Rifle in PvE?
It’s fine for stuff you can’t melee. It’s not fine if you can melee something.
Yes warrior is more efficient at melee but range is still an option. Its single target, with the exception of piercing shots, but it can dish out some serious damage.
Currently trying to work out an all ranged/support warrior, its pretty fun
Rifle can be an excellent warrior pve weapon I’m having a blast(pun intended) with it.
I’m just now getting to level 25 on my warrior and I use rifle all the time. I can solo mobs 3-4 levels higher. (and complete my stories 3 to 4 levels in advance of the recommended) My other set is axe/warhorn (love the large up time for speed boost to get around maps in PVE). I balance them about 60% Axe/warhorn 40% rifle (would be more 50/50 but the warhorn is out for traveling). My plan is for a leveling is basically a signet build . Healing signet, Signet of Might, Signet of Stamina, Signet of Fury, Signet of rage.
level 10 – 20 go Arms to 10 taking deep strike ( hit a lot, crit a lot, they bleed a lot)
at lvl 20 go tactics to 10 and take empowered (take full advantage signet boons).
at lvl 30 go defense and take turtles defense (mobs are getting tougher so am I)
at lvl 40 go arms to 20 and take crack shot (get more use out of my rifle)
at lvl 50 go tactics to 20 and take quick breathing (don’t underestimate a horny warrior)
at lvl 60 go defense to 20 and take last stand ( stay alive fight bigger mobs)
at lvl 70 go arms to 25 and get the 10% to bleed (sword causes a lot of bleeds)
at lvl 75-79 go defense to 24 (keep ramping up that toughness and healing to scale with mobs)
By no means would this be an endgame build( or would it be? ) .. but for PVE leveling .. I think it should allow quick travel, good dps, support versatility, condition removal, and excellent survivability.
(edited by Obfuscate.1375)
I’m not high enough level with my war to have a really valid assessment, but I am having a much easier time with the rifle-warrior than I am with the other classes I’ve played.
It’s great as a single-target weapon. Just make sure to have a good melee weapon to switch to if you get surrounded.
My Charr Warrior always carries his boomstick as his weapon swap for those situations where it’s inadvisable to get close, or when he needs to destroy pesky Bursting Brambles before bringing in the blades.
Rifle is pretty much all I use in PvE these days. Swap to sword/horn occasionally …mostly for #4 speed boost =P
As you reproach 60 you will notice a drop in kill time, rifle just dose not do it and I have the best gear available for that level.
To test this is simple, change traits and play melee and compare. Also if you have another character around the same level that is ranged you should already know that Rifle warrior works just not as well as any other ranged.
cempa is correct. Rifle is good at early levels because virtually anything is good at early levels. As you level up, the damage difference between it and other weapons starts to diverge for the worse. Even fully traited for a rifle build, it will take you far longer to kill mobs than it would if you simply switch to an axe or sword.
That isn’t to say the weapon doesn’t have its own merit. The rifle is extremely good at controlling single mobs in world PvE, and the burst skill it gets is pretty awesome. Using the immobilize on cripple trait, and bolas makes for some ridiculous kiting potential. Unfortunately, most of its damage is coming from volley and kill shot. The problem here is that, while kill shot is excellent spike damage, rifle takes an extremely long time to build adrenaline due to its low autoattack speed. There may be some ways around this, such as traiting into discipline for the adrenal reserves, and using adrenaline generating utilities.
It’s not a bad weapon, it’s just very niche and can be difficult to work into a traditional damage dealer build. If you plan to take it into group play with random people, you might want to let them know what you’re up to beforehand, because a rifle warrior honestly leaves some slack that others are going to have to pick up.