So much needs to change...

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


This is what worries we the most. Sure, they can slap a ton of damage on Berserker and it will work, but the game will suffer for it. For Berserker and Warrior in general to be viable and interesting to play for and against, it needs a complex rework. I don’t think A-net is willing or able to do it at this point.

Warrior has a lot of useless traits and abilities, which is exacerbated by the lack of instant teleports and damage avoidance that every other class has. Take the Daredevil, which is another spec that is struggling at the moment. Sure, it’s weak, but it’s in a much better shape than Berserker, because it still has access to instant teleports, good dodges and stealth, which are always good, no matter the current balance. Warrior has no such tools, that’s why lacking raw power leaves the class completely crippled.

Alright, so devs don’t want Warrior to have teleports while being a predominantly melee class. It’s a big weakness, but alright, fine. What’s the next best thing? Superspeed! Warriors have no access to it. Berserker is a spec that’s all about speed, so Superspeed would fit right in and help Warrior to get around and re-position in a fight.

All of the heals need a nice bump. Mending needs to become a Physical skill and receive a bump in the healing amount, Defiant Stance needs to be instant. Blood Reckoning in particular is just… bad. Even if it offered 100% damage to healing convertion, it would still not be amazing. This heal needs to be reworked.

Resistance is something that would help Warrior immensely to land his big, obvious animations. People should still be able to dodge big hits, sure, but when the blind spam is piled on top of dodges, it becomes too much.

Take a look at certain weapon abilities and utility skills. OH Axe is extremely weak, MH Axe 2 is just laughable and would be too weak to be a #1 skill by today’s standards, OH Mace is extremely slow and wasn’t good enough even 2 years ago, and with the way the game is now, it’s just terrible. Physical skills are mostly bad and need to be buffed massively. Rage skills, except Headbutt and Outrage, are too weak. Sundering Leap is just… come on. Surely you can see how this skill is totally useless? The majority of Signets are extremely weak as well.

Some traits are either too weak or mandatory, considering the present state of the Warrior. Not having double Endure Pain is arguably always wrong in PvP, not having Fast Hands or Warrior’s Sprint is crippling. And then there are traits like Thick Skin.

Warrior need a change in philosophy. If he is to remain slow, he needs to also be steady. If he is predictable, avoiding his predictable skills should take conscious effort, not be taken care of by blind spam and passive defenses.

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: samo.1054


Warrior would be much easier to fix, if not for all the insane powercreep that happened to most other classes in this game in the past year…

Again, I don’t want warrior buffs. I want warrior stuff to function and I want other classes toned down.

Powercreep ruins the fun in this game.

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: lighter.2708


I have no idea why would they add damage to berserker, when clearly strength is the damage line.

berserker was supposed to be the utility line which warrior lacks for a freaking long time

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: Thuggernaut.1250


Warrior would be much easier to fix, if not for all the insane powercreep that happened to most other classes in this game in the past year…

Again, I don’t want warrior buffs. I want warrior stuff to function and I want other classes toned down.

Powercreep ruins the fun in this game.

Buffing Warrior now isn’t “power-creep,” it’s just restoring Warrior to some fraction of its original power.

People were dropping 27-30K+ Hundred Blades easily at launch, unleashing insane Frenzy Killshots and unbelievable Eviscerates. Nothing you could do to Warrior now would even bring it close to how powerful it was at launch.

Even if you undid every nerf to Warrior from launch onwards, it still wouldn’t be as powerful, because of the conversion of the old Critical Damage % stat into Ferocity.

I’m getting tired of these spurious “power-creep” arguments, because anyone arguing that Warrior buffs now are “power-creep” have forgotten how many nerfs led up to this point.

If you want to see real “power-creep,” read the June 23 patch notes on how many Mesmer traits got baselined into the class. Justify those buffs, and then somehow justify keeping all of the Warrior nerfs intact at the same time.

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: Chrisco.5732


Here’s my tiny list …

1) Traits: They need a long waited clean up and reordering.
2) Baseline traits: several being needed (fast hands, burst mastery etc.)
4) Gap closers : Bulls Charge should be changed to a teleport like EVERY OTHER CLASS HAS!
5) Adrenaline: Add adrenaline gain to dodge/weapon swap as baseline and reduce the ridiculous degen.
6) Primal Burst skills: Hammer, Axe, longbow are essentially useless. (Hammer should be rupturing crater: smash the ground and create a crater that pulls enemies to you)
7) Weapon skills: Axe OH needs a huge functionality buff. Hammer needs an update (compared to Rev/scrapper hammer) Just go and compare backbreaker to drop the hammer … its hilarious
8) Banner changes: They’re boring as heck, if they functioned like Herald skills or even gyro’s they would be better.
9) Heal skills: Lets be blunt here … we dont have any. Heal sig just slows our death rate by a tiny bit
10) GIVE US SUPERSPEEEEED! So sick of just getting out kited by someone walking away.
11) Fix broken traits: attack speed buffs that dont stack -__-
12) Rage skills are simply 100% useless.
13) Cleansing Ire, removing condi on hit is just silly. IF we could hit them then its cause we arent chilled, blinded, crippled, immobilized etc etc etc
14) … and this is a biggie, balance the other classes!

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


Even after Anet claiming they have fixed Bull Charge and Rush, for some reason I fail to land (while not being blinded) them on my enemies 40-50% of the time even though they are very much within the range. The CD of BC is way too high for a skill that misses so often.

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: Phantom.5389


Don’t forget that bull rush is actually in a much better shape than Greatsword 5 [Rush]… That skill has been somehow fixed yet the fix still doesn’t make the skill bearable 60% of the time… A skill that is a gap closer that will often send you way behind your ennemy if he simply walks, thus negating the gap closing effect.

Not gonna say warrior is all that bad. But some basic things are still not fixed even with an expension… Those basic things are irritating. Imagine a guardian using JI [Judge’s intervention] and being sent 400 range behind the enemy while missing simply because the opponent is moving forward or strafing left. Would guardian cry bloody murder… Yes.

Warriors simply don’t cry bloody murder on those skills anymore since it’s been this way for so long that we now view those bugged mechanic as a game design :S

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: roamzero.9486


Biggest thing Warrior needs is more utility. The range of Warrior utility was pretty much reduced to just banners when shoutbow was nerfed. One thing there is room for in the game is more boon hate. The only class that really punishes boon spam is Necro, I think Warrior could also do similar. Warrior could also use a way to clear out/destroy ground targeted things like traps/wells/marks/etc.

Other than that it just comes down to nerfing the power creep in other classes and fixing minor things like offhand axe/mace, making GS Rush reliable again like it was pre-specialization patch, etc.

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: Harubpunbaru.3260


My opinion first time playing Berserker after playing Reaper over 200+ hours
Even Reaper who’s great in PvE became the punching bag of PVP
Berserker literally worse than core warrior

My suggestion
Make embrace the pain to be baseline. It make sense when you get hurt you feel the pain and pump more adrenaline.

Adrenaline drop when out of combat or when not gaining Adrenaline for x seconds:
because our adrenaline dropping fast like the jet fuel the change is so you can pop Burst/Berserk prior to joining the fight via berserker stance or signet of precision and not feeling drained so fast after the battle ends.

condi cleansing problem
Here’s the problem with those cleanse skills.

Cleansing Ire… Really Anet? why we need to hit someone with burst skill? most of the bursts is short-range or the longbow and rifle with turtle-speed long range burst.

Shake it off… TOTALLY GARBAGE. It maybe a mass 1 condi clear but only 1 condi?
the trait that pop this when you got the condi… if you get hit by 1 bleed and got reapplied after the shake… WHAT A JOKE

Mending is not worth to get in the healing slot.. and its not even Physical???

also worth to mention… those gapcloser skills feel so clunky like those above mentioned… Rush in action mode really really weird. I use targeted Rush only to get behind enemy! wat is this sorcery?

(edited by Harubpunbaru.3260)

So much needs to change...

in Warrior

Posted by: samo.1054


Warrior would be much easier to fix, if not for all the insane powercreep that happened to most other classes in this game in the past year…

Again, I don’t want warrior buffs. I want warrior stuff to function and I want other classes toned down.

Powercreep ruins the fun in this game.

Buffing Warrior now isn’t “power-creep,” it’s just restoring Warrior to some fraction of its original power.

People were dropping 27-30K+ Hundred Blades easily at launch, unleashing insane Frenzy Killshots and unbelievable Eviscerates. Nothing you could do to Warrior now would even bring it close to how powerful it was at launch.

Even if you undid every nerf to Warrior from launch onwards, it still wouldn’t be as powerful, because of the conversion of the old Critical Damage % stat into Ferocity.

I’m getting tired of these spurious “power-creep” arguments, because anyone arguing that Warrior buffs now are “power-creep” have forgotten how many nerfs led up to this point.

If you want to see real “power-creep,” read the June 23 patch notes on how many Mesmer traits got baselined into the class. Justify those buffs, and then somehow justify keeping all of the Warrior nerfs intact at the same time.

Fair enough. Maybe I used too strong words when I said “I don’t want Warrior buffs.” However I did follow it up by saying that I want warrior to function.

Yes, Warrior was subjected to strong and pointless nerfs for a while. Most of those nerfs when I look at them, I wonder what exactly were guys at Anet thinking.

Currently the class is so deep down in kittenhole it’s hard for me to even come back here to these topics and make a post that would explain everything well… Honestly I’m just not the best at explaining things. But even if I managed that, I could barely hope that someone from Anet would actually read and ponder upon it. I find it pointless to try and explain things here, when I see just how clueless Anet obviously was when they were nerfing Warrior and making some of the skills/traits of the new specs. It makes me wonder, do they even have a person that regularly plays Warrior in PvP/WvW/PvE? Do they honestly find Warrior useful there? Do they ever compare various classes at various roles, similar skills,…?

-What’s with triple nerf to adrenaline mechanics?
a) loose adrenaline on miss
b) fast adrenaline decay
c) adrenaline decay as soon as you leave combat mode

This was all done in one single patch and it was WAY too much. It’s even more obvious now that Berserker spec is out. BTW didn’t they say they would only make small adjustments? Well this wasn’t a small adjusment, especially since it’s not just one utility skill or trait, IT’S A FREAKING CLASS UNIQUE MECHANIC!

And with that nerf also came another stupidity: The functionality of Cleansing Ire:
- You miss, you loose adrenaline, you don’t cleanse your condies…. UNLESS you’re using Longbow. Wait what? You know… I doubt Anet said something like: “Ok Longbow is a unique weapon, so we will let them cleanse their condies via Cleansing Ire even if they miss the burst.”

No no, this is simply a result of the fact that Anet was unable to make a simple fix to longbow, so they let it stay the way it was. And that’s actually the right way. Conditions HAVE to get cleansed by Cleansing Ire even if we miss with burst skill!

Thiefs still shadowstep to their target, go into stealth and steal boons even if they are blind when they execute the Steal. So yeah… I would at least expect some consistency, but there’s none to be found with Anet. Not even within the same class…

-Warrior lacks tools: Since we are the most melee reliant class in a game where ranged damage is winning fights I would at least expect Warriors to have the best access to pulls. Well we don’t. Dragonhunter got it, Engi got it,…

-Same reason as with pulls I would expect us to have access to Superspeed since we can’t shadowstep like some other classes. We get no access to Superspeed, Scrapper gets it.

-Our Weapon skills are slow and outdated and hard to land.
Backbreaker compared to Drop the hammer or Thunderclap anyone? Am I the only one seeing a problem here?
Bladetrail so slow I can almost catch my own blade?
Rush missing targets?
Bull’s charge same kitten…
Axe offhand, what’s that?
Mace offhand horrible

-What’s the point of physical utility skills, really?
-What’s the point of Rage utility skills? Except Outrage they are all SO kitten TERRIBLE!
-Shouts and Warhorn: unjustified nerf when trait system patch came. There goes another one of our viable team support.
-Stances: Boring, huge cooldown, when they are up you’re immortal for 5 seconds, when they are on cooldown you’re sitting duck. Bad design. Yet a must for Warriors, because without two Defy Pains we basically just melt anywhere we go. Just another indication of bad design. The class NEEDS to be playable and able to defend even with its utility skills on cooldown! Otherwise the combat in this game just turns into a matter of who had more utility skills available at the start of the fight. Do we want that? I don’t.

Sustainability problems coupled with our reliance to stances with huge cooldown just scream one thing to me: We are being betrayed by our unique class mechanic – Adrenaline mechanic. It was way oversimplified by Anet. Adrenaline mechanic is what should be giving us things such as reduced condition duration, reduced incoming damage, condi cleansing,… With that we could get access to some more exciting utility skills. We could actually get to use Physical utility skills if we could support ourselves through adrenaline mechanic. Right now there is just no way on earth for Warriors to play with Physical or Rage utility skills. With that in mind we need access to reliable gap closers and pulls, superspeed,…

This is becoming a wall of text that most people won’t read anyway, I could go on but I’ll stop here…