Serious question Warriors.

Serious question Warriors.

in Warrior

Posted by: Furajir.3815


Do you think Anet even knows what to do with us Warriors?

Honestly. I’ll play warrior till death just because I love the class in it’s entirety. But, it gets old being the joke and never part of the meta, just once I want to feel stupid op and invincible. Just once I want to steamroll the OP classes with ease.

I usually wouldn’t even care and just see what happens but this makes 2 seasons in a row where Warrior was a joke. Balance should happen way more frequently. These things should be assessed and fixed.

You can’t sit there and tell me that they reviewed last season and were like “Yeah, Warriors are totes fine broz”

You can’t tell me that.

Which begs the question, do you guys think they really have any clue on what to do or what direction to take the class? I’ve seen countless threads and outcries from the Warrior community that have very well thought out suggestions and they always seem to go unnoticed.

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(edited by Furajir.3815)

Serious question Warriors.

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I suspect other things are taking higher priority.

Strictly speaking, the state of the warrior won’t be their priority as much as trying to have rough balance across all classes in the different game modes. Tossing a few buffs the warrior’s way probably won’t solve the problem, and could screw up balance even more.

So it’s going to require a bunch of time, and they’ve probably decided other things (like wvw updates, for example) are more pressing.

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Serious question Warriors.

in Warrior

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


As long as they cut down the other professions, I can wait on warrior buffs. It’s really the other professions that are the primary problem.

Serious question Warriors.

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


They clearly don’t know what to do and tbh neither do I.
It’s not even like warrior would really need buffs since warrior itself is as easy and as strong as never before – the warrior got powercreeped with HoT, as well. But it’s more like that other classes are so much ahead of warrior because they have a class desing and class abilities that allowes them to fit a certain and important role in pvp. Running offpoint with greatsword and snacking people like in Hotjoin or WvW simply isn’t a role and that’s exactly in which the warrior is stucked in.

Gunflame-builds, the condition-build with mace and any other dps-greatsword build with arc divider just reached another level of dumbness.
Those builds are super simple to play while dealing high damage but without providing any viable role in pvp.
I mained warrior for 3 years,I played in nearly every meta and had to reroll then. When I play warrior nowadays just for the lolz in pvp, it is super unfun for me because I have to play those stupid builds.

You have basically 3 option to make warrior viable again:
1) buff warrior so hard that it is super overpowered
2) nerf everything else pretty hard while warrior remains with those stupid builds
3) Change the warrior desing itself

I’m pretty sure anet either will do 1+2 so that warrior gets overpowered or they will basically do nothing so that warrior stays where it is.

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

Serious question Warriors.

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


I suspect other things are taking higher priority.

Strictly speaking, the state of the warrior won’t be their priority as much as trying to have rough balance across all classes in the different game modes. Tossing a few buffs the warrior’s way probably won’t solve the problem, and could screw up balance even more.

So it’s going to require a bunch of time, and they’ve probably decided other things (like wvw updates, for example) are more pressing.

Choppy ur talking about priority’s but the truth is that there are, in the arena net community, a lot of different teams for everything, one for wvw, one for pvp, one for pve and yea… one for balancing the classes but do u know whats theyr excuse? that irrespecfully and like a child they have said? “we can’t make verybody happy” it’s so sad it kittenes me off a lot…

i’ve been ban 12 times already just for expressing my self in the forums with out saying any bad words, you can tell how kittened i am, i meen i ran a full nomad ascended build and i still got melted by a revenant… minutes after that melted by a daredevil… we are kitten because anet logic is that warrior USE to be the best class for a long time and now they got to suffer for the same ammount of time…

simple as that.