So, What Fun Is Warriors?

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


After mesmer, ele and guardian I finished a warrior & am now wondering whether I should use up the BL skins I got for it or not. Because honestly, at least in PvE, I find warrior rather boring.

So, what’s the “fun” reason for you to play warriors at all? Is there a point in playing it after, not before the other “hard” professions?

20 level 80s and counting.

(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Elegie.3620



Is this a troll post? Going on a class forum to state that you find the class boring and easy to play isn’t going to bring you much interest from people who have spent hours understanding the mechanics of the class, and enjoy playing it, you know?

Anyway, in the unlikely case that you’re serious, I’ll tell you what I like – it’s the combination of mobility/damage that a warrior can use to put down his foes in an efficient way. In other words, I enjoy shredding other classes as a glass cannon warrior, in a high-risk high-reward mentality – all the more that the builds I use are non-meta, and that opponents therefore cannot really try and whine about my being so OP.

I’ve got all 8 classes at level 80, and for each have explored and tried out many builds. Among these, I favor the warrior, the mesmer and the thief, and have less interest for the other five. So my advice is pretty simple: if you cannot come to like the warrior, then it’s perfectly okay, don’t bother with it, and just stick to the classes you have fun playing. At least you’ve given it a try, and that’s already more than what most players do.


So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ryn.6459


Start abusing warrior mobility (GS-Sw&horn) and you will see. Then start adding blocks and evades (Gs, offhand sword)… Then start using the right utility skills for every situation (do you know that warrs have a fear skills that works wonder to push mobs for instance?)…. Check warrior guide on dulfy site.

And then, play with his reflects on certain situations…
And the, solo dungeons.
It is an amazing class. And I hate to say it, cause I hate big armored prototypes in fantasy games.

Learning English, any correction is very welcome.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


Yes, warrior is probably the most boring PvE class of all time.

even tho it’s my main and all, i noticed how boring warrior was when farming CoF1 was a thing.

As other classes, you have so many option or fun stuff to do. Group stealth, AoE heals, huge AoE skills, wall of projectil reflect, On target projectil reflect (burn down lupi so fast) and fun fiery greatsword rush (tho it’s fixed).

All warrior can do is passive buffs and go up auto attack or hundred blade, every monster you have "walk slowly“ up to their face in order to tag them. boring and uneffective, train farming/patch events as a warrior is just hell and uninteresting.
some people may say that warrior has the fastest horizontal speed and you sacrifice too much damage and it’s no where close to interesting mechanic as teleports can bring to your gameplay.( also teleports not being horizontal only)
That’s why i pretty much only play PvP on my warrior now, and made ele and thief for PvE.

Tho, im slowly losing it because apparently anet does not care about warrior, all they will do is passive buff and call it a day.

(edited by Simon.3794)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Flitzie.6082


I think this is more of a troll thread but I’ll bite.

My personal reason:
I am the typical Tank-player in other MMOs. I love heavy armor High HP melee classes. Simple as that and reason #1 I love the warrior the most of all classes.
Logging into the game just to see the beautiful number of 30.000HP in this red circle down at the bottom of your screen, what not to love about that?

I could ask the same. Whats the fun playing a mage class? All of those light armor professions. Magic and stuff.. ugh. I could not bother playing on of those. They dont appeal to me, I find the general concept of this type of character boring. Of course they might be well implemented and fun to play with if you are looking at it from a gameplay perspective. It just does not appeal to me.

Though, I agree, in PvE its kind of sad how little viable options the warrior has which leads to a stale gameplay. But lets be honest for a second. Its probably less about the warrior mechanics, but rather the Pve concepts in general. This game is just dead easy in all Pve content. Think about that for a minute.

In Pvp its less about knowing your class, the warrior, but rather knowing other classes and your counters. An experienced player has an easy time to counter a warrior.
As a warrior I dont think about what skills I use next to finish my awesome rotation but rather what skills should I not use at that specific moment because they’ll just get blinded, dodged or simply outplayed. That means, counting dodges, skills, knowing the enemy skills cooldown times etc.
Results: Not as easy as everyone thinks. Atleast not in PvP.

I can sense all the hate thrown against me already
“But but those 13k Evis, perma cc, movement skills… OP nerf!”
And sadly this is not going to change until those guys realize a simple stability boon and a condition based Crownd control effect and the warrior is a sitting duck and a free loot bag. Try it.

You touched the shiny, didn’t you?

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

>Mesmer, ele and guardian

>“hard” professions


Warrior isn’t ‘fun’ anymore. It used to be fun but now it’s for people that like playing the game on hard mode because the damage it puts out is easily surpassed by the majority of the other classes with significantly more risk attached.

If you enjoy challenges, you will find it fun.

Use the skins on a weapon type you can share. like GS.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Loading.4503


Use the skins, get some xmute stones on the way and get your own opinion , simple enough

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Theloseronian.2075


It’s just a matter of personal preferences. I don’t like proffesions that are squishy and stand a long distance from their target, only to teleport/stealth/whatever away when something gets close.
PvE in GW2 is rather dull most of the time, but there is something satisfying about pulling a ton of mobs together before cleaving them all to bits with a single Hundred Blades. I also like the larger bosses that are risky to do melee damage to. Standing next to them and not being smashed to the ground constantly can be really tricky, but it’s really rewarding when you manage to avoid all the hits (which is impossible if there are so many other players that the spell-effects obscure the boss to such an extend you can’t see anything…)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


I still don’t know yet but between my Guardian and my Warrior I’m having much more fun with my Warrior recently than my Guardian, in both PvE and PvP. It might just be because I have over 1000 hours on the Guardian and barely 100 on my Warrior, or not.

In PvP I’ve been using GS/Bow build, which is more difficult to play than most Warrior builds (since leap skills are … kitten), and in PvE I’ve been enjoying it a lot too. I get that Guardian is better IMO (and it is, it’s much easier to find a Warrior that know what to do than a Guardian, and when I don’t play mine I really feel bad for some Guardian I encounter in PvE) in some Dgn’s and more challenging, but PvE is already so easy, the fastest I complete the dgn the best and the Warrior does that. Not to sya that it has the best DPS but its the class that makes run the smothest with pugs

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Liewec.2896


for me the fun of warrior is seeing how much ludicrously high damage i can do in Spvp,
no matter the weapon, i have a hammer build with 90% crit chance and 4k crits.
i have a dual axe build with the final attack of the auto chain dealing 7k.
i have a greatsword build which i’ve hit people for 23k Hundred Blades with,

warrior is the ultimate berserker class, and therein lies the fun for me
not to mention you can get from point to point ridiculously fast with greatsword/sword swapping and Warrior Sprint.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


Going on a class forum to state that you find the class boring and easy to play isn’t going to bring you much interest from people who have spent hours understanding the mechanics of the class, and enjoy playing it, you know?

I figured that the best people to prove me wrong are those who have spent hours understanding the mechanics of the class and enjoy playing it.

it’s the combination of mobility/damage that a warrior can use to put down his foes in an efficient way. In other words, I enjoy shredding other classes as a glass cannon warrior, in a high-risk high-reward mentality

not to mention you can get from point to point ridiculously fast with greatsword/sword swapping and Warrior Sprint.

Yes, high mobility is fun and very useful, but I still think that high mobility on a hearty heavy class was a design mistake, or at least a very questionable concept. It’s like saying “screw physics!” and breeding a jet fighter with a tank

Use the skins, get some xmute stones on the way and get your own opinion , simple enough

I don’t think that getting some extra 400-500g without TP flipping is simple enough

>Mesmer, ele and guardian

>“hard” professions


Tried thief and engi earlier – definitely not my stuff either.

Logging into the game just to see the beautiful number of 30.000HP in this red circle down at the bottom of your screen, what not to love about that?

Wet noodle hits?

I could ask the same. Whats the fun playing a mage class? All of those light armor professions. Magic and stuff.. ugh. I could not bother playing on of those. They dont appeal to me, I find the general concept of this type of character boring. Of course they might be well implemented and fun to play with if you are looking at it from a gameplay perspective. It just does not appeal to me.

Fair enough. Can’t argue here.

Though, I agree, in PvE its kind of sad how little viable options the warrior has which leads to a stale gameplay. But lets be honest for a second. Its probably less about the warrior mechanics, but rather the Pve concepts in general. This game is just dead easy in all Pve content. Think about that for a minute.

Probably. I guess that the general consensus is that warrior is good as a starting class in PvE, but once that’s over, PvP/WvW is where warrior has a better place – even if it’s all Xbow/mobility builds.

every monster you have "walk slowly“ up to their face in order to tag them. boring and uneffective, train farming/patch events as a warrior is just hell and uninteresting.

  • cough * Rangers… * cough *

PvE in GW2 is rather dull most of the time, but there is something satisfying about pulling a ton of mobs together before cleaving them all to bits with a single Hundred Blades.

I don’t really know if I love Hundred Blades or hate it. When you press SoR, FGJ, GS2 and go for a drink leaving your character to finish the mobs – there’s something weird in either the skill or the AI. Well, at least now we have mobs which repeatedly blind and interrupt in Dry Top – but apart from that, 100B feels more like it belongs to utility skills, not weapon skills.

Standing next to them and not being smashed to the ground constantly can be really tricky, but it’s really rewarding when you manage to avoid all the hits (which is impossible if there are so many other players that the spell-effects obscure the boss to such an extend you can’t see anything…)

Very true. Fighting the visual effects, and not the boss, is part of why meleeing is often annoying.

warrior is the ultimate berserker class, and therein lies the fun for me

My definition tends to differ; a glass canon thief is more of an “ultimate berserker” than heavy armour, highest HP pool warrior IMO.

20 level 80s and counting.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Flitzie.6082


Logging into the game just to see the beautiful number of 30.000HP in this red circle down at the bottom of your screen, what not to love about that?

Wet noodle hits?

“Why did I see this comming?”
:D Judge for yourself:
Dat 3400 power with self-buffed might.


You touched the shiny, didn’t you?

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Artaz.3819


TL;DR version: Nerfs to a core class mechanic sucked the ‘fun’ out of the uniqueness of the Warrior.

While Warriors are still viable as a class, they are so so combat slow feeling (damage output is OK (requires a high might stacking mechanic) still but meh/it’s about the CC more than the out of combat mobility) that gives the Warrior its power feeling.

People here claiming that Warriors are fine now like the low-powered/uphill chest thumping that occurs (so do I which is why I use it in sPvP still) when you own a FotM class starting from a no Adrenaline beginning to actually connecting your Adrenaline strike F1 on another player (not an easy thing no matter how little skilled they are) is quite a rush.

Honestly, there is a reason why Warriors are not FotM and LB Rangers, 2+ kit Engins, D/D Eles and PU Mesmers are.

But as bad as Warriors are right now, Necros need even more help (except Terrormancer – huh, high CC class but with low damage still does fine – wonder why).

If you play a MM Necro or a turret Engin, you probably feel powerful too until you realize what you are giving up.

Guardians float somewhere in the middle and are becoming less and less powerful not because they are getting nerfed, they are just getting ignored (no truly viable condition build/low non utility mobility for a primarily melee/low health class) so the class has been stale for a time now.

Thieves are fine to powerful but its because of stealth/Shadow Arts line and excessive combat withdraws from teleport mechanics.

Tangent of the day:
After lots of thought on what makes the Adrenaline changes bad, the proper way ANet should of handled the change is make F1 abilities (on a hit or miss) put the F1 into a long cooldown ~9 seconds (similar to a weapon swap) with additional Adrenaline strikes removing this new F1 cooldown slightly while strikes still building Adrenaline as normal (up to the maximum). Example of play, if you hit/miss the F1, you could then use the Berserker’s Power utility to still use the next F1 skill more rapidly but at a cost of the utility. Adrenaline decay would need to be adjusted back to pre Sept 9th nerf (out of combat decay is way too quick and kills any disengage/re-engage opponent mechanics that easily outplay the Warrior – Adrenaline currently falls 100% off before Health replenishes to full and they should be linked.) Long story is to add a bit more of a skill ceiling to Warrior in order to use the class mechanic properly without gutting new Warriors ability to play.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Logging into the game just to see the beautiful number of 30.000HP in this red circle down at the bottom of your screen, what not to love about that?

Wet noodle hits?

“Why did I see this comming?”
:D Judge for yourself:
Dat 3400 power with self-buffed might.

Horrible. 31% crit chance along with the WvW applied strength stacks of +100, major bloodlust WvW, and you have +25 stacks of something. I’m guessing those are bloodlust.

In any case, seems like just a damage-sponge with CC. Surely you’re a useful asset in a zerg but like hell if you’re killing people that know what they’re doing.

Then again… I tend to find people quite often that probably have their dodge keys unbound…

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lishtenbird.2814


Logging into the game just to see the beautiful number of 30.000HP in this red circle down at the bottom of your screen, what not to love about that?

Wet noodle hits?

“Why did I see this comming?”
:D Judge for yourself:
Dat 3400 power with self-buffed might.

Horrible. 31% crit chance along with the WvW applied strength stacks of +100, major bloodlust WvW, and you have +25 stacks of something. I’m guessing those are bloodlust.

And Applied Fortitude (+250 vitality), food and utility.

20 level 80s and counting.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Flitzie.6082


I already knew you would step in and hate miku. Because everything that has less than 70% crit chance is nothing for you :P
Its a build stricly built for our wvw 5 man group. Thus wvw buffs are going to play a major role. It also works really great solo.

In a zerg this build is actually pretty bad because of low armor and I dont even like zerging.

Considering I play on a low tier server and people will never learn to use stability or dodge they are going to get rekt in a single hammer rotation. I don’t think I lack any damage at all. Its more about staying alive and doing your objectives rather than doing those horribly annyoing 1on1 encounters and trying to insta-gib the oponent with a single eviscerate.
I am getting told way to often to move along because they do 1on1s…. kitten that.

pic related

Btw: I’d be interested in what you would run miku


You touched the shiny, didn’t you?

(edited by Flitzie.6082)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I already knew you would step in and hate miku. Because everything that has less than 70% crit chance is nothing for you :P
Its a build stricly built for our wvw 5 man group. Thus wvw buffs are going to play a major role. It also works really great solo.

In a zerg this build is actually pretty bad because of low armor and I dont even like zerging.

Considering I play on a low tier server and people will never learn to use stability or dodge they are going to get rekt in a single hammer rotation. I don’t think I lack any damage at all. Its more about staying alive and doing your objectives rather than doing those horribly annyoing 1on1 encounters and trying to insta-gib the oponent with a single eviscerate.
I am getting told way to often to move along because they do 1on1s…. kitten that.

pic related

Btw: I’d be interested in what you would run miku

Not trying to give you the impression that I’m trying to bash you, just trying to be honest is all…

However the main reason I felt the need to post is because the way your post is leads me to believe you’re kind of… bragging… about that power and we’re apparently polar opposites on this matter because you seem to think that you don’t/won’t hit low damage like that.

I looked at the setup and that’s the first thought that came to mind, as I can’t imagine being able to stand playing like that personally. Even with the maximum DPS setups I still cringe at the low damage, so I’d go nuts with 30% crit chance ;_;

I personally don’t really do WvW that often but when I do, I usually am set up for straight ganking so I’m all-out offensive as always.

I don’t really see much of a reason not to be, considering there’s no penalty for death on this game. May as well just go full-out yolo.

But hey, different people different tastes.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Flitzie.6082


Forum crashed the second I tried to submit my post…awesome

I just wanted to say that I am sorry if it looked like bragging. I thought the smilie would make sure it would not look like it

The reason I play the warrior like this atm is because I play in a group where I act as bait and the CC-tank that can keep some people busy while still doing 6-7k hammer crits. Ideal to pressure someone while 2 zerker rangers scissor-flank with insane damage unable to get focused.
It portraits something I’ve mentioned in another thread. There are many viable options to be effective and a great build diverstiy when it comes to WvW. Thats what I like about it.

It still works solo, as mentioned, but its far from optimal beyond 1v1 situation. Its hard to kill people fast enough sometimes.
In 1v1 usually only guardians and basilisk venom thieves are a problem. Sometimes a good engineer gives me a headache aswell.

I am going to try out a full zerker set soon, maybe I’ll like it a lot! Who knows. As of now I eat zerker builds for breakfast but that has probably mostly to do with the lack of stability or dodging on their part.

You touched the shiny, didn’t you?

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Like I said, it’s just for ganking. You pretty much can’t kill people if they have the chance to prepare themselves and aren’t alone, but if you’re a beast you’ll be able to overpower the living kitten out of most other warriors/stuff like that.

When I say full-out offense, I’m being literal for the most part. It doesn’t work very well anymore though because bull’s charge/gs rush are both bugged since 9/9. Also… you’ll get rekt by mesmers with the setup, lol. Like almost no chance of beating them unless you burst them EXTREMELY fast… which is hard to do now with the terribad damage warrior now has.

Some guy Vaans or whatever posted an almost identical setup to what I’m referring to, but he was using axe/mace for some reason along with some unnecessary trait choices. Same concept really; just go for high burst. I almost always use warhorn / sword offhand. Mace is a terrible offhand against other players. :P

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Acotje.5689


Here Miku, maybe this will satisfy your crit fetish :p

Hello darkness, my old friend.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Here Miku, maybe this will satisfy your crit fetish :p

He’s very good, but I still can notice a substantial difference in damage. Also it’s sad how bull’s charge/gs rush bugs so often :<

It happens to him a lot in this video, such a shame.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


Winning fights with Greatsword /Axe, actually means your oppenent sucks or his build

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Winning fights with Greatsword /Axe, actually means your oppenent sucks or his build

Huh… I run it in wvw and win most of my fights… probably around 80% of my 1v1s on average. I can also burn people down in group fights and have decent sustain (shield offhand). Really depends on what I’m up against.

Decent p/d thieves and, to a lesser extent, s/d thieves can cause me trouble, but I’m not sure yet if they’re a hard counter (p/d thieves anyway).

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

What I find fun is all the QQ I get when I wreck someone.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Liewec.2896


warrior is the ultimate berserker class, and therein lies the fun for me

My definition tends to differ; a glass canon thief is more of an “ultimate berserker” than heavy armour, highest HP pool warrior IMO.

i’d say glass cannon thieves are more assassins since they play by landing a big hit and then retreating/stealthing.

a glass cannon warrior is still fairly squishy but focuses everything on damage and gets stronger the longer they stay in the fight, that seems more “berserker” to me
i dont even take stances just so i can have the bonus stats and crit chance from signets for more dakka. XD

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Simon.3794


warrior is the ultimate berserker class, and therein lies the fun for me

My definition tends to differ; a glass canon thief is more of an “ultimate berserker” than heavy armour, highest HP pool warrior IMO.

i’d say glass cannon thieves are more assassins since they play by landing a big hit and then retreating/stealthing.

a glass cannon warrior is still fairly squishy but focuses everything on damage and gets stronger the longer they stay in the fight, that seems more “berserker” to me
i dont even take stances just so i can have the bonus stats and crit chance from signets for more dakka. XD

glass canon warrior can not stay in a fight long = stronger the longer they stay make no sense. Sure hot join hero can do that in hot join (i can go axe only without offhand and secondary weapon and still kill people there), but in anything with a slightest skill involved, it’s not realistic, not to mention not taking any of those stances.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


Winning fights with Greatsword /Axe, actually means your oppenent sucks or his build

Huh… I run it in wvw and win most of my fights… probably around 80% of my 1v1s on average. I can also burn people down in group fights and have decent sustain (shield offhand). Really depends on what I’m up against.

Decent p/d thieves and, to a lesser extent, s/d thieves can cause me trouble, but I’m not sure yet if they’re a hard counter (p/d thieves anyway).

For those you have Berserker Stance, it helps at least for the inicial moments. S/D in WvW Idk if it is counter but in sPvP sure is. You are not beating one in sPvP with a GS unless they really suck

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


For those you have Berserker Stance, it helps at least for the inicial moments. S/D in WvW Idk if it is counter but in sPvP sure is. You are not beating one in sPvP with a GS unless they really suck

Yeah, I run Berserker’s Stance, Brawler’s Recovery, Sigil of Cleansing, and Cleansing Ire to deal with conditions. But a well played p/d thief can kite well enough to outlast the stance, prevent CI, and outpace the BR and sigil.

Packing a ranged weapon would probably deal with that and the s/d thieves well enough, but every build has it’s trade offs.

I use the GS mostly for mobility, both in combat and out, which is really important in wvw. 100 blades and Arcing Slice have their uses too, but Axe is the principle damage dealer in the build..

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


Winning fights with Greatsword /Axe, actually means your oppenent sucks or his build

Huh… I run it in wvw and win most of my fights… probably around 80% of my 1v1s on average. I can also burn people down in group fights and have decent sustain (shield offhand). Really depends on what I’m up against.

Decent p/d thieves and, to a lesser extent, s/d thieves can cause me trouble, but I’m not sure yet if they’re a hard counter (p/d thieves anyway).

Yes because you fight WvW-Roamers. People who will win against any GS/Axe build probably aren’t even playing WvW. They have to take care about the leaderboard. Have fun against them to land some f1 and sticking on Greatsword without a meta longbowbuild.
As I said, winning with a GS/Axe build means your oppenent or his build sucks.

For those you have Berserker Stance, it helps at least for the inicial moments. S/D in WvW Idk if it is counter but in sPvP sure is. You are not beating one in sPvP with a GS unless they really suck

exactly. actually you won’t win any fights with kind of those build unless your oppenents really suck
But I understand that it works fine in WvW. Probably you hit against WvW-roamingheroes eviscerate 9/10

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Yes because you fight WvW-Roamers. People who will win against any GS/Axe build probably aren’t even playing WvW…. [blah blah blah everyone but me sucks blah blah blah]… you won’t win any fights with kind of those build unless your oppenents really suck

Context is key, kiddo. You run an spvp build in wvw and you’ll find it less effective there. Why? Because the range of situations you have to deal with and things you have to do is much greater, from roamers to zergs, npcs, siege, large maps, etc.

Different aspects of the game have different factors that will define what makes for a good or bad build, and that includes pve too, by the way. I’ve stomped spvp heroes who figured they were the kitten with their builds because they weren’t prepared for combat outside the tiny range they were used to.

It’s not simply a matter of skill. The same reasons I’m not running a LB at the moment, others aren’t running builds that would be more optimal where small group fights or 1v1s in tiny spaces are all that matter.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


I don’t run PvP-builds in WvW because you can’t play a hambow or sth. else there.
But it doesn’t change the fact that WvW “warrior-builds” are bad builds,though.
Play against classes who can play pvp builds in WvW like S/D thiefs, terrormancers, 60062 engis and you’ll get facerolled with an GS/Axe , GS/hammer build , even if the oppenent make a lot of mistakes.

Grimkram [sS]

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I don’t run PvP-builds in WvW because you can’t play a hambow or sth. else there.
But it doesn’t change the fact that WvW “warrior-builds” are bad builds,though.
Play against classes who can play pvp builds in WvW like S/D thiefs, terrormancers, 60062 engis and you’ll get facerolled with an GS/Axe , GS/hammer build , even if the oppenent make a lot of mistakes.

Terrormancers don’t cause me a lot of trouble anymore. I can manage their conditions (including fear) easily enough through Berserker’s, weapon swaps, and CI to keep them on their back foot through damage.

But again, you’re defining “bad” by what will lose in spvp, or in wvw within the confines of an spvp-esque fight. I already identified some builds that have the advantage against the build I’m running, but there’s a reason most of the people I come across aren’t running those, and it’s not solely lack of skill or knowledge. It’s because those builds aren’t super valuable in wvw, where winning 1v1s isn’t really that important.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


I don’t talk about tpvp , I mainly talk about the 2vs2 servers and 1vs1ns at all. And if you already would have fought players out of the top 20 leaderborad like sîzer, the prototype or thjiskn you would know that any GS build is bad, especally without longbow.
And if you would face players like that in WvW you will get facerolled with a strange GS/Axe build. Your f1 will never hit, when you stick at greatsword they can type /dance and after your berserker stance is gone you can use your greatsword to run away.
Another option would be to play a meta build and face those players with a real chance to win. You can decide. No doubt, you can’t play those builds in WvW because you lack at mobility but that doesn’t make a GS/Axe build good.
Since WvW roamers often fight people 1on1 or 2on2 / 3on3…., I guess it’s necessary to kitten a build how it fits in those situations.
And a greatsword /axe build is terrybad in those situations if you play against players who aren’t at the skilllvl most of the roamers are at.

Grimkram [sS]

(edited by dominik.9721)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


lol @dominik.972 You appear determined to miss the point.

Remember, the OP was asking about PvE. You seem to be fixated on a limited aspect of the game and judging everything, builds, players, etc. according to what works best in that limited niche.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


lol @dominik.972 You appear determined to miss the point.

Remember, the OP was asking about PvE. You seem to be fixated on a limited aspect of the game and judging everything, builds, players, etc. according to what works best in that limited niche.

Pve does not matter, so who cares.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


Pve does not matter, so who cares.

Apparently the OP.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


That’s the reason why I was not reffering to OP.
In PvE Warrior is still fine. He is at the same way necessary for the group as before.
He’ll also get a slight buff on mace offhand which is really nice 2 have

Grimkram [sS]

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

lol @dominik.972 You appear determined to miss the point.

Remember, the OP was asking about PvE. You seem to be fixated on a limited aspect of the game and judging everything, builds, players, etc. according to what works best in that limited niche.

Pve does not matter, so who cares.

Maybe not to you, but for the overwhelming majority of the game it does.

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bartosz.2013


lol @dominik.972 You appear determined to miss the point.

Remember, the OP was asking about PvE. You seem to be fixated on a limited aspect of the game and judging everything, builds, players, etc. according to what works best in that limited niche.

Pve does not matter, so who cares.

Maybe not to you, but for the overwhelming majority of the game it does.

Dooger must be angry, maybe cause his gamemode is nearly dead =)

(edited by Bartosz.2013)

So, What Fun Is Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

lol @dominik.972 You appear determined to miss the point.

Remember, the OP was asking about PvE. You seem to be fixated on a limited aspect of the game and judging everything, builds, players, etc. according to what works best in that limited niche.

Pve does not matter, so who cares.

Maybe not to you, but for the overwhelming majority of the game it does.

Dooger must be angry, maybe cause his gamemode is nearly dead =)

Can you blame him? It’s literally the worst PvP I have ever seen not only on any MMORPG ever, but any game ever. I’d be pretty angry too.

Basically what it seems to be like is the Duel Arena from Runescape but without staking, without individual 1v1 fights, and the match doesn’t end when you either kill or get killed but rather when you stand in circles the longest.

There are good reasons why it’s so unpopular, yet for some reason some of the people that play it (like this guy) feel the need to condescend those that don’t play it with comments that belittle their interests. So perhaps I should do the same, like in my post here?

“No one cares about what you like.”