Relative Mobility

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


With many of the classes now sporting the fancy 25% movement signets, does anyone feel we’ve lost, to some degree, our niche of chase and control?

[Edit]: Terminology

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Not so far really. But i use greatsword. It was already almost mandatory, but now its like definitely required.

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


Umm big question though: is their passive movement buff like our passive trait movement buff and the thief passive signet movement buff?

Cause our passive buff, and im pretty sure thieves passive 25% signet buff DONT WORK IN COMBAT.

In which case this buff dosent do a whole lot except let em move faster out of combat…

Now if this does work in combat it does hurt us…. but only so much because we just got our dream buff on our pvp weapon. (hammer shock works while moving now).


Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Warrior sprint should also get a buff imo.

Edit: Also we do almost have perma swiftness and speed buffs dont stack so we shud be fine to chase people down if they dont have cantrips. (signet of rage)

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Warrior sprint should also get a buff imo.

Edit: Also we do almost have perma swiftness and speed buffs dont stack so we shud be fine to chase people down if they dont have cantrips. (signet of rage)

It’s a stock 50% up time on SoR. 40 triat points and runes required for 100% uptime. That is a considerably larger commitment than 1 utility slot.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Freezenox.8534


Not all professions going to use the speed signet just because of the 25% buff, and as warrior we have so many movements skill as well as applying swiftness.

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


If anything it cements us into a full Tactics build for the 30% Boon Duration for almost-perma-Swiftness.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


I agree. I felt the warrior was pretty balanced if not a little strong (GS). We have our weaknesses but I worked around them and pretty much played bird dog for my groups. But now it seems that role has been significantly reduced without considerable investment into traits/runes.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Einherjar.6709


The run speed of all the signets does indeed apply in combat. However, in combat you always receive a speed decrease of X%, but speed boosts make that less severe.

I would honestly LOVE to have a +25% passive speed boost signet, maybe change Dolyak’s ‘Reduce Incoming Damage’ to that as it’s passive.

Greatsword movement feels like a necessity (but the immobilizes in HB and loss of character control during Rush are hateful), but it also feels a bit like Sword+Warhorn or a ranged weapon is necessary too in order to actually be able to melee or continually damage anyone who isn’t melee.

And most professions have an arsenal of escape abilities to counter our gap closers. This is an arms race, and now all the ranged professions but mesmer (4 profs out of 8) have +25% movement speed boost ontop of their escape abilities and swiftness.

Many guardians have 100% uptime on swiftness, but they’re in somewhat a similar situation as we are. Necromancers too, for swiftness they’re forced to use Warhorn and Spectral Walk. Mesmers get even less movement, and are forced to use Focus offhand. For balance sake I wish (even if it’s only for WvW and PvE) that everyone gets at least +25% movement speed…

Or you could consider removing the ridiculous movement speed reduction everyone suffers in combat.

Just some ideas…

(EDIT: For some reason 8 showed up as a smiley face lol)

Relative Mobility

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


I tested the Superior Rune of Speed today. I was thinking it would be good for countering the recent updates. The 6th rune (+7% movement speed) isn’t working. Sadly, I wasn’t surprised.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.