Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

Can we please have the option to turn off the Pig Pen animation of the Signet of Rage when it’s not active? At first I thought it was just a bug but was made aware that is just how it is.


Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Colton Bole.7015

Colton Bole.7015

I can’t unsee Pig Pen now that you’ve labeled it such.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

Tell me about it lol. Sig of Rage is my favorite Sig but that animation is just horrible. The ironic thing is I think it’s the only one with an animation. Please someone at ANET see this post.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Kobra.6390


Could you be more specific in what you mean as the Pig Pen animation? Are you referring to little floaty bits trailing in wake of your character?

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

Yes it’s bits of floaty, brown, mud, dust like animations that seem to drift off your character into the air. If you have ever seen Pig Pen it looks just like him. On top of that it simply makes no sense to have it…I mean is the dirt coming off of you rage? Rage of dirt? Rage of The Pig Pen? What is it?

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: aKIRA.7123


i agree with this.

Azuna Hatsue | Sonya Hayashi
Jaunty Chaps [LAD]

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Cancer.9065


Lol i though it was a bug and reported too.

It makes my female Norn look like she is stinking up the place.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


You should be given the same animation rangers have from “Rampage As one.”

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Varyag.3751


I only use Signet of Rage in SPvP and WvWvW, so I’m usually too busy doing stuff to notice the dirt-trail particle effects. Still, it does look really stupid.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


The “Rampage as One” effect rangers get makes them look completely BA, it makes them look like a berzerker and enraged…

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Alexander.4827


I rather like the idea of the animation I just wish it was a bit more translucent or something to make it actually look like energy.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

lol yes it’s just simply terrible. It almost looks like poop coming off of you. I also have noticed that sometimes it does not even show up, a GOOD thing, but mostly it’s Pig Pen.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Sami.1560


Hah I always wondered what caused that effect

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

What’s odd is it’s incosistent. Sometimes it does not show the Pig Pen and then other times it’s Pig Pen ALL THE TIME.

I really would like to know whoever’s idea it was to make us look like Pig Pen. Honestly what was he/she thinking? What human emotion causes dirt to float off you lol.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Passive Aggressive.3154

Passive Aggressive.3154

It is pretty awful. When I first got this elite on my warrior I was like “OMG why am I being followed around by bits of floating poo?!”

“Do what you want to do and don’t tell other people how to behave.” ~ Ruth Stout

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

hahaha bit of floating poo is what it looks like! maybe by having the poo float around your head it makes you rage?

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Lagg.3960


Only reason why I don’t usually have this skill equipped. It looks ridiculous in towns.

EDIT: Actually I don’t really mind the Pig Pen thing, as long as it only does it whenever you’re ACTUALLY gaining adrenaline, which is in battle.

Travel: no Pig Pen
Battle: Pig Pen
Activated: no Pig Pen / activated animation

Hey, I just bash you, and this is frenzy,
But here’s my Wammo, so heal me maybe?

(edited by Lagg.3960)

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

Yeah the actuall animation is killer it’s just when it’s inactive that we are Poo Warriors or Pig Pen’s Army

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

Was in game last night for a bit and the Pig Pen animation was really on and off again…wonder why that is?

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

Only reason why I don’t usually have this skill equipped. It looks ridiculous in towns.

EDIT: Actually I don’t really mind the Pig Pen thing, as long as it only does it whenever you’re ACTUALLY gaining adrenaline, which is in battle.

Travel: no Pig Pen
Battle: Pig Pen
Activated: no Pig Pen / activated animation

See that’s the issue I have. It does it ALL THE TIME with my warrior. If I’m just standing in town it’s there…stinking up the place.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: seithan.4823


basically its NOT the animation. Its the effect during an activated signet. Its supposed to be fires or something and its something recently added. I dont remember it a week or so ago.

Rig#1: i2500k@4Ghz/ 8GB Ram @ 1600/ Asus GTX580 CU
Rig#2: Core2duo@3Ghz/ 4GB DDR2/ 9800gtx+

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Niall Illrian.6341

Niall Illrian.6341

Well now I have to use the Sig of Rage cause it’s just too hard where I am if I don’t . I guess we are stuck with the pig pen animation/fart animation. I wish there was some way to get rid of it /sigh

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

TO be fair, rampage as one has a cd more than twice as long as ours, and is mostly used for stability. However I wish it would just enlarge us, or give us the aura of RaO.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: CoaxialMazer.9140


agreed, i feel it would be cool, but signet of rage only gives us boons (strippable) and RaO has a fixed 20 sec of that aura which is to relate to the (stance?) effect.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

Id rather them just make a new elite, or made some way to get might stacks when not using a GS build perhaps.

Sig of Rage = Pig Pen Animation

in Warrior

Posted by: Koehai.4539


This seems to be coming up a lot in threads, I think we should really put our voices together on this one. Make some noise!