Soloing with warrior

Soloing with warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: nxk.1932


Hi warriors!
I have question, what is now possible to solo with warrior? Effectivelly and with profit? Elementalist… i know… i know but iam insterested about warrior.

Soloing with warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Uh? Soloing in this game isn’t profitable regardless of profession. Everytime there was some good solo farm ANET nerfed it. If there is one who ever knows about it isn’t sharing. You want loot go to silverwastes or something. That being said its easier to solo on a warrior than an ele.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Soloing with warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: nxk.1932


I dont care about loot.. I want just options with warrior

Soloing with warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Hi, have you seen my guide?

I go into detail about traits, general DPS optimization and weapon usage along with food. Soloing is definitely a thing for warriors and in fact, will be even better once the new traits and specializations are implemented.

Soloing with warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


To solo u just use Mikus build but u don’t need the group stuff. For runes if you can’t afford them there are cheaper stuff that works but isnt the best.

Runes that are good. Scholar, Strength, Pack, Ogre, Aristocracy, Hoelbrak, krait

If power u can get strength runes do it. If condi get Aristocracy.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Soloing with warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Kishlin.6271


I dont remember him asking for builds, just what to solo. :/
And that would be soloing and selling arah p2/3. P1 is less worth doing because of the tar which you will need help with. P4 is doable but not worth unless in duo or trio.

Soloing with warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: nxk.1932


Ty Miku for post, i relativelly know build for solo warr play, just asking for more iinformation and experiences from people who trying solo anything on him. A what about sinister s/s? I saw kill abo in arah from brazil Only.

Soloing with warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: IrishPotato.6327


As Kishlin said Arah 2/3 and even 1 (which I do anyway) is profitable for selling as a warrior. With newpi Lupi warriors have the option to do it relatively well but obviously not as easy as it used to be. S/S sinister is viable yes, but remember that it’ll take you much longer to effectively kill anything. Besides s/s LB was a kill set before the lupi change. Your safest bet of completing lupi now anyway is axe/sword GS or even safer mace/sword GS