[Skill] Balanced Stance and instant utilities

[Skill] Balanced Stance and instant utilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


Why are we not able to cast balanced stance while in air? If it breaks stun, why can’t it break pull? I don’t understand. It’s a groovy skill, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that vs an engie, and guard those pull skills are so powerful and usually end in our demise. If I’m not mistaken you can cast shouts while in air, but not balanced stance, which is instant. I believe this change wouldn’t be strong enough to set us off balance, but I feel it would be a step in the right direction. Thoughts? Dev feedback is appreciated as well.

[Skill] Balanced Stance and instant utilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


U should know that theres something like stun+. Its does mean that u can’t break stuns in air. Its not olny balanced stance, its every stun break ingame that act the same

[Skill] Balanced Stance and instant utilities

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


The actual breakable part is when you’re lying on the floor btw, so don’t use shake it off in the air (unless you’ve got like 25 stacks of bleed or something anyway). You’ll land, the effect will apply, and you won’t be able to get up any sooner than usual because it hadn’t happened yet when you used the skill. Instead wait until you land, then use the shout and you’ll get up momentarily.

As for why, I’ve no idea. Maybe they figured going ‘no I’ll stop now’ when you’re hurtling through the air is silly, or maybe you’re just meant to use things like stability pre-emptively in some cases.

[Skill] Balanced Stance and instant utilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


The actual breakable part is when you’re lying on the floor btw, so don’t use shake it off in the air (unless you’ve got like 25 stacks of bleed or something anyway). You’ll land, the effect will apply, and you won’t be able to get up any sooner than usual because it hadn’t happened yet when you used the skill. Instead wait until you land, then use the shout and you’ll get up momentarily.

As for why, I’ve no idea. Maybe they figured going ‘no I’ll stop now’ when you’re hurtling through the air is silly, or maybe you’re just meant to use things like stability pre-emptively in some cases.

I know it’s not breakable while in air. I’m saying you can use shouts in air why not stun breaks? Pull skills are pretty kitten strong because they can tear through a block, atleast guardian’s can. I know you can wait till you land, which is what normally happens. You can get pulled through a dodge roll though which is what I don’t like. Due skill lag I have initiated balanced stance before I’m pulled on my screen but in real time I’m actually in air already. That’s what I mean.

Pre-emptively is no excuse because anyone who’s decent will wait till your stability is off before they use it. That leaves dodging which isn’t always reliable. I don’t see why not use a stance in mid air, it would make sense because it’s called balanced stance. You’re being pulled laterally so you balance yourself upright or vertically. Only suiting for its name.

[Skill] Balanced Stance and instant utilities

in Warrior

Posted by: Rolah.6197


same problem here…
now “balanced stance” is ridiculous….

when i run “earthshake” and i on the air …
i can’t use “balanced stance” but the other can interrupt me….
after i can use “balanced stance”…

i think work with other stance….
anyone can’t use stances when use channeling or some skills with activation time….?!