Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


Just thought I’d share my WvW Hammer build I’ve been running for a long time and tweaked to what I personally find perfect, at least for the way I play. I’m an alt-aholic, so that kind of goes with what I run in my offhand. Basically this build lets me be a bit a bit optional for my offhand weapons.

Main Weapon – Obviously Hammer
Offhand options I change based on how my fights might be going, what I’m fighting, ect.
Offhand Options – Sword/Shield(Most frequently ran when I’m MA or really having difficulty staying alive.)
Sword/Axe(For a bit more fun offense and nice adrenaline gain)
Greatsword(I’ll occasionally mess with this, basically same reason for a bit more fun offense)

The Build -
Strength – 10 – Death From Above
Arms – 0
Defense – 30 – Embrace the Pain, Merciless Hammer, Defy Pain/Last Stand(Sometimes run into groups running a lot of knockbacks so I’ll throw on last stand instead.)
Tactics – 10 – Leg Specialist(Mmmm Hammer Shock makes this own)
Discipline – 20 – Signet Mastery, Mobile Strikes(Hence why I always run sword or greatsword, amazing for getting out of roots, just wish it helped with chills and cripples)

Heal/Utilities / Elite -
Shake It Off
For Great Justice
Balanced Stance
Signet of Rage

Armor – All my armor is power toughness vitality gear, people should really recognize that if you cant stay alive in WvW big fights, you might be the reason we’re losing because of the rallying function. And surprisingly when running with a big group, you get a good amount of boons already which still make you consistently hit rather hard. Especially due to the fact that many people in WvW are glass cannons. I do run a bit of knight rings and accessories for a little added crit.

Weapons – Hammer, Sword, Shield are all P/T/V, but my Axe and Greatsword are Berserkers, simply because that is their intent for when I want more offense.

Runes – 2 Superior Runes of Water / 2 Superior Runes of the Monk / 2 Superior Runes of Hoelbrack. IMO boons in this game are OP, most classes that run good boon builds will do very well. There’s honestly not a whole lot of removal in the game so it helps you hit like a truck and keep swiftness up.

Sigils – Bloodlust on hammer, axe and shield, Battle on sword, and Rage is awesome on greatsword time it right and you can get a full 100b off without being kitten glass cannon frenzy 100b warrior.

So anyway, that’s my warrior, feel free to tell me what you think, and I can’t help it but I have to post kitten with it all.


[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: zakibro.6184


what’s about food
u think about switch trinkets/back for berserker, i think its better since u went full p/v/t armor

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


I change around food based on what my fights are looking like. I typically go Omnomberry Pies or the -40% Condition Duration food. And actually yes on trinkets sometimes I will throw on berserker stuff IF I’m not MA or IF our fights are going well. Sometimes we go up against really good guilds in T1 and ultimately winning those fights comes down to staying alive, so as a hammer warrior its not my job to deal damage, my job is to CC.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: YojimboJones.6243


I’ve seen you around OP. XD I guess going for a Legendary hammer forces one to find a build that works.

Yojimbo Jones: Norn Warrior
Niv Wizzet: Asura Engineer
[EMP] – Jade Quarry

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: CoaxialMazer.9140


This is great build, been using this build for a while and fell in love with it. I get Glass cannon dps on Earthshaker + a few other attacks after, and even more dps when target is CC’ed but i got over 2.8k armor. Hammer/Sword-shield is definitely my favorite set for almost all scenarios. Your build close to mine, except I went way more on the offensive, but I am much tankier than other Warrior builds, but can still deal very similar glass cannon burst without losing high toughness.||c.1g.h1l.e.0.h4|1g.71g.1g.71g.1g.71h.1g.71h.1g.71c.1g.71c|2v.d1e.2v.d1e.3v.d1e.1g.67.1g.61.2v.0|a5.a4.k1a.a1.k6a|2m.1|e

Tell me what you think

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


It’s not bad, personally I just feel like after 50% crit there’s really no need to go higher which is why I dont put anything in arms. If I did I’d do rendering strikes. That much crit just seems unnecessary imo. But it’s nice, I definitely should swap death from above with for berserkers power, I just get lazy sometimes with swapping traits. Because DFA can be very useful in some situations.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: CoaxialMazer.9140


It’s not bad, personally I just feel like after 50% crit there’s really no need to go higher which is why I dont put anything in arms. If I did I’d do rendering strikes. That much crit just seems unnecessary imo. But it’s nice, I definitely should swap death from above with for berserkers power, I just get lazy sometimes with swapping traits. Because DFA can be very useful in some situations.

Yea I know what you mean, But my build only gets 30% from gear. So i get to stack more toughness to get tankier. 20% comes from perma fury, and the 50% comes from when target is stunned, which earthshaker applies before it does its burst dmg. I enjoy being more of the person who kills everyone and is a pain to kill back =), I really tried being the berserker barbarian type who actually has a large plated armor =D. I just like the reliability of knowing that Im going to crit 100% when i use a skill, cause its easier to quantify =P, hate random stuff like lucky crits or random procs >.<

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: WakkaJabba.3910


i use the exact same build few weeks back, but op, dont u feel bothered that there are soooo many hard counters for hammer warriors in wvw? fighting near camps, those thief npc guards, who spam blinding powder and projectile the blindness to u will negate a big chunk of hammer cc, and chill cripple will cripple the already bugged earthshaker, makes me very frustrated

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


Hammer has some issues with blinds, but I don’t typically play for the solo role, I play for smashing large groups faces in and stunning them while being able to take a hit while my group behind me takes them out with damage.

And I can still solo camps just fine, simply swap to sword axe and it’s fine once the blind field wears off of the scouts I can throw hammer back on and then I focus them down.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Mayan.7164


I use the same build (10, 0, 30, 10, 20) and the same Major Traits. However, I prefer in some cases use Mace/Shield and Physical Utilities (Throw Bolas, Bull’s Chargue and Stomp). I make an amazing combo with Hammer, Shield, Mace and Physical Utilities, stunning and knocking the opponents.

I start with Throw Bolas, Bull’s Chargue, Hammer (5-2-Earthshaker), Stomp, Hammer (3), change weapon, Shield (4), Mace (3-Skull Crack), change Hammer and finish him. With this combo the enemy can’t move, even Mesmers and Thiefs have many problems and they can’t escape.

What do you think about Mace/Shield and Physical Utilities combination with Hammer?

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zarazakzr.2076


I’ve been running a shout heal build but I’m going to try this build next. Thanks for sharing.

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


What do you think about Mace/Shield and Physical Utilities combination with Hammer?

I have tried mace shield however not with physical utilities, I feel like I need the stability at the very least with shake it off for stun breaks and and conditions. Perhaps I’ll try it when I have enough guardian support that I dont need the stability or stun breakers.

Also I remember one of the big things bothering me with mace or even axe mainhand is lack of mobility, pretty much the only reason I mainhand sword is savage leap. I like the idea, but being mobile in WvW just too important. I did kind of like the extra block though, and also taking reflect on block trait.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilHero.1248


i’m wondering do you run this build for dungeons or only run this build for WvW.

I’m quite interested in this build but the part about dishing out damage really holds me back from changing my zerk build to this.

is it possible that you post a video of you in action?? That would really convince people how effective this build runs. Thanks for sharing

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Zarazakzr.2076


A video would be awesome. I’m still a little hesitant about replacing my superior runes of the soldier just to test this build.

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daoshi.7618


I just picked up a Fractal Hammer skin today so I will be looking into a hammer build very soon. I will be a nice to change things up a bit.

[SWaG] [ME] Xïü / Xïu / Xiezhi The Immortal
Human Warrior / Asura Guardian ( SPvP / TPvP r40 ) / Charr Guardian

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Coldviper.6794


I’ll have to look into recording, maybe I can get some good footage this friday. Never done really any recording so I’ll talk to some people and see if I can get it set up.

[TW]Furion Zax – The Juggernaut Hammer Warrior

Sharing my WvW Hammer build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Luffy.9365


Control , heal ,cure ,buff and a really nice dmg output. Thats my hammer WvW Guild setup, when we zerg run:)
I have around 50% crit rate 40%crit dmg 1.9k toughness 25k HP and 8-12 stacks of might almost perma.
My gear is knight armor, berserk weapon and mostly soldier jewels. Sigils – runes are up to you;)

[VcY]Velocity – Snowfang/Luffy D Portgas/Bagif