Server Traversing Nomad
Rifle range bugged?
Server Traversing Nomad
everything is kittening bugged
Its funny too since tooltip always said 1200 range but it was always 900.
Should I repost this in the bug section or is it a known issue? I’ve never heard of this not working correctly, although I don’t frequent this board all that much.
Server Traversing Nomad
i really hate it , i get jelly of long bow users with their massive range despite they should have lower range than Rifles and they also have AoE attacks.
Yeah..we got trolled again. Killshot seems to have 1300range?
(edited by Scoobaniec.9561)
I don’t recall any mentions about rifle’s range in patch notes(not only recent patch). It should be 1200 and 1500 KS.
And I was wondering why do I get so many “out of range”…
Rifle range is fine, I made the test with 2 Banners, one between me and the practice dummy, another on my position. When I took a look from another perspective the range was exactly the same between both halves. So unlike both banners (wich have a range of 600), and Rifle range are broken it would more likely look that Longbow has sinds the latest patch a broken range of 1250 (1200+50), untraited, instead of a 1050 (1000+50) and needs a fix.
Rifle range is fine, I made the test with 2 Banners, one between me and the practice dummy, another on my position. When I took a look from another perspective the range was exactly the same between both halves. So unlike both banners (wich have a range of 600), and Rifle range are broken it would more likely look that Longbow has sinds the latest patch a broken range of 1250 (1200+50), untraited, instead of a 1050 (1000+50) and needs a fix.
More testing are needed, just with different class.. As my ss shows i stand in the same position and simply lb outrange rifle.
Pictures :
1) Banner is setup at max range and another banner setup at max Rifle range. And my shots hit the dummy.
2) Perspective view of the previous picture (#1)
3) Banner is setup at max range and anoter banner setup at max Rifle range. I can take a bit more range with the Longbow (clearly because of how arrows works).
4) Perspective view of the previous pucture (#3)
(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)
No serious testing, but it looks like something is wrong with range, or range indicators.
1. Equip a rifle and stand close to target. Start shooting.
2. Step by step go backwards. Observe hits.
3. There is a range when game thinks you are in range, auto still fires, you don’t have red bar below skills, but all shots are “out of range”.
4. Continue backpedaling and exactly when red bar appears, auto stops shooting.
5. If you do now step forward, rifle starts shooting again and you get “out of range” again.
Untraited LB seems to have opposite effect. Red bar is visible, auto doesn’t shoots, but if you press “1”, you will hit a target.
I’ll check it with my hunter.
Ranger’s LB works same way as warrior’s. My guess, difference between arrows and rifle projectiles. Global, not warriors. Did anyone saw similar effect before last patch?
(edited by Liltaro.6341)
been having the same issue seems to be a 900 range auto attack.
been having the same issue seems to be a 900 range auto attack.
Aren’t the pictures I posted enough? Ok let me explain you step by step :
Step 1 : Rifle Range is 1200 / Banners Range are 600 -> So Rifle Range 1/2 = Banners Range.
Step 2 : Dummy is at max Rifle Range/ Banner of Tactics is at max effective range between you and Dummy / Banner of Defense is cast at Rifle Range -> So Rifle Range = Distance between Banner of Defense and Dummy.
Step 3 : Distance between Dummy + Banner of Tactics = Distance between Banner of Defense + Banner of Tactics -> Sinds the range between Dummy <- Banner of Tactics -> Banner of Defense are the same, it means Rifle Range = Banners Range x2
Step 4 : Conversion : 600×2 = 1200 = correct value
Conclusion : If Rifle range works as intended it means Longbow range is currently buged because it shoots effectively at longer distances than the current Rifle. But current Rifle values are correct so it leaves only one possible option left and it means Longbow range is increased to 1250 (1200+50) untraited.
(edited by Ambrecombe.4398)
I was always able to get the Longbow AA to hit even when the red bar was present. I just assumed it was because of the arrow drop-off animation whereas the rifle shots just disappear.
(edited by Veritas.6071)
I think it has to do with that a couple months ago they increased the projectile velocity of arrows. This lead to all arrow weapons having slightly longer range. I don’t think it ever got fixed.