(edited by lordhelmos.7623)
Rifle Fix: Steady Aim
Your Steady Aim concept sounds like a pretty cool mechanic – Thieves will probably get something like it as their specialty, lol!
but I find when equipping a rifle (on War or Engi) that I need to remain quite mobile. I guess that’s the whole point of Steady Aim, the risk/payoff.
If piercing was made baseline I will probably still use rifle after Tuesday – that way I wouldn’t bother with CrackShot (which would then only have the -20% CD, and maybe a 10% ias like Lead the Wind).
Your Steady Aim concept sounds like a pretty cool mechanic – Thieves will probably get something like it as their specialty, lol!
but I find when equipping a rifle (on War or Engi) that I need to remain quite mobile. I guess that’s the whole point of Steady Aim, the risk/payoff.
If piercing was made baseline I will probably still use rifle after Tuesday – that way I wouldn’t bother with CrackShot (which would then only have the -20% CD, and maybe a 10% ias like Lead the Wind).
Yeah the concept was to make the rifle a powerful sniper weapon but only when setup right. It’s balanced out by having alot of its power locked out when the warrior is forced to move or kite out of position due to pressure.
This should be the kind of weapon that if you allow someone on the fringe to take free reign with this thing, it should do alot of damage to your team.
Also this helps setup warriors combo with teammates. Warriors can capitalize on taking down enemies subdued by allies if they can build steady shot and blast someone that is panic striked by a thief or caught in ranger entangle.
The ranger longbow is different as in it allows the ranger to skirmish with it. The warrior rifle should be stronger when standing still, but weaker when forced to move.
The ranger longbow is all about movement and repositioning, the rifle on war becomes unique by doing the opposite. Warriors are instead rewarded by holding their ground or staying on good position where they can stack steady aim for shots.
This also makes the rifle a really good weapon for finishing off runners by making steady shot rifle deadly when the enemy turns their back and tries to exit the fight.
(edited by lordhelmos.7623)
While I like it for a lot of reasons, the thought of adding another option for people who want to stand on walls, rooftops, or otherwise out of combat to shoot from safety makes me cringe.
I was in ebg yesterday and a pew pew ranger was on the top of a very high cliff just spamming his skills into a big melee from relative safety. Builds like that make me wish magnet, scorpion wire, and mesmer focus 4 had a range of 1500 feet… against those builds only. >(
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
Love the concept and wouldn’t mind seeing the devs draw some inspiration from it.
My warriors might even start using rifles for something more than avoiding PBAOE spam if they did something like this.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka
beautiful idea, love it!
Solid idea.
I would probably prefer to see something more “creative” than simple +% numbers to projectile velocity, range, and damage … but those are also quite simple for ArenaNet to tweak to achieve a good balance.
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