So how does Warrior fare in GW2?
I advise you to re-read through all the posts. There are too many of the same threads being created that are already addressed.
You’re only asking to read the same posts again.
For PvE the Warrior is really strong because it deals a lot of damage while having high armor and high health.
It’s good for WvW because it has high mobility, high survivability, and a well rounded selection of different weapons that let the warrior be useful in most situations.
Most people saying warrior is bad are talking about Structured PvP. I personally don’t play SPvP and have no opinion on it.
There are still people who think warrior sucks at PvE and WvW, but if you check out other profession forums you’ll see a lot of QQ about how warriors are better than them at dungeons and WvW. So go figure.
My opinion may not mater much seeing as how my warrior is only level 63 and he is my first 80. Actually though I am a person that played each class AT LEAST until all weapon slot were available and etc…Because I had a hard time choosing what class to play. In most games I choose a caster type class that keeps at range but for GW2 I chose a warrior because its simple….He is alot of fun! He can be a PvE powerhouse when you put traits into power and precision. The crit hits are just nasty! In WvWvW I play a rifle build for run and gun type of play. In sPvP I am using a hammer/mace/mace build with a shout healing build so he is like a tank/bunker for defending points and such. Actually the hammer build has worked well in out tanking some of my guardian friends in dungeons! So anyway I may be biased but if you like smacking people in the face hard and firing a rifle then go WAR. Just play what is fun for YOU not what every one says about a certain class being OP or UP.
Nothing I say applies to PvE. Any class works fine against AI.
Passive defense, which is what the warrior relies on, is not on par with active defenses sported by our lower hp or armor counterparts, and with the last patch, our mobility relative to other classes was reduced. The warrior is solid, but there are classes which, if played correctly, will thrash you. I main warrior and do well enough, but I’ve had to come to terms with the fact not classes have the same chance at success in a competative setting. You will too. If you want to be a warrior, make a warrior. If having an edge in competition is important, play something else.
(edited by Veritas.6071)
The Warrior is solid.
Just don’t roll one with the hopes of being a traditional tank, because we can’t do that in GW 2. That’s for Guardians.
Do you even lift, bro?
I believe we’re a fantastic PvE class and solid WvW one, however I hear we’re lacking in the sPvP department.
My warrior is my main, I love my charr warrior with all my heart.
That said, I love him because he is amazing.
GS utterly DESTROYS any PvE mobs no sweat, and for dungeons (particularly champions and mob spam, and dire situations) the elite skill Battle Standard is freaking amazing. For Great Justice! shout is also extremely useful, literally perma might, no traits needed.
If you want a guy that can take many hits, and deal out tons of damage, and have a few support skills, the warrior is your class
( Btw, this is all PvE, I dislike PvP, but not because warrior is bad at it, I dont know if it is. I just dont like pvp )
At this moment:
Not for everyone. It takes TIME to learn how to make Warriors work, and if you’re not willing to learn then you won’t progress. A lot of people are like this.
Low-skill players like Braxxus and Akumu are two of the many good examples on how “Warrior takes too much effort compared to other classes” if you have been reading the threads where these two post. I’ll be frank and say I’m at the point where losing a match with a Warrior isn’t a class imbalance but a learn to play issue on the player’s side for the most part. In those other two’s case, things begs to differ.
Hopefully ANET does fix the Warrior in a way where both low-skill players and good players can easily understand how to make a Warrior work.
Warrior makes PvE a joke, but on the other hand it’s very clunky in PvP due to buggy skills (Rush, fix it… never hits anything moving) and generally lack of enduring enough to get the kill, that’s why you see all WvW Warriors using Rifles.
Warrior makes PvE a joke, but on the other hand it’s very clunky in PvP due to buggy skills (Rush, fix it… never hits anything moving) and generally lack of enduring enough to get the kill, that’s why you see all WvW Warriors using Rifles.
Hahaha i loled so bad at the last part) Hope Anet see your post and balance what they stated few daysa go ( warriors kings of melee dmg burst) ) haha thank you for the lol ! And yea at WvW and sPvP warrior idk if i can say the word suck but they do big time !