Rune Selection other than Soldier?

Rune Selection other than Soldier?

in Warrior

Posted by: exphryl.3857



My dilemma, I have a set of Superior Rune Of The Soldier which I love. Now than, I have multiple sets of gear depending what role I want to play at the time and I seem to be having an issue using any other rune, or even an orb set up. I know Soldier is a slight DPS Loss, but staying alive longer = more dps or support (and really, some conditions are painful as hell).

So my question is, are there other Rune sets that are very strong for warrior as well? I tried looking but nothing really grabbed me as being as amazing.

Rune Selection other than Soldier?

in Warrior

Posted by: kandolo.2574


I really enjoy the Rune of Balthazar. It says it only burns for 3 seconds, but it actually lasts 6-7 depending on your condition duration. That’s arguably better than the longbow burst for damage because you get the full duration in one application. I also run Longbow/Hammer, which helps me keep burning up when I swap weapons.

Rune Selection other than Soldier?

in Warrior

Posted by: Pirate.4631


Pack is alright.

Earth is always good for people want to be able to take a bit more damage.

Dwayna can substitute soldier in a support setup if you are confident in your teams condition removal.

That’s about it though.

Rune Selection other than Soldier?

in Warrior

Posted by: above mars.4586

above mars.4586

Dolyak sounds like its pretty good, i havent used them so i dont know how good the regen is though.
(1): +25 Toughness
(2): +15 Vitality
(3): +50 Toughness
(4): +35 Vitality
(5): +90 Toughness
(6): Gain Health Regeneration

Rune Selection other than Soldier?

in Warrior

Posted by: Grezko.7950


Regen seemed not good enough for me. I get better regen with healing signet and an avocado pie. what i am wondering though is what is better from the first 5 set bonuses comparing soldier and dolyak sets. Is it better to have more toughness or more vitality.

Officer of Executed [EXE] from Piken Square.

Rune Selection other than Soldier?

in Warrior

Posted by: above mars.4586

above mars.4586

@Grezko, it really depends on what you want to defend against. Toughness has no affect on conditions, whereas vitality will give you HP and let you live longer vs. conditions. So you wont get hit as hard from bosses and such with toughness, but the DoTs will still tear you a new one.

I personally am stacking toughness over vitality on my armor, but i plan on getting some jewelry high in vitality.

Rune Selection other than Soldier?

in Warrior

Posted by: Grezko.7950


I am more interested in PvP. It seems most ppl preffer direct dmg builds there.

Officer of Executed [EXE] from Piken Square.

Rune Selection other than Soldier?

in Warrior

Posted by: above mars.4586

above mars.4586

I’d def. go with toughness then.

Rune Selection other than Soldier?

in Warrior

Posted by: RagingPwner.1530


I am a condition build sword/warhorn warrior and I use the Undead runes. I stack Tougness/Cond/Prec on my gear. It is pretty straight forward…

(1): +28 Condition Damage
(2): +15 Toughness
(3): +55 Condition Damage
(4): +35 Toughness
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): 5% of Toughness becomes Condition Damage