Something to lol about
No sympathy for thieves, two bads getting reverse ganked +1, nice job.
Critique: dodge more, use shield block, if you’re going to stack crit go for burst mastery, use flurry even at 1 bar to help pressure, don’t activate signet of rage just for the regen from lyssa runes, and I realize you’re using mending for condition removal but healing surge is so much better. (If you take burst mastery and keep your signet recharge trait, take signet of stamina over fury).
Second Edit: Use instant aoe’s based on your mouse cursor (game options), makes playing hammer much smoother and it tends to bug out less.
(edited by Sol Haer.5187)
@Call, Nicely fought, but (and nothing against you personally) they were bad.
Also props on the /dance
Watching this makes me wince though, reminds me how bad warrior sustain really is.
I can say this time that this is a 2vs1, well because theres 2 of them at ONCE and one of you AT THE SAME TIME
No sympathy for thieves, two bads getting reverse ganked +1, nice job.
Critique: dodge more, use shield block, if you’re going to stack crit go for burst mastery, use flurry even at 1 bar to help pressure, don’t activate signet of rage just for the regen from lyssa runes, and I realize you’re using mending for condition removal but healing surge is so much better. (If you take burst mastery and keep your signet recharge trait, take signet of stamina over fury).
Second Edit: Use instant aoe’s based on your mouse cursor (game options), makes playing hammer much smoother and it tends to bug out less.
Lyssa helps with protection too. 6.5s of prot is a godsend against glass. pair it with 3.2k armor and i take a lot of meat. I wasn’t using flurry because it was futile. They remove condi’s on stealth and one of them was a blind spammer. I constantly swap weapons to build up for 1 bar of adren and do an ES every 10 seconds (roughly). I didn’t feel like using flurry cuz I would have died. Some of the skills bugged too you can notice. I used fierce blow and it hit nothing even though he was right in front of me. No the goal here was to maximize as much burst in as little time. Had to have ES for that. Flurry on a thief is alright but you don’t need to do it that often.
Your other points have already been noted by a few people. I’ve tried out surge and it’s not that great honestly. 30 secondc CD is too much, I don’t have a backup plan if I get chilled. Wars already lack condition removal and my main source is lyssa. Surge may be better if I save my adrenaline all the time, but I don’t. I use it all on ES. SoS is good, but Fury is prefect for my play style. There’s a lot you can do with it. I will try out SoS, as I haven’t given it much attention. I usually save my dodges for engies, wars, guards, Etc. My goal on thieves is to burst them down stat before they get me in a long term fight.
I’ve played with the instant aoe and I don’t find it useful. I use ES to run away and kite sometimes too and you can’t find the maximum range to use it, so you cut yourself short some distance. You also can’t use the margins to aoe outside of a smoke circle for example. I did that a couple times in this clip. Knowing aoe margins is paramount IMO.
@Call, Nicely fought, but (and nothing against you personally) they were bad.
Also props on the /dance
Watching this makes me wince though, reminds me how bad warrior sustain really is.
This is known. This is still hilarious footage.
Gotcha, I can see where you’re coming from for most points, most reason I said the lyssa thing is because you used it prior to them shortbowing you and the protection wasn’t used more or less (just had a case of bad timing).
Anyways, nj, keep up the stomping.
Gotcha, I can see where you’re coming from for most points, most reason I said the lyssa thing is because you used it prior to them shortbowing you and the protection wasn’t used more or less (just had a case of bad timing).
Anyways, nj, keep up the stomping.
There’s a few reasons I constantly pop it. Mainly perma swiftness/fury. 2 min of swift is always nice. 48 CD is very small for getting all boons. I’d rather use it 3x in a fight instead of once or twice.
But believe me I’ve tried a million builds. This one is my personal favorite because it’s so well rounded vs any profession. It’s always fun to compare contrast though. Thanks for feedback.
On a side note, it’s hilarious to see yourself in a video from their end:
They learned that an OP class can only carry you so far.
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]
Thieves are not OP… just no.
Nice video!
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.
One was upleveled, so no, not really.
Jangeol – WvW Warrior
WOW , i have an level 80 warrior (pve tool) but i mean you pretty much is a good warrior and you had to work that kitten a petty thief and an upleveled…like the above poster said “Watching this makes me wince though, reminds me how bad warrior sustain really is.” Wow just wow , also that Thief with those blinding fields completely disabled you really need a form of Engineers goggles lol.
you really need a form of Engineers goggles lol.
I know right :P truly we need something to counter blind condition.
This what I go through all the time in Tpvp matches and it’s quite a headache wasting those aoe moves due to blind effect.
WOW , i have an level 80 warrior (pve tool) but i mean you pretty much is a good warrior and you had to work that kitten a petty thief and an upleveled…like the above poster said “Watching this makes me wince though, reminds me how bad warrior sustain really is.” Wow just wow , also that Thief with those blinding fields completely disabled you really need a form of Engineers goggles lol.
haha yeah I want an anti blind skill for war. It would make a lot of sense. He was upleveled but he was close to 80. He hit me for some pretty decent damage and if you pay attention he took a lot of my spikes and still managed to get out. I wasn’t 1 hitting him or anything.
Still doesn’t count :P
Come now, I want to see a true 2v1.
Second Edit: Use instant aoe’s based on your mouse cursor (game options), makes playing hammer much smoother and it tends to bug out less.
I actually don’t like fast cast either, even though sometimes when clicking fast it decides to just not cast. The reason being is placement, landing an earthsaker outside of some sort of AoE effect is quite often handy, but really hard to do without the circle to tell you if it’s even possible. It’s also not like it takes long to double tap.
Jangeol – WvW Warrior
Still doesn’t count :P
Come now, I want to see a true 2v1.
Second Edit: Use instant aoe’s based on your mouse cursor (game options), makes playing hammer much smoother and it tends to bug out less.
I actually don’t like fast cast either, even though sometimes when clicking fast it decides to just not cast. The reason being is placement, landing an earthsaker outside of some sort of AoE effect is quite often handy, but really hard to do without the circle to tell you if it’s even possible. It’s also not like it takes long to double tap.
Kay, still a few I have yet to appease. Accept my baby lamb sacrifice next time I post a video lololol
Still doesn’t count :P
Come now, I want to see a true 2v1.
If that wasn’t 2 vs 1 especially against those odds where they can burst you down very quickly then I don’t know what 2 vs 1 is. All I say that’s shear luck regardless of the one support he had.
Today i had a moment where for the first time i actually got annoyed by a thief (usually i just mow them down, trouble starts at blind spamming)
There was this thief who did nothing but heartseeker through blind field to gain infinite stealth and was following me around like this while i was roaming, and whenever i found another enemy player to attack this thief would pop out of stealth finally and make a 2v1.
This is the first time i used a stealth trap.
Today i had a moment where for the first time i actually got annoyed by a thief
(usually i just mow them down, trouble starts at blind spamming)
There was this thief who did nothing but heartseeker through blind field to gain infinite stealth and was following me around like this while i was roaming, and whenever i found another enemy player to attack this thief would pop out of stealth finally and make a 2v1.
This is the first time i used a stealth trap.
HS blind circle thieves are my fav. You will note that they rely on bleeding you out in long term fights. They usually run glass for this reason. They don’t do a ton of damage if you have 3.2k armor like me. When you see them HS out of the field, Put your Earthshaker or even start bull’s charging as soon as you see them do the leap. It will interrupt them and they’ll be stunned for atleast 2 sec. Just keep chaining cc’s that way and there’s nothing they can do. I also saw a guildie of mine (Bit Cloud-he streams a lot) stand inside the AOE smoke. It prevents them from stacking stealth this way but blinds you a lot. It can still be used tactically if you got someone else to clip him while you stand there.