I was just roaming araund with engineer, beeing unable to pick a class, and started to have a feeling.
Eye patch, a rifle in my hand, dropping out a rifle turret ( Tarantula turret) Laying some mines, getting my granades redy, and then the Afficted started to swarm on me. I fought for my life. Then a Warrior jumps in with a Hammer and Rifle, and i realize….Am i in Warhammer?
The joy and awesome feeling rushed trough me. Only warhammer can offer souch amazing epic fights and feeling like this game.
Really anyone got the feeling how awesome this game engine and game system would make an totally fitting Warhammer 40k game?
Anyhow, i was wondering and realized i dont like Engineers rifle skills (its more of a shotgun) And rolling a Warrior now. For pure Rifle and Hammer feeling of Space marines
The only thing i miss are 1h guns and sword in ofhand. And a decent repeating gun skin for my Rifle ! PLEASE I BEG YOU A NET !