Returning Player - Hybrid Still Effective?
I’m a big fan of sword in MH, which seems to lend itself to condition specs. Beyond that I’m as in the dark as you are, having also been away from GW2 for a long time. I used to play dual sword + long bow in sPvP which stacked up condition damage quickly, but I’ve since switched to sword + warhorn and long bow for condition removal and group vigor buff. In honesty I’ve yet to find a build with the warhorn that I like in PvP, and my stats in PvE + WvW are all over the place – the prevailing trend is condition, precision and toughness on armour + weapons and condition damage, power and vitality on accessories. Would be good to figure out how best to build my stats for a condition damage build :/
It never has been.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
I know that Perplexity worked very well when it was broken when you could stack 20+ stacks in no time as a warrior but since the nerf I don’t think it works very well anymore. The 600 condition damage you get out of it is not worth the effort, drop the condi aspect of your build and go direct damage instead and you will be able to control all of your damage, possibly doing even more aswell. Or go full condi. I don’t advise it however, simply because I hate conditions.
When I last played this I think the most I was ever to get on a target was about 10 stacks though that wasn’t very often. Mostly that was on NPCS so I’m going to assume this was after the nerf. I did find it to be very effective in duels though the class itself appears to excel in dueling anyways.
I used to play full condition and though it was fun in certain conditions (see the joke?) I grew to hate it quickly. It’s just not all that exciting and very predictable. My other build was a GS/Rifle or LB for zerg support and I actually still have a full set of gear with that glass cannon build.
I guess I’ll go back and see what else people are using these days as I would like to find something that keeps the high mobility while being able to have decent damage. Sadly, I think I still have a full set of toughness gear though I can’t remember the other stats.
Hello folks!
I’ve been away from GW2 for about 3-4 months now and recently came back the other day to see how much has changed. I still find the game (WvW) a ton of fun and was wondering if my old hybrid build is still effective anymore. I have linked in my signature but will post it here as well : Hybrid Condi Build
This build essentially uses perplexity runes for the condition stacking combined with the constant interrupts you can get from the mace/shield. Just about everything else uses zerker gear for that added damage. When in larger groups, I drop the sword/mace for a LB. It also has the added bonus of being highly mobile and so I’ve found that if I get into a situation where I can’t possibly win, it’s fairly easy to just escape and wait for a better opportunity.
Anyways, what do you all think? I apologize that I don’t have a video.
It does seem very solid. my only issue with perplexity warrior was the lack of cover condi’s, If confusion is buried underneath others timed correctly after the target fully clears it really does make people think twice about auto attacking or chaining any type of combo and forces them to kite or just roll over.
that said it does look like a pretty effective combination of direct damage CC and condition pressure, which (as a dueling or roaming spec) imo seems like a viable build.
Tbh even sword with a power build applies pretty decent condition pressure that suppliments the consistant crits it dishes out.
I had a similar idea, here is my take on it, with your setup you may benefit more from running the elite Skill Rampage. Why? because most of the skills have interrupt potential (which synchronizes well with perplexity/distracting strikes combo, also distracting strikes has no internal cooldown!) The 3rd attack on the chain applies daze, the kick uses knockback, can throw a boulder that stuns, and a short aoe leap attack that causes knockdown.
You can also benefit from food that increases condition duration (currently you can get 50% condition duration)
If i could afford it my beast warrior would run full ascended celestial with shout healing, soldier runes, 0 0 20 30 20, sword/horn & longbow. that baby would kill anything.
If i could afford it my beast warrior would run full ascended celestial with shout healing, soldier runes, 0 0 20 30 20, sword/horn & longbow. that baby would kill anything.
More accurately, kill nothing, and be killed by a baby.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
Expect a duel invite tonight
edit: Actually scratch that, why do i even care..
(edited by Steelo.4597)
I had a similar idea, here is my take on it, with your setup you may benefit more from running the elite Skill Rampage. Why? because most of the skills have interrupt potential (which synchronizes well with perplexity/distracting strikes combo, also distracting strikes has no internal cooldown!) The 3rd attack on the chain applies daze, the kick uses knockback, can throw a boulder that stuns, and a short aoe leap attack that causes knockdown.
You can also benefit from food that increases condition duration (currently you can get 50% condition duration)
I actually played a build almost just like that for most of the time I’ve had my warrior and though it was very effective, I really just didn’t like the “feel” of it as much. I also couldn’t touch a necro with such a heavy condi build. What’s sad to admit is that I’ve actually been testing a sniper build. It’s completely worthless while going solo but in a group, those 23K crits are fun.
This is what I run right now : an offense/hybrid build using celestial armor.
Beware, for Commander Kaga farms j00, ktrainer!
r.i.p [iLL] Maguuma
I run a 0/30/0/30/10 healing shouts with full ascended celestial gear in pve. It works, its not the fastest killing spec but its not the squishiest either. The hybrid stats allow me to walk through all the 80 areas and challenge anything or be able to walk away from it. Its plenty fun to and more engaging, feel like I have a use for literally every keybind in every fight.
Berserk GS warriors get old and boring fast. I could literally just keybind thousand blades to every key and smash my face against the keyboard, that is pretty much all you do since the other attacks either move your guy away from your target or hit for just as much as the first skill.
1 hand weapons seem to offer more of a skill set that gets used more often the 2 hander melee ones for warriors. Call it what you will but if I start literally falling asleep from boredom playing what is considered the classes meta by everyone then either I needed to reroll or not play what was considered the only way to play.
I haven’t not once regretted changing from GS to other weapons (I’ve tried all of them for extended times in pve and found them all useful). There is much more to warriors then hitting skill 2 with a GS . Probably why I get compliments on staying alive so much more often the the GS berserk warrior next to me from guild mates. The GS warrior next to me is so bored out of their mind they just don’t pay attention anymore so they have to constantly have their downed kitten picked back up.
It never has been.