Sigils and runes for zerk?

Sigils and runes for zerk?

in Warrior

Posted by: Phil.7903



Hi, I would like to ask which sigil(gs)/runes I should use on my warr for maximum damage output. I only do dungeons and fractals, using sigil of fire and runes of strength atm. thanks in advance

Sigils and runes for zerk?

in Warrior

Posted by: Flissy.4093



You need an Axe and GS with:

  • Night (AC, TA, SE, COF, COE)
  • Force (CM, HotW, Arah) – obviously you could use dungeon specific sigils instead.

You need a Mace with:

  • Force or Battle (For usage with your Night Axe)
  • Battle, Fire or Frailty (For usage with Force Axe)

You need a Warhorn with:

  • Force or Battle (For usage with Night Axe)
  • Battle or Fire (For usage with Force Axe).
    Note that Warhorn will mostly be used in Fractals for weakness, but is also a good choice for AOE Vigor. For this purpose, you could use an Energy sigil but I wouldn’t recommend it.

You need a Sword with Energy too.

For runes, the only option is Scholar. If you struggle with a 24% uptime on >90% HP, you don’t replace the runes, no, instead you learn.

Light Up the Darkness
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)

Sigils and runes for zerk?

in Warrior

Posted by: wildfang.9670


ruby orbs are popular.

runes of the scholar are even better assuming you can keep your health above 90% a bit.

Sigils and runes for zerk?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zaraseth.4162


For the highest possible damage take superior runes of the scholar and sigil is dependant upon which dungeons you run.

- For nighttime dungeons (All except HotW, Arah and CM) use sigil of the night.
- For Arah use sigil of undead slaying
- If you would like a general sigil for all dungeons and fractals take sigil of force. <- this would be my recommendation, especially if you’re just going to be using one ascended greatsword.

If you use sw/f then take sigil of the night and force.

Sigils and runes for zerk?

in Warrior

Posted by: Neoheart.2750


What Zaraseth and Flissy said is great advice. One thing i will add is that if you have the cash for multiple PvE set’s then going for the undead sigil for arah run’s will benefit you much the same as night does on the “nighttime” dungeons.

Effectively a +10% damage sigil on an exotic is equivalent to running ascended.

Also, ill thank the player “Nike!” on behalf of myself, Zaraseth and Flissy

Sigils and runes for zerk?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I use sigils of undead slaying because of how often I solo Arah. For all offhand weapons I use either sigil of energy or sigil of battle. I use scholar runes, but considering how expensive they are it’s a lot more cost-efficient to use ruby orbs. Also since they are changing a lot of things soon, you never know… scholar might not remain dominant. We’ll have to see.