Roaming video GS AXE/WH looking for advices

Roaming video GS AXE/WH looking for advices

in Warrior

Posted by: VaAnSs.1567


Roaming video GS AXE/WH looking for advices

in Warrior

Posted by: StonePower.8321


pretty nice vid

wouldn’t mind posting ur build ?

Roaming video GS AXE/WH looking for advices

in Warrior

Posted by: Kuper.2641


The only Issues I can see is you have no lock-down/Stuns to get a decent Hundred Blades off, better players will simply freely move out of it. If I’m correct in thinking that the GS is purely for mobility purposes and gap closing, in which case, Horn isn’t needed. You use 2 Stances and Vigor from horn can be replaced by Vigor on Stance trait. This frees up the off hand for either a Mace/Sword/Shield.

Mace for the small 4% DPS increase to Eviscerate (vulnerability) and a ranged CC, excellent as a gap closer/interrupt when enemies retreat to heal up.

Shield for a Stun to set up your Eviscerate and added blocks against their burst. (GS can cover this from Whirlwind Evades)

Sword for a long block (almost as long as shield when out of Melee) and good Condition pressure ticking while you are getting kited. When enemies Flee, the torment from sword is sometimes enough to force them to stand still or die, allowing you again, to gap close whilst dealing damage (although small with low Condition damage it’s still pressure). Either way, it gets the kill, through torment damage or from forcing you to catch up to finish them off in Melee.

Is Signet of Fury necessary for the Active in your build? I don’t see the value of it when you are only using Eviscerate, unless you are using extra Critical or Damage boost traits when Adrenaline is up. I would suggest trying a CC utility to help get a strong hundred blades off.

I suggest trying:

Vigor on Stance use.
Mace/Shield/Sword off hand. (I would go Mace for the ranged CC)
Stomp/Kick/Bulls Charge/Bolas replacing Signet Fury. (I would go Bolas/Bulls although Bulls is kind of ‘over-done’ in roaming warriors I also like to do something different from normal builds).

Nice video all the same, not many good opponents though, many stand in your Burst or fail at dodging.

[VII] Seventh Legion
Ex-Guild/Raid Leader/Commander