Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Talloc.6835



Edit: For substance and an explanation for those who don’t know much about warriors, a signet build is hands down the fastest leveling spec in the game. With this spec, you gain precision for every signet you have active. At low levels, this scales to a very high amount and it’s easy to become a crit machine.

By end game, the advantage gained by this build declines significantly as the precision bonus becomes a pittance. What’s more, it hamstrings a warrior’s utility. A signet build is basically for spamming Hundred Blades or the Axe Spin. Naturally, this would cause you to become a burden as you can not keep up with the other classes and would have difficulty getting every hit to land once rooted by your own ability.

Jon Peters runs a signet build in sPvP.

(edited by Talloc.6835)

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Mathias.9657


I’m sorry. (that you’re playing war ;p) they are so pathetic right now. Sucks when you have to depend on your utilities just to break even, if that.

Funny SS.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: penatbater.4710


It’s hard to see a 5signet build effective in pvp when wars are not really the best pvp class in general to begin with. Maybe he’s just trolling you :p

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: pot.6805


He has to be trolling right? Right guys!?!?!

Beast mode

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Venereus.9473


JP on next patch:
“So I was testing the popular signet Warrior build (our metrics clearly show that a vast majority of Warrior players run this build, so it must be really strong) and I noticed it was really overpowered, so now the Deep Strike trait will give you a flat increase of 1% critical chance per signet. This is one of the trait changes that we’ve been hyping and is definitely all this profession needed for now. Also I’m nerfing Rangers traps because they owned me way too hard in sPvP (obviously it wasn’t my signet build, they’re OP), surely they have other viable sPvP specs they can turn to.”

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Gervhart.4035


Thread up, thats how devs balance warrior. “We dont want to turn it into unstoppable killing machine”. With SIGNETS, HAHAHA! Hilarious, isnt it? Anet, you serious about that?

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Seeing that and hearing him say, “warriors are the kings of mitigation”, brings three words to mind: Out. Of. Touch.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Seeing that and hearing him say, “warriors are the kings of mitigation”, brings three words to mind: Out. Of. Touch.

Can you link where you got that quote from?

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


He won’t last long with that build anyway.IMO its the build you pick when you just start playing and lvling,not for pvp/wvwvw everyday use.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Grok Krog.9581

Grok Krog.9581

I’m now very afraid for Warrior..

Grok Walking Amongst Mere Mortals

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok im done..its sad. Time to look for diff game/class.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


He has to be trolling right? Right guys!?!?!

God I hope so….. lol

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Sometimes, as devs, we play bad builds on purpose as we look at ways to improve them.

It’s important we play all classes, even less popular specs on less popular classes.

Also, he’s running that build because of yolo, obvs.

so…. does tht mean hes gonna buff signets?


Now take a chill pill and enjoy your signet buff. :P

No seriously, I am glad they are trying to improve the warrior.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I think he’s just trying it to try it to be honest…

I don’t think he’s trying to wtfpwn everyone in a hot join…

If he wanted to do that he could just create a weapon that did 50k damage with 1 swing and 1 shot everyone…

You should be happy a dev is playing the worst spvp build in the game, maybe he will think warriors suck and give them lots and lots of love?

Why all the hate, lol.

Just another noob thief…

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


I do agree a warrior needs a buff in sPvP. The limited build options, no food and damage nerf (crit dmg) hurts the warrior in all the aspects he needs to kill/survive.

A signet build at lvl 80 is the worst build I can almost come up with that can be called a build for a warrior. Buffing signets won’t change anything to the warriors state. Even with a significant buff to their signets they will still suck in sPvP.

No matter how you buff signets, it will still suck in WvW too because it gets outshined in every possible way by the shout/heal build.

So I don’t know what they are planning with the warrior but I hope it ain’t this.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: SniffyCube.6107


nerf signet build too op

buff cantrip eles pls

The Black Tides
Èl Cid

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Seeing that and hearing him say, “warriors are the kings of mitigation”, brings three words to mind: Out. Of. Touch.

Can you link where you got that quote from?

Sure, it’s the 3rd question down: Are you happy with each class’s ability to avoid damage, and do you take a class’s ability to pull aggro into consideration when working on methods of damage negation? Are there any classes that you feel need more or less work in this respect?

“The warrior is the epitome of the damage mitigator in PvE…”

I only hope he accidentally misused the word mitigate. Methods of damage mitigation don’t change between sPvP, PvE, or WvW… unless he meant the splitting of skill durations between game types and the stat disparity between PvE and sPvP due to gear differences… but I don’t believe that’s what he meant.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Venn.7623


When I heard them talk about warriors becoming an unstoppable killing machine if they buffed them I was like, oh kitten is there some kind of secret spec that people run that makes them think that?

I guess its the unstoppable 5 sig warrior PvE killing machine.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


I don’t understand why people are still QQing here. First you complain about being to weak, then they try to do something about it and the QQ starts again…

I feel like some people want to QQ instead of having their profession buffed.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


30 april patch:

- Signet of fury (passive) now gives 180 prec

- Signet of might (passive) now gives 180 power, and when activated provides 10 stack of might

- Signet of Dolyak (passive) now gives 180 toughness

- Signet of stamina, cd increased to 60sec (bc removing all condi is so strong)

- Signet of healing and rage without any changes bc they re fine as they r now

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: pot.6805


I don’t understand why people are still QQing here. First you complain about being to weak, then they try to do something about it and the QQ starts again…

I feel like some people want to QQ instead of having their profession buffed.

When did they try to do something about it?

Beast mode

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackhat.4016


Let me explain what I mean:

Warriors have been weak when it comes to PvP for a long time => people start complaining.

NOW they are trying to do something about it. This is what the picture the OP posted is about. Anet tries to find some way to improve the worst builds. And there are still people QQ about this. Yes, I am talking to you aswell:

He has to be trolling right? Right guys!?!?!

I simply don’t understand what’s wrong about trying to improve the signet build. I hope you want a balanced warrior as well which means they need to buff the signet build. Period.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Esoteric.5490


30 april patch:

- Signet of fury (passive) now gives 180 prec

- Signet of might (passive) now gives 180 power, and when activated provides 10 stack of might

- Signet of Dolyak (passive) now gives 180 toughness

- Signet of stamina, cd increased to 60sec (bc removing all condi is so strong)

- Signet of healing and rage without any changes bc they re fine as they r now

Interesting concept. I do think, however, that Healing Signet should have its active healing increased as a base while increasing the scaling for healing power on the regen allowing people to use the signet as they see fit.

Blackgate Forever,
Riven – [KnT] GM –
Commander – Grand General of Blackgate

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


For signet buffs this is what I would like to see:

Signet of Stamina: Change the passive so that it reduces the duration of conditions bye an amount that is dependent on the condition. Active is good as is, maybe a slight CD reduction.

Dolyak Signet: Passive needs to raise toughness by more than a pathetic amount it currently gives, the active should be a stunbreaker and still grant stability. Basically this will make it Balanced Stance with a passive and a longer cooldown.

Signet of Fury: Just increase with passive bonus, the active is pretty useful if you have 2 weapons with useful burst skills.

Combine these buffs with buffs to the Tactics minor traits that assist with condition removal I’d say we have one very viable spec. You would have the ability to use two bursts in a row, condition mitigation, and a stun breaker that gives stability. Also, you would get the maximum effectiveness from Deep Strike and Signet Mastery.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Sanny.1270


i hope they buff signets like they did with banners, it really made the viability of them skyrocket. i can only imagine how good 5 signet builds will soon be.

Second To God ~ 80 Warrior

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


“I simply don’t understand what’s wrong about trying to improve the signet build. I hope you want a balanced warrior as well which means they need to buff the signet build. Period.”

They might need to change it towards a PvP approach but they don’t need to buff it. A signet build steamrollers open world content so well that warriors never need to learn to play. Other classes have far more broken signet builds than the warrior. Period.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: TheMerc.4850


I simply don’t understand what’s wrong about trying to improve the signet build. I hope you want a balanced warrior as well which means they need to buff the signet build. Period.

They need to get warriors working on a fundamental level first before worrying about build diversity though.

If this were a team that actually routinely pushed out balance changes in a timely fashion I wouldn’t mind, but with how limited in scope most of the patches are, there’s no room in the budget for buffing weak specs when the class needs a lot of fixing all over.

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568


Seeing that and hearing him say, “warriors are the kings of mitigation”, brings three words to mind: Out. Of. Touch.

Can you link where you got that quote from?

Sure, it’s the 3rd question down: Are you happy with each class’s ability to avoid damage, and do you take a class’s ability to pull aggro into consideration when working on methods of damage negation? Are there any classes that you feel need more or less work in this respect?

“The warrior is the epitome of the damage mitigator in PvE…”

I only hope he accidentally misused the word mitigate. Methods of damage mitigation don’t change between sPvP, PvE, or WvW… unless he meant the splitting of skill durations between game types and the stat disparity between PvE and sPvP due to gear differences… but I don’t believe that’s what he meant.

hmm. See reason I asked is that doesn’t sound exactly right. I admit my own warrior mitigates incoming DPS on stats alone very well. However, if we are talking about mitigation in the full scope of things then my DD ele does a better job overall. This is mostly due to avoiding a lot of DPS and healing well. That being said mitigating condition damage is part of defense too so warrior couldn’t possibly king of mitigation. If we really want to go to the EHP argument wouldn’t necro be the king? Considering their good condition management also. I get what he is trying to say but at the same time I cant help but question if the devs really get the issues we deal with. Warrior is probably my favorite class next to thief and ele and maybe more than the others but at the same time I want it to be a class I enjoy everywhere. It doesn’t need to be the best but I want this class to feel viable in all aspects of game play. I think that’s what is missing.

Off topic that he says about S/D thief at least lets me know they are clued in but my thief is like 4 or 5 months old and the first build I played was S/D the main issue there is the evade has delay and its hard to get it to do just that evade. The fact that now we here “Ohh we know” makes me happy and kitten es me off at the same time because thieves have complained about it forever and finally just gave up.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

(edited by TheGuy.3568)

Reason Behind Warrior Buffs

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


“I simply don’t understand what’s wrong about trying to improve the signet build. I hope you want a balanced warrior as well which means they need to buff the signet build. Period.”

They might need to change it towards a PvP approach but they don’t need to buff it. A signet build steamrollers open world content so well that warriors never need to learn to play. Other classes have far more broken signet builds than the warrior. Period.

5 Signet builds are only useful at lower level PvE content, at high level content if you’re running all signet you’re doing it wrong.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)