a LB #5 or a F1 Sword I’ll wait for a bit for them to clear before following up with more skills that apply a lot of condi pressure. I take the time in between to just auto attack.
LB is necessary for me to use the F1 for clearing conditions off of myself. The #5 skill also hits hard and can allow me to follow up with my sword F1.
I’ll probably change the build as you suggested Natar.