So, I rolled a warrior...
Me personally, I always end up going back to my warrior, I just like playing a melee class. Even back then in WoW I loved running around with my Orc warrior dual wielding 2handers
And then you run with a zerker thief along with a full zerker party and realize warrior is actually mid tier DPS. thief DPS is second only to eles
And then you run with a zerker thief along with a full zerker party and realize warrior is actually mid tier DPS.
thief DPS is second only to eles
And then you look at your HP and you are almost dead. Naked warrior still has more survivability than a geared thief in PvE.
And then you run with a zerker thief along with a full zerker party and realize warrior is actually mid tier DPS.
thief DPS is second only to eles
And then you look at your HP and you are almost dead. Naked warrior still has more survivability than a geared thief in PvE.
And then you realize you should be better at avoiding damage through dodging.
And then you run with a zerker thief along with a full zerker party and realize warrior is actually mid tier DPS.
thief DPS is second only to eles
And then you look at your HP and you are almost dead. Naked warrior still has more survivability than a geared thief in PvE.
And then you realize you should be better at avoiding damage through dodging.
Why I would dodge if I can just use my warrior?
A lot of bosses can 1-shot you if you don’t dodge…Even if you’re a warrior. Especially in high lvl fractals.
indeed, high level fractals = 1 shot bosses everywhere.
but for general casual play (world bosses, normal dungeons, living story etc) warrior is more than enough.
So far besides my main, I’ve leveld up everything except for a Guard and Thief. And I’m working on an engi now. I use whatever weapons/traits that I find fun, and stick them in random drop gear as they level.
I had lots of fun with my sb/axe&horn Ranger, minion master Necro, and my turret Engi. My staff ele I kinda got sick of when he hit 30-something (really don’t like any of their elites for solo-PvE), but after a break I was able to play him again. Honestly the only thing that I didn’t have that much fun with was my scepter&focus/staff mesmer, it felt as squishy as my ele but did a lot less damage.
But honestly any class can do a ton of damage or have a ton of survivability.
And then you run with a zerker thief along with a full zerker party and realize warrior is actually mid tier DPS.
thief DPS is second only to eles
And then you look at your HP and you are almost dead. Naked warrior still has more survivability than a geared thief in PvE.
And then you realize you should be better at avoiding damage through dodging.
Why I would dodge if I can just use my warrior?
Because too many warriors in a dungeon are counter productive.
Actually for pugs I am definitely prefer a team with a couple of warriors in it. Because you know warrior can bring decent dps, but above all you know they are not going to drop left and right.
Sure theft and ele bring good dps, but not play right, they drop quick. In a pug, you don’t want to take that risk.
And then you run with a zerker thief along with a full zerker party and realize warrior is actually mid tier DPS.
thief DPS is second only to eles
And then you look at your HP and you are almost dead. Naked warrior still has more survivability than a geared thief in PvE.
And then you realize you should be better at avoiding damage through dodging.
Why I would dodge if I can just use my warrior?
Because you need to maintain >90% HP to keep your 10% damage from BIS Scholar runes. Not to mention standing still pressing 1 is very dull, why submit yourself to that just because it’s “easier”?
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
And then you run with a zerker thief along with a full zerker party and realize warrior is actually mid tier DPS.
thief DPS is second only to eles
And then you look at your HP and you are almost dead. Naked warrior still has more survivability than a geared thief in PvE.
And then you realize you should be better at avoiding damage through dodging.
Why I would dodge if I can just use my warrior?
Because you need to maintain >90% HP to keep your 10% damage from BIS Scholar runes. Not to mention standing still pressing 1 is very dull, why submit yourself to that just because it’s “easier”?
Scholar runes are garbage, look warrior OP damage with runes of strenght. And that was on a rabid necro lolol
And then you run with a zerker thief along with a full zerker party and realize warrior is actually mid tier DPS.
thief DPS is second only to eles
And then you look at your HP and you are almost dead. Naked warrior still has more survivability than a geared thief in PvE.
And then you realize you should be better at avoiding damage through dodging.
Why I would dodge if I can just use my warrior?
Because you need to maintain >90% HP to keep your 10% damage from BIS Scholar runes. Not to mention standing still pressing 1 is very dull, why submit yourself to that just because it’s “easier”?
Scholar runes are garbage, look warrior OP damage with runes of strenght. And that was on a rabid necro lolol
This thread is talking entirely about PVE. Im unsure how you missed that
Actually the OP talked about warrior in general. I dont think anybody would use GS/LB in PvE. My point was warrior is fun in PvE because of the OP survivability but gets boring in PvP because of the lack of things you can do against your openent.
Actually the OP talked about warrior in general. I dont think anybody would use GS/LB in PvE.
You’re right, all the baddies use GS/Rifle.
But for the most part, OP was referring to dungeon content.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
And then you run with a zerker thief along with a full zerker party and realize warrior is actually mid tier DPS.
thief DPS is second only to eles
And then you look at your HP and you are almost dead. Naked warrior still has more survivability than a geared thief in PvE.
And then you realize you should be better at avoiding damage through dodging.
Why I would dodge if I can just use my warrior?
This is a primary example of a terrible player who should be kicked from your party upon sight when undergoing a speedrun. They are nothing but timesinks/boat-anchors for other to carry.
This is a primary example of a terrible player who should be kicked from your party upon sight when undergoing a speedrun. They are nothing but timesinks/boat-anchors for other to carry.
Elitism at its finest.
If it’s a guild run, then good luck staying in the guild with that attitude. Or good luck for your guild to attract many players.
If it’s a pug then you probably won’t notice them until mid way into the dungeon, in which case kick him and trying to get another will take way longer.
Not elitism. Just something of a truth. Players wont learn anything if they are carried all their life.
The amount of 5k apers who say they are exp then once you get in dont see any relevant skills being used means they were carried and no one either taught them or kicked them enough for them to wonder why and seek out instruction.
How there can be 2+ 5kap guardians in a cm run that dont blind/dont wor/dont soa/do use a staff/ dont shout/ dont use consecrations. Wait its not because they don’kittens because they can’t. I asked them and both of them didnt have wall of reflection.
One even had dungeon master. I asked him no one ever said to use wor? He said nope. No one ever kicked you? Nope. I use the same build everywhere.
So did you end up kicking the guardians?
Even if you kick them, but are they going to learn…… NO. They will simply think of you as a kitten and find another group. This is a game, like everything else, some people devote more time and effort into it than others.
And if you kick them, and if I am in your party, I will kick you, or I would simply quit. I much rather group with these guardians then with you.
The dungeons in this game really doesn’t require super skill to get through. Sure a sub-optimal player may take a bit longer, but if you count then time to get a optimal group of players together, you are better off to carry them instead.
Playing warrior for the first time its fun but it gets boring very quickly in PvP at least. That’s why I mostly play thief/engi now. But in PvE warrior is incredibly OP, no reason to play teef over warrior.
PvE incredibly OP, even more boring then PvP.