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I have tried all of the professions with at least 40 hours of active play in wvw, my personal opinion is that warrior has the best self support tank, and guardian best group support tank.
I am interested in FULL tank build – sacrifice everything for the sake of survival, make the best use of group support of others, make best use of my own skills for myself.
Basically, can you recommend me a build which is selfish (so to say) and will allow me to be the last man standing in big zerg fights?
btw, i’m not interested in roaming, or soloing, but running with the zerg and holding a front line.
probably this
the expensive version of that would be sentinel instead of soldiers.
its very mobile, have stability, two stun breakers, swim in vigor, have numerous way to clean conditions ( and melandru runes +food + dogged march will make it Teflon warrior)
have two blocks on mace/shield. numerous dazes, two stuns (though on F1 )
this is probably the build that will stand after the zerg have passed on him.
I have tried all of the professions with at least 40 hours of active play in wvw, my personal opinion is that warrior has the best self support tank, and guardian best group support tank.
I am interested in FULL tank build – sacrifice everything for the sake of survival, make the best use of group support of others, make best use of my own skills for myself.
Basically, can you recommend me a build which is selfish (so to say) and will allow me to be the last man standing in big zerg fights?
btw, i’m not interested in roaming, or soloing, but running with the zerg and holding a front line.
What allows you to be the last man standing on the field,is your Skill,not your build.If you cant even come up with an own strong toughness,survival build,i dont have high hopes seeing you stand as last man in a zerg fight.Those people Know their builds.
If you goal is to be the a meat shield that can’t deal a lot of damage then this build should have you be the last one to die
It has a lot of vitality and toughness, a lot of vigor, and savage leap to help escape tight situations (always run with auto target off).
If you want a balance between defense and offense you can use the same traits (or go 10-0-30-0-30) but swap out Sentinals forValkyrie and replace some of you trinkets for Cavalier and Zerker.
You will have to make good use your dodges and stances but it shouldn’t be a problem staying alive.
(edited by Julie Yann.5379)
What allows you to be the last man standing on the field,is your Skill,not your build.If you cant even come up with an own strong toughness,survival build,i dont have high hopes seeing you stand as last man in a zerg fight.Those people Know their builds.
I am sorry that I left such impression, I dare to say I am quite skilled myself, I wanted to compare and tune my personal shout heal/shield/healing signet build with general opinion here.
Looks like you got some good suggestions. While close, I like Julie’s build a bit better than the 1st suggestion. Mace has a block, but I’d rather have the sword for mobility (which helps in survival, too). Unless you’re hopping in Golums, I don’t see why Warrior Sprint would be needed in a zerg, tho.
Looks like you got some good suggestions. While close, I like Julie’s build a bit better than the 1st suggestion. Mace has a block, but I’d rather have the sword for mobility (which helps in survival, too). Unless you’re hopping in Golums, I don’t see why Warrior Sprint would be needed in a zerg, tho.
You are right, in a pretty organized zerg you can get constant speed buff but sometimes it isn’t the case.
probably this expensive version of that would be sentinel instead of soldiers.
its very mobile, have stability, two stun breakers, swim in vigor, have numerous way to clean conditions ( and melandru runes +food + dogged march will make it Teflon warrior)
have two blocks on mace/shield. numerous dazes, two stuns (though on F1 )this is probably the build that will stand after the zerg have passed on him.
Umm no given even this build can be thrashed soundly – Try running against an NS, HB, TW, etc. WvW guild zergs and your claims will amount to one thing: your being spiked or having the smarts to make the early decision to bail kitten and run before getting spiked. But yeah, it is another solid WvW warrior build, Lalangamena, but as has been indicated, the build is only one part of being able to survive – player skill with said build also has its role.
(edited by Rigel.3092)
Both builds above are very good and very similar to what I run which is here:
The fall trait is just personal preference but I find it is worth it for me. I use the GS instead of hammer because of the mobility and speed. It helps me move around faster and even helps me escape losing zerg fights or pull back after 15’ish seconds of being focused. The GS is not as useful as hammer to your team in zerg vs zerg but increases your chance of survivability due to the mobility which makes it pretty selfish as you requested. I have gone multiple days without dying with this build, even when tanking in front in zerg vs zerg fights. I’m always able to escape a losing zerg vs zerg, even when I am in the front.
I’d like to add that if you’d like an escape or “move forward quickly” skill, bull rush will give you that (plus the obv. knockdown if you have a target) if you do not wish to run GS. I have Sunrise and never use it as I prefer axe/shield as my main for disrupts (w/ hammer), ect. in WvW.
LOL/ The last time I saw anything except a o/o/30/30/10 build was almost never. This is the oldest warrior build I have seen and I’ve played warrior since open beta. Nobody does anything different.
There is nothing selfish about any 0/0/30/30/10 builds by nature these are warriors most pure support builds. Lat thing that is absolutely hilarious is when I see people comparing one 0/0/30/30/10 build to another 0/0/30/30/10 build or some minor variant its the SAME build.
Super survivability build is probably this one. Which is also the most brainless and boring thing to play.
(edited by Warlord.9074)
I use to run this for giggles. Not a total selfish bot since I am providing a decent regen to people with a small banner heal, swiftness, and CC.
The idea was to use the tactic banner to build about 40 seconds of regen and over 2 minutes of swiftness while the zerg moved around. When the battle first started, I would charge in with the other melees and use the tactics #2 banner to absorb the initial burst. Blast the banner down and then I just start tagging and CCing people. I prefer spiked armor to help with the tag credit.
During 3 way zerg fights where you can’t off anything, it worked great because the the heals are passive. It also works great at gates. You can give regen to ram users and a decent 1K heal with banner #2. Drop it for blast heal, someone else picks it up and uses the #2 and blasts. Repeat. 3 people can keep a heal non-stop for 800-900 healing per skill plus the regen. Was always fun to see how much I absorbed before I had to back off.
If you want more selfishness. Switch battle standard for rampage. If you get zerged on, you have an amazing amount of mobility. Use rush on banner, pop your sword leap and then go into rampage. You get an awesome second leap on 6 second cooldown. If someone is close, throw a boulder at them. Facing doesn’t matter. Funny has hell watching the boulder clock someone has you throw it behind you. It is also great for chasing people down because the auto has a daze and you have two stuns.
You do no damage but you can survive anything.
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