Rune of strength or ruby orb?
That rune is mainly for if you have a source of might stacking to take advantage of +20% might duration. This would generally be for Great Sword. Otherwise, Ruby Orb is doing more damage.
I know Phira has a dps rune thread for glass cannons so he has all the numbers for those runes.
I punched those into buildcraft and ruby orbs and the difference isn’t huge ruby comes out ahead depending on build its just not a huge margin. Its just that ruby orbs are always on. Strength is conditional but you pretty much are going to have access to might permanently with those runes.
Personally I would go strength if I was going 25pts into discipline in a build for the might weapon swap synergy.
I thought strength was bugged?
I thought strength was bugged?
Can anyone confirm this? Is strength bugged atm? I checked wiki and it has a note that said the 6th bonus is bugged.
Ahh I didnt know this I think buildcraft calculates the damage as if it is working properly mmm. Didn’t know they where bugged that sucks.
With Ruby orbs you’ll have +12% crit damage, which is higher than +5% from ros. If you’re dps-specced you’ll have high crit chance. Easy math.
With Ruby orbs you’ll have +12% crit damage, which is higher than +5% from ros. If you’re dps-specced you’ll have high crit chance. Easy math.
There is the 5% more damage while under the effect of might. I’m sure that pretty much evens out the loss in crit dmg or may even surpass it. So now the problem is if that 6th bonus is bugged anot.
PvE wise you’ll keep perma 25 stacks of might in a team setting as glass GS warr. Rune of strenght is unnecessary. Just use ruby orbs if you want full dps.
There is the 5% more damage while under the effect of might. I’m sure that pretty much evens out the loss in crit dmg or may even surpass it. So now the problem is if that 6th bonus is bugged anot.
Since in DPS-spec you’ll be doing mostly crit dmg, that +12% crit damage equals +12% to overall damage. And that is greater than +5% from strength runes.
And I kinda don’t see a point in going for damage for tanky warriors who don’t have high enough crit chance. You may as well go for soldier’s runes for extra condition removal.
All of the above from PVE point of view.
After some testing I think RoS gives more damage. Oh well, nice to know. Inb4 rune of strength price inflation.
(edited by Isslair.4908)
Since in DPS-spec you’ll be doing mostly crit dmg, that +12% crit damage equals +12% to overall damage. And that is greater than +5% from strength runes.
Extra crit damage does not work that way. You must consider all sources of crit damage to work out the damage increase (of criticals).
For example, adding +12% crit damage to +85% crit damage results in an increase of ~5.1% critical hit damage, [ 12 / ( 85 + 150 ) ] x 100% = 5.1%.
The +5% from Rune of Strength is bugged and will not work (tested just before posting).
Rune of Strength is glitched for those that don’t know.
It’s on the Wiki and has been confirmed by testing multiple times.
Also, it’s not really on the top of Anet’s “to-do” list so… yea…
For example, adding +12% crit damage to +85% crit damage results in an increase of ~5.1% critical hit damage, [ 12 / ( 85 + 150 ) ] x 100% = 5.1%.
Yeah, figured as much. Thx for explanation anyways.
Ruby orbs all the way in everything
Since in DPS-spec you’ll be doing mostly crit dmg, that +12% crit damage equals +12% to overall damage. And that is greater than +5% from strength runes.
Extra crit damage does not work that way. You must consider all sources of crit damage to work out the damage increase (of criticals).
For example, adding +12% crit damage to +85% crit damage results in an increase of ~5.1% critical hit damage, [ 12 / ( 85 + 150 ) ] x 100% = 5.1%.
The +5% from Rune of Strength is bugged and will not work (tested just before posting).
Old thread, but I wanted to add as I recently have been researching this rune set. Nick is right on here. However he is only referring to the damage increase you will see at 85% with increase of 12 points. CRITICAL DMG only. This number will change and decrease the more crit dmg you have. Example:
You will loose 84 points in precision ~4% critical chance. But gain 45 points in power.
once rune of strength is fixed it will be slightly superior to dmg from ruby orbs assuming you have consistent might and you have high crit dmg >~80%, or are a low crit % power build.
The more ability you have to stack might the more powerful they will become due to duration increase. (overlapping stacks). Also consider that might increases condition damage as well, if your attacks do any sort of condition damage you will get a small increase of damage output on that front as well from the increased might stacks.
I see these runes having great effect on thief that stacks might in stealth, guardian power builds, and engi HGH builds. It is all moot until they fix it and we can all rest happy with our ruby orbs.
Ruby orbs are better. And offer more of the stats warriors need to do damage with than Divinity runes for example. Ruby Orbs > Divinity Runes. As For the taklk of might Duration. NO one cares about that when there is Boon Duration. Boon Duration > Might Duration. If you just want DPS Ruby Orbs.
I used to run a Min/max with knights armor and ruby orbs It was great. But now im using malandru runes. My damage is a lot lower now. But my survivability in WVW increased by a lot.
Right now though Soldier Runes are still probably the best for runing dungeons that have lots of conditions. But malandru + lemongrass + Dogged March > Mobile Strikes > soldier runes in WvW right now.
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene
(edited by Warlord.9074)