Reworking adrenaline will fix warriors
Sounds cool, but we would need a damage nerf first because we did more damage.
The best way to fix adrenaline is giving warriors different abilities that use adrenaline (offensive, defensive and support). As of right now other classes have abilities that define them as a class and are more helpful in different situations in combat, not just about doing dmg.
^ Seconded. Similar to Mesmers only replace clones with Adrenalin. Each F1 button has a separate cooldown. Also we should be able to build adrenalin quicker to keep up with how fast Mesmers can spawn clones.
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
F2 defensive burst. Gogogo!
There’s a thread somewhere about this and yeah, an adrenaline use that isn’t just another HULK SMASH! is desperately needed for variety.
^ Seconded. Similar to Mesmers only replace clones with Adrenalin. Each F1 button has a separate cooldown. Also we should be able to build adrenalin quicker to keep up with how fast Mesmers can spawn clones.
We don’t need to be able to build adrenaline faster. Between embrace the pain and furious, we have enough ways. That’s without talking utilities.
We don’t need to keep up with how fast mesmers spawn clones. Just make warrior viable on itself, not a counter.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
All warrior burst skills are either damage dealers (direct or condition), or CC, or a little of both. So those areas are covered. It would be great if they kept the current weapon burst skills as-is, and added generic F2 and F3 skills for defense and support, respectively.
Suggestions have been made in other threads, but maybe a defensive burst that reduces damage you take by 5% per bar of adrenaline, and a support burst that shares 1, 2, or 3 of your current boons with surrounding allies.
Then rework some of the adrenaline traits so they combo with the new bursts as well. Like Embrace the Pain would give you an additional 2% damage reduction per bar spent on the defensive burst, in addition to gaining adrenaline when hit. And remove some of the terrible Tactics Minor traits and replace them with useful stuff. Like the Master or Grandmaster would be you share 1 additional boon with your support burst (so 2, 3, or 4).
Right now, burst is basically just another attack with variable levels of power. And for some weapons, not even worth using (like GS). Some builds just sit on 3 bars of adrenaline for the passive trait bonuses instead of ever spending it. Some diversity would be nice, reasons to spend the adrenaline at different times.
As much as I’d like more defensive abilities I still think warriors should be the anti bunker class. I honestly would rather see some rework in adrenaline to be able to corrupt boons for a certain duration to counter the stupidly heavy bunker builds everyone is running in tPvP.
Figured giving some more might generating abilities would offset it rather than add a new condition in the game.
We don’t need to be able to build adrenaline faster. Between embrace the pain and furious, we have enough ways. That’s without talking utilities.
We don’t need to keep up with how fast mesmers spawn clones. Just make warrior viable on itself, not a counter.
We’re not trying to be a counter, we’re trying to be balanced.
F2 – Instant Cast – Wipes two conditions for every bar of adrenalin stored.
F3 – Instant Cast – Steadily depletes your stored adrenalin (full adrenalin depleted in 6 seconds, unable to replenish lost adrenalin during this time) during which all critical hits remove a boon. Die in a hole bunkers….
F4 – idk… Summon that kittening banner into my hands?
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
We’re saying and supporting the same thing basically. I just disagree with warriors having to keep up with mesmer clone spawning.
I actually don’t play tPvP with my warrior because it becomes painfully obvious how limited the warrior really is. You can unload the craziest burst skills and hit 90% of your attacks on a bunker who will ‘Shake it off’ like it’s nothing. At least in wvw I can disengage these boring fights without being punished for wanting to have a decent fight. Just building your bunker is not very hard, playing it requires a mouse?
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Wow, those two suggestions are both incredibly OP.
A non removable perma protection?
Constant boon removal?
No, that’s too much.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
Yeah those 2 suggestions are too powerful. You can’t have any kind of damage reduction close to protection, because it would not be removable, but also because it would stack with existing protection. Imagine partnering with a Guardian…
And the boon strip is too much I think. We already have boon hate with 30 pts into Discipline, I think that’s enough. And there are already other classes with specific boon removing abilities. I don’t think everyone needs to strip boons.
I still stand by my suggestions:
F1 – Stays the same with current weapon-specific bursts
F2 – Gain 5, 10, 15% damage reduction for 10 seconds
F3 – Share 1, 2, 3 of your current boons with nearby allies.
I put suggestion in another thread. But really the choice of spending adrenaline should be “do I want to spent 1,2 or 3 bars”. But right new its “Do I even want to touch my burst skill? I loose so much (more so in PVE) by using my class mechanic”
Changes like these
Berserker’s Power power
now: 12% more dmg for 5 seconds after weapon swap
Heightened Focus
Now: 9% crit chance for 5 seconds after weapon swap
Adrenal Health
Now: Heal X amount over 5 seconds after weapon swap (stacks with regen)
I feel would help getting warriors more concerned with adrenaline.