Should I roll a warrior?

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


I pretty much have enough dungeon tokens for full set of armour and some weapons.

And from what I’ve seen, Anet loves the warrior class. No nerfs since release and the one time they actually touched the warrior class was to beef them up somemore.

So I dunno, Should I roll warrior?

Kinda stuck between warrior and guardian.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Orcinus Orca.8627

Orcinus Orca.8627

No, not for this kind of reasons.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


No, not for this kind of reasons.

Why not?
Im awesome at melee, I know when to dodge, where to position myself.

If you think about it, its just an armour upgrade.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Camagee.5391


Lol….no nerfs….maybe because they already got nerfed hard in betas…yeah roll one…they’re an ok class…but no at all ezymode in pvp…gotta work at it…no head on keyboard like some other classes.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ivanov.8914


Warrior is real fun in PvE, and quite hard to go into PvP with.

But if you ask me, no matter how underpowered the class is, if you have fun with it, then heck, go ahead and enjoy yourself!

Edit: but if you roll warrior simply because the lack of nerfs, then yea – don’t play it.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: RedDeath.2980


Personally- out of all the classes Warriors probably have the hardest time in PvP due to the lack of tricks we can pull. In PvE you’ll likely blast something to death in seconds compared to other classes but, we tend to have very shakey fights in PvP.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


@reddeath, You kidding me you got so many closing skills.

Hammer wars even can go toe to toe with pve dungeon bosses looking at them dead in the eye and rupt them just before they do a powerful attack.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: DragonMind.2983


No, not for this kind of reasons.

Why not?
If you think about it, its just an armour upgrade.

No, it’s not much of an armor upgrade. I would says this is the 2nd reason
NOT to roll a warrior, if it’s only this one and the other(1st) one mentioned.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


So why shouldn’t I roll a warrior?

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


Well, half of your utilities are mild AoE buffs, which is boring. Many weapons are very situational (Mace and Longbow especially). Lack of a viable condition build. Lack of “interesting” abilities, everything is very straightforward and plain looking. Two of the three Elite skills are bad, the Banner being extremely situational and bugged (also 4 min cooldown) and Rampage being just bad, bad, bad.

Also, you will suck in PvP. Warriors have no role in PvP, they’re only useful as a mediocre roamer with a glass cannon GS/Axe build, otherwise, they’re just useless. You will lack escapes, evasion (outside of Shield Block, Endure Pain is really not that great and has a long cooldown), and all kinds of cheap tricks the other profs have (Clone/glitch stealth of Mesmers and Thieves, undying Guardians with millions of buffs and protection, not to mention strong pets, Engies with perma-Swiftness, Protection and Regen etc.).

If all of those things don’t seem bad to you, go ahead and roll a Warrior. It’s pretty good in PvE, that’s for sure.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: ImmortalZodd.6871


if you like 100% uptime on fury and swiftness, roll a warrior with boon duration traits.

there are builds that work in pvp, but unlike other classes we are not a dominate class in sPVP or tPVP, but in WvW we have the distinct advantage of having great boon duration and utility skills to keep our boon’s up.

i have a ranger lvl 80 my first main, got depressed at the situation they are in (they are aparently getting redone a little next major patch), rolled a warrior and have been having a great time getting around pve to lvl after lvl30 when you get elite’s, and in WvW i have no problems going 1v1 with other lvl 80 classes or 1v2 for the under lvl70 if they are not too skilled. thiefs can get me off guard and have just as much chaseing gap closers.

wouldn’t play sPVP with the class but for PvE and WvW its a very fun class and the rifle skill set is one of the best ranged skill sets in the game also with some amazing trait’s for bleeds that no other class can match which grants great damage to rifle auto and sword auto imo.

i don’t know if i can roll another class in WvW without 100% uptime on swiftness i have been spoiled with my warrior.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Gutierrez.2153


How do u get 100% uptime on swiftness? Sorry I’m new

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Rizzy.8293


if you like 100% uptime on fury and swiftness, roll a warrior with boon duration traits.

there are builds that work in pvp, but unlike other classes we are not a dominate class in sPVP or tPVP, but in WvW we have the distinct advantage of having great boon duration and utility skills to keep our boon’s up.

i have a ranger lvl 80 my first main, got depressed at the situation they are in (they are aparently getting redone a little next major patch), rolled a warrior and have been having a great time getting around pve to lvl after lvl30 when you get elite’s, and in WvW i have no problems going 1v1 with other lvl 80 classes or 1v2 for the under lvl70 if they are not too skilled. thiefs can get me off guard and have just as much chaseing gap closers.

wouldn’t play sPVP with the class but for PvE and WvW its a very fun class and the rifle skill set is one of the best ranged skill sets in the game also with some amazing trait’s for bleeds that no other class can match which grants great damage to rifle auto and sword auto imo.

i don’t know if i can roll another class in WvW without 100% uptime on swiftness i have been spoiled with my warrior.

That sounds awesome, my other choice was a Guardian, I too was a ranger.
And yeah same boat, the nerfs man all coz of bots

I had a thief shelved but I unshelved him and hes pretty fun to play dagger dagger and frontlining.

I often face palm when I see warriors backlining beyond a mesmer with a rifle in PVE -.- Im like get over here and melee you wuss, you hit mokittengets and hit harder.

I mean if I can frontline on a thief with weak armour cant be that hard with higher armour and higher vitality right?

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Deutero.3986


afaik… heavy armor mean nothing in this game, warrior CANT tank at all.
(working as intended as Anet stated that GW2 no tank, no healer, no dps).

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Most warrior builds are more of a buffer than tank. You have a fair bit of health and toughness/armour but aren’t that great at restoring it, so it’s a race to see who kills first.

The shout/WH builds are somewhat of an exception, although even then their heals aren’t that great, they just make up for it by having much better condition removal/conversion, plus buffs (vigor for dodges, defensively speaking) and debuffs (weakness from wh, vulnerability from shout).

Thief is nothing like a warrior. They focus on avoiding damage, not enduring it. I’ve spent a lot of time grouped with thieves in PvE and to some extent WvW (mine isn’t really comparable as it’s only lvl 20-something) and some things that would kill me were easy for a thief to avoid, or I’d barely get tickled by something and look around to find my thief ally downed already.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Taurethion.7302


Rizzy, a melee warrior on anything hard is inexperienced. The name of the game is to not get hit at all, and you do just as much damage with ranged weapons/abilities. Going toe-to-toe with things that hit hard soloing PVE is an excellent way to rack up repair costs, and I’m told it’s worse in dungeons.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Skilled? Warrior. New? Guardian.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: ImmortalZodd.6871


How do u get 100% uptime on swiftness? Sorry I’m new

Check out Yojack’s thread currently on the 3rd page of warrior forums. you trait 30 into Tatics giving 300 vit and 30% boon duration. I run warhorn off hand. so i use skill 4 grants swiftness to nearby allies and cures cripple/imob/chilled. this gains me 13sec swiftness on a 16sec cooldown due to specing tatics warhorn cooldowns are 20% and warhorns convert condtions to boons, this is superb condition removal two skills on 16 sec cooldown. Then you have your best elite skill in the warrior class at this time Siginet of Rage, it gives 39sec of fury and swiftness on a 60sec cooldown. so basicly what i do is stack duration on boons of fury and swiftness with both warhorn ,sig of rage, and “for great Justice” as a utility skill for more might and constant fury (i have gear and fury to give me 96% crit chance its rare that i don’t crit with sword or 10% more likely because of traits with rifle.

i run 0/25/15/30/0 shout warhorn conditon removal build with full rampagers gear because its has the most precision granting me the highest crit chance to give me decent healing with blood sigils. in my experience its better at handling guardians necro’s and theifs than raw burst because not only do you crit more when you can hit them you also buff your condtion/power about the same making it far more balanced with dealing with high toughness/vit players(guaridian/necro) or players who stealth or confuse a lot (mesmers/theifs) when you can’t always hit them conditions are the way to go they ignore toughness and are a pain making them waste skills to remove.

Soldier runes for (vit/thoughness) + shouts removing condtions, so basically 5 skills on my bar will remove conditions, some have a chance of removing 2 at a time and 2 will grant boons based on what is removed. i have sigils of blood giving 30% chance to gain life on crit, i also get food off TP to give me 60% chance on crit to gain health and it also gives +70 prec. i run traits to gain life off adrenaline levels , i run pve signet of healing, all passive healing or on crit healing stuff adds up to massive heals over time, and shouts granting instant 1.1k heals on a 25sec cooldown is enough to keep me at the front of the zerg longer and have the swiftness to run out of combat using sword leap and running and back in to the fray if i get too low on health in no time. i love this build in WvW because i am quick and mobile with tons of passive heals and condtion removal to make me semi tanky and able to handle 2 lower level players at a time , and one time even 1v3 kiteing the theif till he was alone droping him turning on his friends and dominate them all they where probably all lower level/gear players though but it was a rush. the amount of heals and condition removal is a though combo to drop for a lot of classes who really rely on specific conditions to cause you trouble, stuns / slows are easily removed when running from out numbered fights in amazing ways. i just love this style of play that has burst (its not the best but all around balanced) all the while huge boon abuse and plentiful condition removal to get out of those sticky situations.

(edited by ImmortalZodd.6871)

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Justine.6351


i started as warrior because i traited and skilled up mind numbily stupid. axe/shield and 5 signets is pretty boring but in non dungeon pve its easy mode^4
the more i have been playing warrior though the more im eyeing up some of the utility skills aswell as different weapons and traits.

20power, 12dmg with full adren bar, 10% crit dmg axe
10precision, +40 precision/signet
20 toughness, blocking reflects projectiles, -20% shield recharge
20crit dmg, 9% crit chance with full adren bar, fast run while melee
full beserkers
axe with perception sigil (get your crit chance nice and high), shield with blood sigil

Lots of sustained dmg (it really does get boring auto attacking so once in a while i toss in cyclone axe…) shield bash for nailing kiters, shield stance for save yourself from LOTS of stuff (really the reason i dont duelwield axes is because of this skill) and easily a combined total and averaged out ~500 regen hp / sec between blood sigil,healing signet (i NEVER activate it) and a minor trait that regens me 360hp / 3sec with full adren bar.
This is probably the war/mo of gw2 but sadly this is actually probably more effective then what 95% of the gw2 population is rolling at this point in the games life.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


Warriors are awesome, unless you go SPvP there we get face rolled by other classes lol.

And the only reasons we never got nerfed is cause we are balanced in some areas and bugged/worthless in many others. Before taking the nerfing hammer to our side they should simply delete the class.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Plague.5329


All the of current balances you’re seeing in patches are game breaking bugs, oversights or just novelty changes to transparently stupid design decisions (Tremor locking you in place is a good example). The reason the Warrior never appears isn’t because ANet loves them. It’s because the Warrior is the oldest profession in the game, as it was the base model during early alphas and the first class to be considered “done.” This is also why so many of its traits are “out of date” with the rest of the game – because the class’ internal logic is a year or so old by now.

We won’t see any real changes the professions until probably February or March of next year, if I had to wager a guess. Either way there will probably be a large rebalance patch at some point that touches on dozens of skills all at once. A lot of the professions have very major problems, not just in terms of bugs, but just in terms of skills being worthless or builds not being viable for a myriad number of reasons. Warriors may actually be one of the worst professions in this department, just because it’s so out of date. It has no real major bugs, but a large number of minor problems that make a very large portion of its builds and skills either boring or completely untenable.

Should I roll a warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: PeteyPen.7136


Yes you should. Warriors are fun.