Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


I’m just throwing these out there.

1a) Remove Healing Signet from the game.

1b) New skill: Mending Stance. Healing slot, Stance subtype. Heals for X amount at activation, and heals for a certain amount every second for each condition on the caster. Cures 1 condition/second.

2a) Remove Mending from the game.

2b) New Skill: “Snap Out Of It!”. Healing slot, Shout subtype. Heals for a significant amount, and heals everyone in the area. Breaks stun.

3a) Remove “On My Mark!” from the game.

3b) New Skill: “Show Yourselves!”. Removes stealth, Stability, and Swiftness from all enemies in the AoE. Unblockable. All allies inflict 3 stacks of Vulnerability with their next attack.

4) Change trait “Sure-Footed: Increase Stance Duration by 25%.” to “Increase Stance Duration by 50%.”

5a) Remove “Distracting Strikes: Apply Confusion when you interrupt a foe.” from the game. It’s nice, but it has no functional purpose.

5b) New Trait: “Empowering Domination: Gain 2s of Retaliation whenever you interrupt a foe.”

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

(edited by SharadSun.3089)

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


Ahh, I added one more.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Demosthene.2195


Retaliation seems a bit void. Most of Warrior’s interrupts will push the target around, make him flee or prevent from attacking at all, getting retaliation you get no real use of (since you likely won’t get attacked) is just weird.

How about ...

"Empowering Domination" - gain fury (4 seconds) and 3 stacks of might (8 seconds) every time you interrupt a foe.

That way you could still deal punishment and capitalise on a locked down target, instead of getting retaliation when your target wants to disengage or plain can’t attack you to begin with because it’s disabled.

(edited by Demosthene.2195)

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


I was actually thinking that Healing would be better than Retaliation..

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Demosthene.2195


Healing on burst skills and interrupts would give control-oriented, weapon-swapping builds more sustainability. We could see a rise of tanky-control-dps characters relying on control and minor healing to stay in the fight (e.g. mace/shield, hammer people), and enough burst during a spike to push people off the point (unsuspecting foe, hammer combos, frenzy etc).

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


“Empowering Domination” – gain fury (4 seconds) and 3 stacks of might (8 seconds) every time you interrupt a foe.

I thought of this, but didn’t post it for some reason. I like the idea

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Stomp: CD changed from 60s to 20s, allow yourself to be fully mobile.
Kick: Changed from 20s CD to 8s.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Faranox.4217


Daecollo, you already shared your thoughts about Physical Utility cooldowns in the thread for it. What are your thoughts on SharadSun’s ideas for Warrior sustain?

I think these changes sound great.

Chops Mcgee, of Anvil Rock

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Nevarato.3178


I disagree with the Mending and Distracting Strikes changes.

Personally i use Mending, in combination with Restorative Strength, to remove up to 6 conditions and heal, on a 25 sec CD. Mending isn’t a big heal, but low CD and has utility, so it’s meant to be used through out the fight when ever possible. You let the conditions stack, then when u lose 5-6k, u use it to remove all conditions and heal back to max. Healing Surge is already the big heal of the game. But i wouldn’t have a problem with it becoming a shout, to make it more viable for more builds. Although the AoE heal might be a bit much, maybe just the condition removal.

And i run a sword/board+longbow power condition hybrid, and Distracting Strikes is amazing for me. 3 stack of confusion per interrupt for 5 secs. But i can get up to 6 stacks for 900 dmg per action, ontop of my standard 2-4k per sec dmg output. While still being mildly tanky with 16 secs of stability. (my fights with bunker mes and regen ele go 50/50, depends what lands for who)

But personally wouldn’t mind a retal change, might be more useful in more situations as that dmg is spread out over more targets. But 2 secs is way too low, would have to be more like 10 secs. The confusion is already 5 secs and i can do 900 dmg, while the retal is 2 secs and i would do 345 dmg per hit, which is a losing percentage as i need to be hit for it to proc. But even then it’s still a nerf to me personally when compaired with distracting strikes. Especially as they nerfed retal, so it doesn’t proc on block anymore, which rendered Spiked Armor useless. If they buffed retal back up, then yeah definitely.

In the same “Sustainable” vein of ideas, they need to buff Shield Stance to have a lower CD, at least of 20 secs from 30 secs. Mesmer and Ele’s invul skills already give more invul over time than Shield Stance, as well as have more utility. While the Engie has an exact clone of Shield Stance but on a 20 sec CD, in Gear Shield:

Also Anet said they were looking to give more stun breaks to more skills, which would indirectly nerf war. So stuns might not be as useful in the future. (although for me that would be an indirect buff, as the less time they spend stunned, the more time confusion is doing dmg)

(edited by Nevarato.3178)

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


This is a list of warrior traits I added to make the warrior more interesting as a class, most of these traits are spread around far so you cannot gain them all unless you want to sacrifice something.


Juggernaut’s Tenacity
Grandmaster Trait, Strength tree.
Healing received on skill activation, heals intensify the closer to death you are.
100%-70%: 10 + (1 * Level) + (0.02 * Healing Power)
70%-33%: 20 + (2 * Level) + (0.033 * Healing Power)
33%-0%: 30 + (3 * Level) + (0.045 * Healing Power)

(Merge Missile Deflection/Shield Mastery.)
Grandmaster, Defense Tree.
Convert a condition into a boon when you gain a bar of adrenaline.

(Merge this trait and furious.)
Adrenal Sustain
Grandmaster, Arms Tree
Gain health when you gain a strike of adrenaline.
Gain an extra strike of adrenaline when you critical hit.

Empowered Defenses
25: Tactics.
Remove a condition when granting regeneration to yourself or an ally. (Cool down: 5s )

Enduring Adrenaline
15: Tactics
Gain a small amount of endurance (5 out of 100.) when you gain a strike of adrenaline.

Determined Revival
5: Tactics
Gain 25% damage reduction while reviving an ally.
Increases revive speed by 25%.

Thick Skin
5: Defense
Increases damage reduction the closer you are to death.
100%-70%: 5% damage reduction.
70%-33%: 10% damage reduction.
33%-0%: 15% damage reduction.

Adrenal Health
15: Defense
Regenerate health based on adrenaline level.
1 bar: heals 80 + (0.8 * Healing Power) per second
2 bar: heals 100 + (0.1 * Healing Power) per second
3 bar: heals 120 + (0.12 * Healing Power) per second

Destruction of the Empowered
Grandmaster trait, discipline tree.
Deal 3% bonus damage per boon on your target.
Heal yourself per hit, per unique boon on the target.

At level 80, the amount healed per boon is 49 + 0.01 * Healing Power

This means if the target has 3 boons, you heal for 150 every time you attack him.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Olba.5376


1a) Remove Healing Signet from the game.

1b) New skill: Mending Stance. Healing slot, Stance subtype. Heals for X amount at activation, and heals for a certain amount every second for each condition on the caster. Cures 1 condition/second.

No, too powerful.

2a) Remove Mending from the game.

2b) New Skill: “Snap Out Of It!”. Healing slot, Shout subtype. Heals for a significant amount, and heals everyone in the area. Breaks stun.

You would have to balance that around Vigorous Shouts, though.

3a) Remove “On My Mark!” from the game.

3b) New Skill: “Show Yourselves!”. Removes stealth, Stability, and Swiftness from all enemies in the AoE. Unblockable. All allies inflict 3 stacks of Vulnerability with their next attack.

Why? What’s with the stealth removal? And Stability?

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Secondary change, to make room for the new trait.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


@Daecollo: I would do unspeakable, unspeakable things for those traits. But I think DotE would be a little overpowered. Scale it back to 2% per boon and we’re talking.

Mending Stance: Why do you assume it’s too powerful? I didn’t even note how strong the heal would be or how long the stance would last.

“Snap Out Of It!”: It would, yeah. But I think it plays into that archetype quite nicely, as a support/healer.

“Show Yourselves!”: And why not? XD there’s no stealth-reveal utility in the game right now. It would give Warriors a needed niche: a rush-breaker against tPvP stealth charges, a zerg-breaker in WvW and a group DPS support rolled into one.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: GTOLegend.4175


What I would like to see is they replace one of the many useless traits we have and implement a distance buff to our melee weapons. from the standard 130 to 150 or even 180… aren’t we suppose to be weapon masters. Also I would like to see a grandmaster trait be a immune to conditions at 25% Health like engi’s have… aren’t we suppose to have the body. so far they have lied about the marketing on what the warrior is suppose to be.

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Drek Thalon.5490

Drek Thalon.5490

Show yourself is a good idea but definitely overpowered. If it was only removes stealth it would be nice.

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Drek Thalon.5490

Drek Thalon.5490

Aoe stability and swiftness rip with invisibility reveal would be, without a doubt, overpowered. =/

Lets play devils advocate for a second here. Lets say thieves had an ability called:

“Gotcha Biitch!”

Removes Fury, Might, Swiftness, and why not Balance too.

How would you feel about this being implemented?

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlBundy.7851


They already have it it’s called Larcenous Strike and it’s unblockable

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: shimmerless.4560


Aoe stability and swiftness rip with invisibility reveal would be, without a doubt, overpowered. =/

Lets play devils advocate for a second here. Lets say thieves had an ability called:

“Gotcha Biitch!”

Removes Fury, Might, Swiftness, and why not Balance too.

How would you feel about this being implemented?

I don’t see the big deal? As a Mes I have a skill that’ll do that, it’s called Null Field. Or if I want I can swap the AoE out for Arcane Thievery and not only is it Unblockable but I’ll get the full boons myself (now admittedly Arcane is buggy at best). Larc Strike (Thief Sword #3) doesn’t even have a cooldown.

It’s ridiculously easy to get Might and Swiftness on most any class build, and it’s hardly the end of the world if you lose them either.

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


They already have it it’s called Larcenous Strike and it’s unblockable

Bahaha. Yeah, this.

I think a direct thief-counter with the alternate ability to rip Stability is exactly what this class needs to compete. It’s not a “youmustrunthis”, and IMO it really isn’t OP, given other classes’ overpowered boonripping abilities. The only real use of stealth any more is Phantasm Mesmer MassInvis and tPvP coordinated stealth-rushes on points. A good thief can easily reapply stealth, anyways, and it rewards a team for putting a Warrior at their midfight.

Keep in mind, I’ve mained Thief for most of my GW2 experience, and in PvP/WvW/PvE. And I think that this skill would definitely help Warriors compete with what hurts them the most, without pushing them into God-tier.

Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: Teckos.1305


you want survivability 2 ways to go shout heal which is great for pve with soldier set or the one i like the most the “support CC regen like a bows warrior” i play in pvp i the main thing with this build is the fact that you will get near permanent regeneration up time (runes of dwayna ) with and incredible cleanse through war horn converting condition into boons(quick breathing) i use healing signet it comes pretty handy and helps me proc rune if teammates need regen or if i don’t have regen up (being unlucky with passive proc and not taking slows which is pretty rare). I may link the build if you are interested.

(my total regen comes from signet + regen (through runes traits and condi conversion)+ adrenal health => you dont need a lot of healing power since AH doesn’t scale with HPower, signet scales really badly but you could consider a little cleric gem for a stronger regen while focusing on other Offensive/defensive jewels ).

(edited by Teckos.1305)

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


alright, so Sharadsun and I have been discussing ways to improve the warrior in gw2 (mainly for pvp) but not so that it’s op at all. For example, Mending (originally an enchantment/boon) in gw1 gave you health regen when it was up. Now, in gw2, it just heals you and cures 2 conditions (not so bad.)But it should heal, remove X conditions over time and grant regen. but many players, including myself have been complaining that warriors have weak heals. When I look at it, we have a pretty big heal and a semi-decent heal (healing signet doesnt really count.) Mending is pretty good, but it’s outmatched by ele’s Ether Renewl. The guardians’ heals are pretty good, but the CD is a bit longer, however they have at least 4 extra healing utilities :P Thieves have ridiculous healing accessibility. They can hop into stealth, remove conditions, regen health and extra initiative, get healed whenever they use init. and maybe heal on venom skills use. but thieves are generally glassier and they make up for it with their stealth abilities… Ranger, mesmer, engi im not gonna bother ranting about. I think everyone knows about what goes on with them :P
What i’m getting at IS not how warriors need more healing. It just looks like we’re notting getting healed much because of our larger health pool compared to other classes.
Many people have offered their “insight” on warrior, and I’d like to offer some of my ideas/improvements toward warrior as well.

1: Adrenal Health – either increase the amount of health we gain based on the adrenaline stage, decrease the heal time (because 360hp every 3.5secs is practically nothing), or make it so we gain X health on our next attack based on the adrenaline stage. (and no, im not saying that we gain health on each hit based on adrenaline. We’d gain health on the last strike of adrenaline of every stage. Make sense? :P)

2: Change the Mighty Defenses trait. We already have HUGE access to might that we don’t need anymore of it. Every other class except thief and warrior has at least 1 Protection skill, either from a weapon or a utility. Mighty Defenses should have something to do with a Protection boon, OR gain X amount of toughness based on how many times we block for a duration…

3. Shield Stance needs to be changed at some point. Shield “stance” not only the title of it needs to be changed, but it needs to have at least 1 other function, because I hardly see warriors using shields unless they’re running some sort of CC or hybrid build…etc
And I really like the posts on the Warrior Sustainability Ideas thread

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


I had a GREAT idea for warrior. Make the entire adrenaline system more functional. Make it function like the thieves initiative. In gw1, you had to build up adrenaline before using a skill. And some skills would heal you/grant regen, make your attacks deal extra damage, reduce incoming based on how much adrenaline you had, etc. Id like to see the warrior aspect of Initiative…
One skill that I loved in gw1 was “I Will Survive” – for 10 secs, you’d gain alot of health regen based on the number of conditions that were eating you alive. I’d love to see this implemented into gw2. wouldnt you? Warriors need to deal with conditions better. It seems that we die after 4 conditions :P (a little exaggeration, but you get the point)

Any thoughts?

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


alright, so Sharadsun and I have been discussing ways to improve the warrior in gw2 (mainly for pvp) but not so that it’s op at all. For example, Mending (originally an enchantment/boon) in gw1 gave you health regen when it was up. Now, in gw2, it just heals you and cures 2 conditions (not so bad.)But it should heal, remove X conditions over time and grant regen. but many players, including myself have been complaining that warriors have weak heals. When I look at it, we have a pretty big heal and a semi-decent heal (healing signet doesnt really count.) Mending is pretty good, but it’s outmatched by ele’s Ether Renewl. The guardians’ heals are pretty good, but the CD is a bit longer, however they have at least 4 extra healing utilities :P Thieves have ridiculous healing accessibility. They can hop into stealth, remove conditions, regen health and extra initiative, get healed whenever they use init. and maybe heal on venom skills use. but thieves are generally glassier and they make up for it with their stealth abilities… Ranger, mesmer, engi im not gonna bother ranting about. I think everyone knows about what goes on with them :P
What i’m getting at IS not how warriors need more healing. It just looks like we’re notting getting healed much because of our larger health pool compared to other classes.
Many people have offered their “insight” on warrior, and I’d like to offer some of my ideas/improvements toward warrior as well.

1: Adrenal Health – either increase the amount of health we gain based on the adrenaline stage, decrease the heal time (because 360hp every 3.5secs is practically nothing), or make it so we gain X health on our next attack based on the adrenaline stage. (and no, im not saying that we gain health on each hit based on adrenaline. We’d gain health on the last strike of adrenaline of every stage. Make sense? :P)

2: Change the Mighty Defenses trait. We already have HUGE access to might that we don’t need anymore of it. Every other class except thief and warrior has at least 1 Protection skill, either from a weapon or a utility. Mighty Defenses should have something to do with a Protection boon, OR gain X amount of toughness based on how many times we block for a duration…

3. Shield Stance needs to be changed at some point. Shield “stance” not only the title of it needs to be changed, but it needs to have at least 1 other function, because I hardly see warriors using shields unless they’re running some sort of CC or hybrid build…etc
And I really like the posts on the Warrior Sustainability Ideas thread

A couple things

Shield Stance should be an actual stance! Labeled and treated as such, too.

And if we had a stance that healed us for a flat amount per condition… we’d be viable if not a little bit terrifying!


Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: SharadSun.3089


you want survivability 2 ways to go shout heal which is great for pve with soldier set or the one i like the most the “support CC regen like a bows warrior” i play in pvp i the main thing with this build is the fact that you will get near permanent regeneration up time (runes of dwayna ) with and incredible cleanse through war horn converting condition into boons(quick breathing) i use healing signet it comes pretty handy and helps me proc rune if teammates need regen or if i don’t have regen up (being unlucky with passive proc and not taking slows which is pretty rare). I may link the build if you are interested.

(my total regen comes from signet + regen (through runes traits and condi conversion)+ adrenal health => you dont need a lot of healing power since AH doesn’t scale with HPower, signet scales really badly but you could consider a little cleric gem for a stronger regen while focusing on other Offensive/defensive jewels ).

The problem is that there is no real balance between survivability and damage output for Warriors. Healing Signet should really be the baseline heal for how the Warrior is meant to be played, but it’s just too weak (the regen only barely outdoes Adrenal Health and the active is awful).

Dwayna/Melandru runes, traited Warhorn, AH, Dogged March, full Toughness/Cleric’s builds, all of these do help your survivability, but that’s all they’ll do, and you will become absolutely toothless in the process. To add to injury, running full tank gear locks you into Hammer and _only _ Hammer, because you are simply doing nothing else with that gear otherwise. A Warrior can either knock people around and hope their teammates’ll keep them floored, or they can go full glass and try to catch people whose stun breaks are down before taking a dirt nap themselves.

As it stands there’s just no real middle ground, and at either end of the spectrum (from tank to glass) the Warrior’s usefulness is questionable. The best third option I’ve seen so far is the condi Longbow with Sigils setup, but even when this works I think a lot of players ask if this is how they expected the Warrior would play.

In my eyes the Frenzy GS setup would be a gimmick build rather than the class standard; in its place the Warrior would be an impossibly thick-skinned rhino with the best sustain in the game, all based around traits and skill management. In a lot of ways I feel like the Warrior and the Guardian should’ve been one class, a class called the Warrior. An almost-purely melee brute unmatched in his potential to take a beating and recover, with solid damage output and the capacity for high burst after a windup. Bringing back great-designed skills like I Will Survive would go a long way to making this work.



Faolain Mag Aoidh / Diarmuidh
Leader of Thunderguard
Tarnished Coast Representative, Mist League

Some ideas for Warrior sustainability.

in Warrior

Posted by: CMstorm.8679


I’m getting tired of making builds that some-what have condition control while trying to maintain dmg/cc. It’s all just too much for the state of warriors atm I’m just gonna say screw it and stick with what I know best: brute force damage and stability this is one build im tempted to try using Destruction Of the Empowered… not necessarily as a burst build, but for Might upkeep and chop chop chop :P