(I’m sorry if this is suppose to be somewhere else, I was going to put it into that build sticky thread but it looked like a place to show your build rather than ask for advice. But apologies if this is not the right place)
G’day Forum,
I’ve been mulling over a few things and I think I’ll get some external opinion to help me decides. I’m a Charr Warrior. I play mostly dungeon and group events in PvE. I’m seeking for this character to be able to do damage that’s effective but still able to stay up in the fights. I hate chill (seriously hate that condition).
The Build:
- Greatsword / Rife
- Healing Surge + For Great Justice + On My Mark + Shake it off + Signet of Rage
- 20 Arms (Rending Strikes + Forceful Greatswords)
- 20 Defence (Vigorous Return + Last Stand)
- 30 Tactics (Empowered + Lung Capacity + Vigorous Shouts)
- Power: 916 / Precision 1116 / Toughness 1116 / Vitality 1216 / Armor: 2327 / HP: 221372
( http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fIAQJARUncOk8YUQOPwEZAApwrsOKoip0jyQLNA )
The Theory:
I’m going with 6 runes of soldier because I find chill/cripple are two things that I absolutely hate as a warrior, and the soldier rune tier 6 ability is the best way to remove it (I wish Mobile Strikes did, but alas).
I ran the Sonic Boon for a while, however I really didn’t like the low toughness, and even though I read the maths on the internet and looked into EHP, but in game, I just found myself never standing for long on that build. It could be because of the way I play, but the point is I needed to change.
The 20 points in Arms is fairly standard for Greatsword so I’ll leave it there.
The 20 points in Defence because I seriously noticed it increasing my survivability by a lot (could be in my head if maths is against it or whatever, but I do live more). The healing (however small) bonus goes well with the Vigorous Shouts. I use [Vigorous Return] because I like being able to get a 2nd wind after going down and jumping straight back into the fight. I find that in dungeons and big events you’ll be going into fight for your life as a melee no matter what you build or use. [Last Stand] has a pretty big cool down, however I don’t know how many times it saved my life.
The 30 points in Tactics is basically straight from Sonic Boon and I use them as such. With the soldier runes they work perfectly. Though I’d love to be selfish and make the passive trait points all about my character instead of reviving bonuses but oh well, it’s good to have them there in dungeons.
Survival: So my survival strategy is straightforward. Keep adrenalin up for H.Surge while shouts provide a pretty decent micro heal (especially with 20 in defence). Condition should not be a issue due to high health pool and Soldier Rune removal + SIO.
Offensive: Spamming FGJ is there, also the Signet of Fury is helpful. Empowered will give me a good attack boost (especially if I’m with a guardian or mes). On my mark will allow me to dish out more damage.
The Query:
- So I’m about to get a set of exotics armor (again) and I’m torn between [Knight – Toughness / Power + Precision] or [Soldier – Power / Toughness + Vitality] stat armor sets. I’d put the soldier runes in which ever I get, just unsure which set would work better with this build, or should I alter build to better match a set?
- I know putting 50 points into defence/tactics must kitten my DPS quite a bit. And I understand if I wanted to be solid I should just play guardian and just make my warrior a damage character, and I honestly tried the glass cannon thing but just found that outside of CoF it didn’t work too well (not saying it couldn’t, just saying didn’t for me). I’d love to have [Berserker’s Power] in there as well as [Slashing Power], I also hated giving up [Signet Mastery] cause I love popping Signet of Rage. But do I have enough (even if it’s barely) damage in this build? Is the opportunity cost of my damage sacrifice too great?
- What would you suggest as an alternative?
Thus here it is. With the core being, I’d want to use the Soldier Rune Shout Removal ability and would like to be able to stay up in a fight without going to a support warrior role. I understand what I’m asking is broad and could all come down to preference and “what you want to play”. But I’m just here seeking for some experience and advice from people who’s most likely been down this road already.