

in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Gw2 colleagues,i would like to express my displeasure with the changes we just took a while ago with the “traits”, but before I want you to understand my situation … I’ve been playing or rather say following the game for several years now, to be exact 3½ with over 4000 hours of play (by this I just want you know i know what im talking about and do not came here to talk kitten). There are many things I want to say but I’m too tired, they banned me from the forums in English 2 times already for the simple fact of expressing my thoughts … if they ban this time so be it. The warrior has been and still is the only class I’ve played (I do not want to play any other) when arena net was making the changes i was very excited apparently all classes would have a “BOOST” instead of nerf (which is all that anet can do… nerf) as you guys might know already it was the opposite, my interest in this game now is 0 and this is the reason, I explain here:
As you know the patch was to implement new things and styles of fights to the game but it turns out the “build” I personally used (shouts) was nerfed heavly, badly, sadly, etc… why would they do that when everyone else is being improved … I feel offended, the game has no balance AT ALL, these changes have been the biggest garbage ever by far … so I ask to you my firends to at least support this changes: increase the heal of 1000-1200 (at least!) and regeneration of adrenaline 5-6 … that’s a least .. if they support me, we may have the opportunity for when theexpansion comes it happens, it is my last attempt …

Thanks for your time.


in Warrior

Posted by: Nelly.8460


Hi my friend,
So before start: i play from the release; 2500h in total and 50% of this time with a warrior. I love heavy armor pg’s so my favourite professions are obviously warrior and guardian. I also love play to support my allies, im not so interested in uberdamage instadeath. Well while guardian is okei with support, warriors was very limited. Shout build or phalanx.
Btw the shout build was sooo nice and effective, a lot of condi removal (with warhorn and rune of trooper) a little bit of healing and offensive buff for allies, i loved it. Cuz i play most in WvW it was so usefull during guild raid.
Then the patch comes and how often happen the build is now semi-useless. Healing drop down of 75%, warhorn not convert condi anymore and (hoping there is a bug) “to the limit” not remove condition when i have the runes of trooper, also is useless to have adrenaline on this shout when the healing skill already refull the bar.
the only suggestion that i can made how the OP says is to increase a bit the heal (1500 maybe? That can be 1750 with some cleric) and meaby restore the old warhorn trait…….

Now the only use i can see for the warrior is something related with dps dps dps as 90% of others builds; so i switched to guardian waiting for better times.
Im not positive on this, but let’s try, im with you OP. Miracles sometimes happens.
sorry for my bad english and good game


in Warrior

Posted by: wolverine.5164


Hi my friend,
So before start: i play from the release; 2500h in total and 50% of this time with a warrior. I love heavy armor pg’s so my favourite professions are obviously warrior and guardian. I also love play to support my allies, im not so interested in uberdamage instadeath. Well while guardian is okei with support, warriors was very limited. Shout build or phalanx.
Btw the shout build was sooo nice and effective, a lot of condi removal (with warhorn and rune of trooper) a little bit of healing and offensive buff for allies, i loved it. Cuz i play most in WvW it was so usefull during guild raid.
Then the patch comes and how often happen the build is now semi-useless. Healing drop down of 75%, warhorn not convert condi anymore and (hoping there is a bug) “to the limit” not remove condition when i have the runes of trooper, also is useless to have adrenaline on this shout when the healing skill already refull the bar.
the only suggestion that i can made how the OP says is to increase a bit the heal (1500 maybe? That can be 1750 with some cleric) and meaby restore the old warhorn trait…….

Now the only use i can see for the warrior is something related with dps dps dps as 90% of others builds; so i switched to guardian waiting for better times.
Im not positive on this, but let’s try, im with you OP. Miracles sometimes happens.
sorry for my bad english and good game

Thank you very much for your comment i really appreciate it, and i totally agree with you.


in Warrior

Posted by: savacli.8172


I would have to disagree with this.

All the shout traits (Lung Capacity, Inspiring Shouts, Vigorous Shouts v1) got condensed into Vigorous Shouts. That alone opens up the Adept slot in both Tactics and Discipline. Quick Breathing got moved to adapt (which can take up the opened slot I mentioned) which opens up the Master slot in Tactics. For maximum shouts you can slot in Shrug it Off for an extra passive shout that works with all shout modifiers (traits, runes).

Healing Surge was reworked into To the Limit for Shout synergy. Healing Signet was originally taken in Shout builds for its massive Heal over time, but now it offers a life saving active effect in clutch situations.

Vigorous Shouts also has a healing ratio of 1:1 so every single point of Healing Power gets added to a shout healing. As far as bumping the base healing up a bit I disagree with that as well. Other classes (Ele and Guard come to mind) that share the 1:1 healing ratio also felt the impact of losing the “free healing Power” stats when traiting into their respective lines. So I would argue you would have to offer some sort of compensation to other classes if Warrior’s shout heals got up’d.