Scholar runes for zerker?

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi Guys,I would like to get some advice on alternatives to Scholar Runes,Because I cant seem to keep my health above 90% for most of the time.,I am currently using ruby orbs.

Thank you for any advice given!

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dave.2536


Are you using healing signet?

Are you using pies? (and is your crit chance not kitten so the pies trigger?)

If it’s just lag/missing dodges/not knowing the encounter/playing with pug groups, then Strength runes are a good alternative.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Are you using healing signet?

Are you using pies? (and is your crit chance not kitten so the pies trigger?)

If it’s just lag/missing dodges/not knowing the encounter/playing with pug groups, then Strength runes are a good alternative.

-Yeah i am using healing signet

-Nope i am not using any food,Crit chance is 74%

-Mostly I get aggro on me,Not dodging fast enough

Strength Runes are good,But i cant afford them,its 14g for one rune

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dave.2536


What is usually in your party that you’re getting aggro?

And do you have any toughness anywhere?

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gamgee.8612


Buy 66% chance on crit to steal health food, works a charm with the scholar runes, also gives a tiny boost to crit chance.

N I M S – Warrior of Judge Legends[JDGE]

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Sometimes when i am with medium/light armor classes only,i get aggro on me
Sometimes its just me reacting too slow/cant doge fast enough

If i get scholar runes,But cant keep my health above 90%,Is it a waste of the scholar runes?

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dave.2536


Apparently you only need to be above 90% HP 40% of the time to make it more efficient so I would say probably not.

If you’re getting consistent aggro your damage contribution may be crap anyways so you would be one in the party who wouldn’t have to worry strictly about efficiency. Note that in this case kiting/dodging effectively so your party can maximize its rotations does preserve your party contribution.

You also should be using pies (Blackberry, Mixed Berry, Omnomberry Pie) as they can pretty much almost double the “regen” from healing signet to keep you up.

Slaying potions can have the same effect, as things will die faster and do less damage to you.

Content in this game will always seem
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gyler.8150


Get it and don’t look back, its the way of truth.

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Sad thing is, there’s nothing to replace the damage Rune of Strength offers. (That’s why it’s expensive, people are not dumb yknow)

Scholar can hardly compete it because not only is its effect situational at best, in dgn/ wvw, 45% strength duration is ALOT to take into account. The extra might layers gain from 45% might duration can easily surpass the extra damage scholar offers.

Scholar is good for roaming in easy outdoor content though (especially warrior), because with healing signet, most of the time your hp will be full.

(edited by Aomine.5012)

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Flissy.4093


Rune of Scholar are still BiS for organised group if you can stay over 90% HP 36.5% of the time (when compared to Strength, 2nd BiS or PUG BiS).

Best thing players can do is get two armor sets. One with Scholar, and one with Strength. Runes are expensive, but you can always salvage them unless you’re stupid and put them in WvW/Karma armor.

Sad thing is, there’s nothing to replace the damage Rune of Strength offers. (That’s why it’s expensive, people are not dumb yknow)

Scholar can hardly compete it because not only is its effect situational at best, in dgn/ wvw, 45% strength duration is ALOT to take into account. The extra might layers gain from 45% might duration can easily surpass the extra damage scholar offers.

Scholar is good for roaming in easy outdoor content though (especially warrior), because with healing signet, most of the time your hp will be full.

I’m afraid you don’t know what you are talking about. Scholar best for roaming on especially a Warrior? You make me laugh, Strength or nothing for soloing. The only time Strength is better in a group situation is a) PUGs where Might stacks are always lacking, or b) Phalanx Strength builds, which are far from optimal anyway so why even discuss this?

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)

(edited by Flissy.4093)

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Rune of Scholar are still BiS for organised group if you can stay over 90% HP 36.5% of the time (when compared to Strength, 2nd BiS or PUG BiS).

Best thing players can do is get two armor sets. One with Scholar, and one with Strength. Runes are expensive, but you can always salvage them unless you’re stupid and put them in WvW/Karma armor.

Sad thing is, there’s nothing to replace the damage Rune of Strength offers. (That’s why it’s expensive, people are not dumb yknow)

Scholar can hardly compete it because not only is its effect situational at best, in dgn/ wvw, 45% strength duration is ALOT to take into account. The extra might layers gain from 45% might duration can easily surpass the extra damage scholar offers.

Scholar is good for roaming in easy outdoor content though (especially warrior), because with healing signet, most of the time your hp will be full.

I’m afraid you don’t know what you are talking about. Scholar best for roaming on especially a Warrior? You make me laugh, Strength or nothing for soloing. The only time Strength is better in a group situation is a) PUGs where Might stacks are always lacking, or b) Phalanx Strength builds, which are far from optimal anyway so why even discuss this?

GL having a dedicated group 24/7 whenever you want, with exact the same member and best party combination

Phalix Strength not viable huh, good that you have such excellent eles who can maintain your perma 25 stack of might. For my friend’s pt they can’t do that, and my Phalix Strength build will make them get that perma 25 stacks with whatever the party combination it is.

Keep on laughing at me with your elitist attitude, idrc.
I have my fun, and you have yours. Just hoping your not in my party, expecting us to support you to go for that full Scholar potential.

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


If the amount of conditions that flew around wvw were less Hoelbrak would not be ideally better than str runes in this game mode. Scholar is absolute trash for warriors in PVP or wvw. Strength would be great for roaming if every other roamer that you ran into wasn’t a condi build.

Strength is just a solid rune for PVE and PVP. This Rune is pretty much the best rune out there… If you can afford them by all means use them. Contrary to what people say play how you want to play. Let the elitists argue over their percents of percents that the rest of us care less about.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Eulolia.2467


Scholar should be fine, even if you’re not above 90% you still have the +175 power and +100 ferocity. If you want dirt cheap runes then use Flame Legion ones.

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Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Flissy.4093


GL having a dedicated group 24/7 whenever you want, with exact the same member and best party combination

Phalix Strength not viable huh, good that you have such excellent eles who can maintain your perma 25 stack of might. For my friend’s pt they can’t do that, and my Phalix Strength build will make them get that perma 25 stacks with whatever the party combination it is.

Keep on laughing at me with your elitist attitude, idrc.
I have my fun, and you have yours. Just hoping your not in my party, expecting us to support you to go for that full Scholar potential.

1) Organised is possible 24/7 but not likely. Have a second gear set with the other rune. I do that, Scholar on one, Strength on other. Organised for one, PUG for other.

2) Phalanx strength is perfectly viable. I didn’t say it wasn’t. I said it wasn’t optimal, which it isn’t. Viable and optimal are two completely different things. I personally run Phalanx with Strength runes in PUGs myself, for the exact reason you said – a 100% uptime on 25 Might stacks group-wide.

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)