Samurai / Crusader build
The second one is a bad idea. Cooldown is 120 sec on 3 slots and 240 for the elite banner.
They don’t do much damage, don’t have auto attack. You can reduce cooldown by 20% if traited.
Though 3 banner is a lot in your hotbar. It’s up to you, but that wouldn’t be very effective.
The first one is wierd also. Sword isn’t so much damage-based. I don’t get what you mean about mitigation and dodging though.
Sword is all about a little damage and bleeding. Go with condition damage or …well, you won’t damage that much. Sure it still does DPS, but compared to an axe it’s bad.
So i’d recommand either dual sword with pow/cd dmg/crit, or go axe, even though I reckon it’s less ninja’y
For your samurai build I’d sugest this:
If you want to go 1h swords go with a build that would increase your CnD, since it’s a good weapon setup to stack bleeds… I might think of rampager or rabit set. also traits that involving improving condition damage or condition duration. In the first 10 points in the arms tree you can grab +% to add bleed on the target and Deep cuts that would increase bleed duration by 50%
I can imagine something around that(it’s just an example)
Gonna Edit here soon, gw2skills is being weird with build setups.
(edited by Sethorus.9231)
Thanks so far guys, keep it coming!
I tried dual swords. Looked cool, but the could never find a sword skin that fit the look. All I wanted was a slight curve on the blade, lol. Still want that.
In any case, I went back to dual Krytan axes. Does way more dmg and I like the combat animation better also.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
A sword that most closely resembles a Katana is the Ceremonial Sabre just so you now
“Jim’ll Fix It and if he doesn’t it’s not broken”
The second one is a bad idea. Cooldown is 120 sec on 3 slots and 240 for the elite banner.
They don’t do much damage, don’t have auto attack. You can reduce cooldown by 20% if traited.
I just wanted to point out that you can enable auto-attack with the Banner, it just doesn’t have a Chain like primary weapons do. As for damage, I find they hit decently high. Someone was talking about critting for almost 5k with the #4 skill and dmg/crit gear. (
That said, if you want to be a Banner Warrior I suggest only using one utility slot for a Banner for two reasons: first, when you get the banner cooldown trait you can keep one banner up almost permanently. Second, having banners taking up a few of your utility skills will narrow your options to an extent where I find their passive benefits aren’t worth the tradeoff.
To make the most out of Banners I’d also suggest using the Bow as a secondary weapon set so you can create a Fire Field to Combo in.
Yeah for a “crusader” style, definitely supplement the banners with shouts. Crusaders shout, right? I mean, obviously crusading is mostly effective when the crusadees know they’re being crusaded on, which requires vocal affirmation of intent.
I find Sword/sword actaully can do some pretty brutal spike damage with rip (up to a good 7k crit no problem)+auto attack chain(2-3k first two attack crits, with about 4-4.5k crit average on final thrust) using this build.
Thats a rather glass build requiring full zerk gear, and you will be mobile to be able to mitigate plenty of damage with dodge + GS whirlwind.
A slightly more tankier approach is my current build.
The stability stance is great for those oops moments, + extra defense is also very useful.
As for the banner build, i wouldnt suggest it, but if i had to run it, it would be like so
I heard fast hands was glitching with flag dropping/picking up and causing a cooldown to drop flag/pick up, hence dont go 15 into discipline, but if itsnt, than switch 5 from defense tree to discipline for fast hands trait. Sword/warhorn+GS give mobility/condiiton removal + boons. Your banner can heal + adrenal health from never using adrenaline, can help tremendously for survivability. Frenzy is for the burst, but if you don’t mind losing the burst affect, than for great justice works amazing with 30% boon duration.
Just some ideas you can look at, that might fit what you want. I don’t suggest the banner build too much because it sounds weird on paper, but if it works out for you, im glad.