Returning player - lost!

Returning player - lost!

in Warrior

Posted by: Draek.1627


At around launch I started playing and got my warrior to level 46. I just logged on to play for the first time since then and have forgotten almost everything and am lost.

What is the basic gameplay and mechanics of the warrior? Is there clearly a a best build for leveling?

I learned that the skill points have been changed and I currently have 3. I looked for guides on builds but they seem to refer to the old system. I was looking at the defense ability to regenerate health but it’s locked. What has to be done to unlock the skills?

Returning player - lost!

in Warrior

Posted by: Celeste Lightblade.9253

Celeste Lightblade.9253

First of all… Welcome back!

Regarding lvling… When you play alone using a greatsword + axe/sword or axe/shield works well. Having a ranged weapon in your inventory in case you have to range (which doesn’t happen anyways). Regarding the new trait system… You have to unlock the traits now. You can either do this by buying the skills from a merchant (go to the heart of the mists, there you see profession-merchs that sell them) or complete the event that will unlock the trait (says so in the description I think).

Raphael Van Dona
Member of Snow Crows [SC]

Returning player - lost!

in Warrior

Posted by: Draek.1627


Thanks for your help! Sort of unrelated, but have instances changed much from how they were at launch?

Returning player - lost!

in Warrior

Posted by: Celeste Lightblade.9253

Celeste Lightblade.9253

Not a lot. The scaling was adjusted (in dungeons lvl <75 you do more dmg, on 75 you do around same dmg, in 80 you do less dmg compared to the previous update of april 15 (crit-dmg nerf)

Raphael Van Dona
Member of Snow Crows [SC]

Returning player - lost!

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Any gear is viable, but I would suggest swapping axe/sh for sw/wh to help you move around a lot faster, with sword you can also jump to certain areas vice walking around to it which makes some of the map completion more bearable. GS is all around a great weapon. the simple 5 signet warrior for leveling is great, just don’t stick with it at 80 (without doing the proper research).