Solider vs Knight

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: Kellie.3687


Heya, on my Warrior I am trying to figure out what one will bring me the most value over all. With my current build I have 27.6k health I am using Solider on all Armor slots and Weapon slots.

However as a Warrior I have 22k health with out gear on, What I am curious to know, is Knight offers more toughness, and with that more armor meaning I would take less damage using Knight gear than Solider, but have a smaller health pool.

What one is going to net me the most survivability? I am not sure how much extra armor I am going to gain by taking Knight, but would the extra damage reduction make up for the loss of 5-6k health?

This is all a question from a PvE Dungeon running perspective, as I do the pulls for my group and often take the vast majority of the groups damage keeping most if not all of the live targets on me.

Thanks in advance for any ideas, or information.

(edited by Kellie.3687)

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


I like knight’s better, personally. I’m not sure if it’s a net increase in longevity by itself, but the extra toughness will indirectly improve my heal effectiveness for longer fights, and I get better damage with precision as well rather than just a bit higher power. Plus 5% of my toughness goes to power if I trait that way, for whatever that’s worth.

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I like knight’s better, personally. I’m not sure if it’s a net increase in longevity by itself, but the extra toughness will indirectly improve my heal effectiveness for longer fights, and I get better damage with precision as well rather than just a bit higher power. Plus 5% of my toughness goes to power if I trait that way, for whatever that’s worth.

it depends on if you have crit damage or not. I wont bore you with formulas, but knight does give less Power than Soldier so it doesnt necesarrily deal more damage. If you have crit damage in your traits, get knight’s. Soldier will actually allow you to take more punishment than knight’s because when facing raw damage, the 900 bonus from knight vs the 600 armor from soldier is actually only about a 10~15% damage reduction over Soldier, but the 6k health you are getting from soldier lets you take 25% or more (depending on your health, you being 22k currently, roudning to 24k) punishment. Also, more vitality means you can “tank” condition damage more since it goes through armor.
And if you have toughness in your build already, it makes Soldier even more powerful as you approach the DR’s of toughness on damage reduction if you were using Knight.

So if you have crit damage, go for Knight’s. but if you have healing power/power/toughness (which is basically the only other viable stats for these 2 armor sets), go with the soldier.

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I like knight’s better, personally. I’m not sure if it’s a net increase in longevity by itself, but the extra toughness will indirectly improve my heal effectiveness for longer fights, and I get better damage with precision as well rather than just a bit higher power. Plus 5% of my toughness goes to power if I trait that way, for whatever that’s worth.

Your 5% of the 300 more Toughness knight has over Soldier will only amount to 15 extra power. And knight is only a damage increase over Soldier if you

A) have a 2.0 crit damage multiplier or
B) have substantial power in your traits/runes

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Soldier will actually allow you to take more punishment than knight’s because when facing raw damage, the 900 bonus from knight vs the 600 armor from soldier is actually only about a 10~15% damage reduction over Soldier, but the 6k health you are getting from soldier lets you take 25% or more (depending on your health, you being 22k currently, roudning to 24k) punishment.

…sort of.

Looking at it this way is basically ‘if I stood there taking hits, which set would let me stand there longer?’ which benefits the higher vitality set. This is useful in short fights, because standing there that little bit longer could mean I kill what or whoever I’m fighting.

If I plan for the fight to last longer though, the damage reduction helps because by then it’s my healing, not my total health, that’s keeping me in the fight. The harder it is to knock off my hitpoints, the more I benefit from restoring them. Conditions are an exception but I really hate them so I’ve always got a few ways to get rid of them.

Precision is also useful for anything you might trigger on critical hits, but yes I tend to use more than the base critical damage as well.

EDIT: to be clear, the base critical damage is +50% of an attack, so tooltip wise I’d only need to be showing another 50% to be at 200% attack damage on critical.

(edited by LameFox.6349)

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: Nanashi.5704


This is all a question from a PvE Dungeon running perspective, as I do the pulls for my group and often take the vast majority of the groups damage keeping most if not all of the live targets on me.

it seems like most the people posting didnt get to this point lol.
If you’re doing the “tanking” for your group then solider wins out IMO. You’ll have a higher health pool to deal with any DoTs you get and a fairly high toughness rating still so you’ll be able to absorb the direct dmg. The crit from knights is nice attraction but if you’re tanking for your group then they should be worried more about building for damage then you should be, imo

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: Kellie.3687


Thanks for all the reply’s! However, Knight makes you take over all less damage than solider due to high toughness, how long would the fight have to go on for Knight to be more valuable than Soldiers extra health efficiency?

Right now its clear that Solider is better for short fights, but how much shorter? I relies that this is a very open ended question, but when bosses hit for 4k and trash not too far behind, reducing an extra 10%? I guess would make Knight over take Solider rather fast?

Edit: Kinda answered my own post… 10% of 4000 is 400 so it would be 15 attacks. before Knight is more durable… I think I am really bad at this stuff ^^

(4000 – 10% = 400) (6000health / 400 = 15)

(edited by Kellie.3687)

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: LameFox.6349


Of course, you could always just try out both lol.

I started out getting pwr-vit/tgh after I decided not to use pure berserker’s, and it was decent, though I liked it more in WvW than dungeons. Then I made a knight’s set to get more criticals in my WvW fights and ended up just using it all over because I realized I didn’t miss that little bit of power or the vitality at all.

Or you could use soldier’s armour and knight’s jewellery (mine is berserker’s), if you really want to just be a brick.

EDIT: again, I do always take ways to kill conditions though. I’ve got soldier’s runes for shout condition removal, and I’ve usually got the signet recharge trait so when I’m not running full shouts I carry the endurance/cure signet for emergency purges (and more dodging is never bad).

(edited by LameFox.6349)

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: Dempsey.8760


Knights gear fills the warrior rolse much better then soldiers, adding alot more damage to the toon while giving it much more toughness. Vit is a medium for condition damage so the lack of that 5k HP will need some condition removal skills, however youll have more defense which is the medium for actual hits.

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: Tammuz.7361


on the warrior even more than other classes: toughness >> vit

knights gives more toughness than soldiers being the major stat

vit is kinda a mediocre stat to us since we already got such high HP at baseline


Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

I’d say take the knight’s, but I’m partial considering that’s what i use. When I switch from my MF set to my knight’s set I gain ~400 extra toughness, to about 3.2k armor with 24-25k hp (you’d get more with the accessories, but I haven’t had time to craft those yet, and I think I’ll wait for Ascended items myself).

Especially since we rely more on kiting/blocking/dodging to mitigate damage I’d rather have extra armor for when I do get hit hard.

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: Vicarious.3047


Heya, on my Warrior I am trying to figure out what one will bring me the most value over all. With my current build I have 27.6k health I am using Solider on all Armor slots and Weapon slots.

However as a Warrior I have 22k health with out gear on, What I am curious to know, is Knight offers more toughness, and with that more armor meaning I would take less damage using Knight gear than Solider, but have a smaller health pool.

What one is going to net me the most survivability? I am not sure how much extra armor I am going to gain by taking Knight, but would the extra damage reduction make up for the loss of 5-6k health?

This is all a question from a PvE Dungeon running perspective, as I do the pulls for my group and often take the vast majority of the groups damage keeping most if not all of the live targets on me.

Thanks in advance for any ideas, or information.

in my opinion it depends. you running with shouts? if so then stick to soldiers runes, the ability to remove and extra condition with a shout is hard to live without after youve played it for a while lol

but if youre doing anything other then shouts then knights would work just as well if not better.

Solider vs Knight

in Warrior

Posted by: Recently.1043


Could mix a bit of both in, which is what i do.

If i had to choose only 1 set though, soldiers would be my choice, its slightly more verstile imo. I can go full defense traits and be super tanky, or go glass cannon traits and have solid dps with good survival. (alternatively, its really unlikely you will ever want to go with glass cannon gear + tanky traits)

Call me when this game gets fixed…. if it ever does….