Stability and condition removal?

Stability and condition removal?

in Warrior

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’ve leveled up several classes to 80, and finally decided to do the same with a warrior. I was always jealous of their sheer power and survivability in PvE.

I’m finally at level 65 (I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now), but am getting frustrated by the Warrior’s lack of stability. The warrior almost always stays in melee range and has to stand still when using his big attacks (I’m currently using GS with either axe/mace or rifle as secondary). Even the most insignificant of bad guys (i.e., dredge) have knockdown, daze, and other incredibly annoying stun attacks. Hyena’s cripples are just as frustrating to me.

Other classes I’ve played more easily evade such effects, so I’m guessing the warrior has something to counter these things. How do I get stability and/or remove conditions quickly?

Stability and condition removal?

in Warrior

Posted by: thaniretouni.4762



I don’t want to be rude, but I am confused with your post.

So, keep in mind that I assume that you are talking about dungeons for example.

So, if you exlude guardian obviously, what stability the other classes have when they are stacking?

Thief, has nothing but some evades and if you use dagger (3 ability) attack to evade then your dps drops a lot especially if you are berserker (since for condis this is a good dps skill).
Mesmer, he has the f4 which is situational in some cases and shatters your precious phantasms if not done correctly. He also has his 2 from sword skill but when you spam it for dps, its unlikely to have it at the right time to avoid the stun or daze etc.
Elementalist has one utility, which is called stone armor if I am not mistaken.

So, warrior has his balanced stance which offers a generrous 5 stack stability every 40 secs. You also have dolyak signet which gives you 180 touchness and can be activated to give you 10 stacks of stability which is huge. Warrior, also has his stun breaks such as Endure pain and frenzy, which offer additional benefits either offensive or defensive.

Now, regarding condi cleanse I agree that a couple of classes like Elementalist or guardian may have more condi cleanse than warrior, but warrior is surely in a good condition. So you may have berserker stance which stops from receiving condis for 8s and this is huge. Also, you can remove 1 condition every 5 secs by changing weapon which can go further with the equivalent sigil on one of your weapons, but not needed imo. Additionally, he has his “Shake it off” shout which removes 1 condi on every ally including you. Last but not least, you have a grandmaster trait which removes 1 condition for each adrenaline bar you spent, which is again huge, since you can have at least 2 bars of adrenaline before swapping to your other weapon and spam the burst every 6.5 secs.

Since, you are talking about dungeons do not forget that you also have allies to support you, like you support them with your banners,dmg and phalanx trait. Warrior is super good, even though he not that versatile as an elementalist but surely a solid pick for every aspect of the game.

PS: I may forgot a few means for condi cleanse, but please forgive me.
Also, for obvious reasons I did not mention every class or everything that a class has to cleanse or to offer stability.

(edited by thaniretouni.4762)

Stability and condition removal?

in Warrior

Posted by: Elias.3204


I’m mostly talking about general leveling in PvE.

I’ve simply never been stunned, dazed, knocked down, or interrupted so much with any other class. With a D/D Elementalist I was constantly moving around (and through) the target, so they rarely got a hit on me. Ranger, always safe while at range, but even in melee auto-evades a lot of attacks. Thief, lots of moving around, evading, not getting hit. Engineer, always moving and almost always at range, plus perma-stability with flame-thrower if traited for it.

I’m not saying the warrior doesn’t have something as well, I just don’t know what it is (since I’m new to the class). The main problem seems to be that the warrior takes more punches than he evades, particularly because his big attack with the GS (skill #2) requires that he stand absolutely still for the duration, during which I usually get hit, knocked down, interrupted, and so on.

I’ve been trying some different builds from Into The Mists, but none of them use the abilities you mentioned, so I’ll start there. Sounds like a third trait line (once I hit level 71) will help quite a bit too.

Stability and condition removal?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


How do I get stability and/or remove conditions quickly?

Stability: Utility – Balanced Stance, Utility – Dolyak Signet, Trait – Last Stand,
Elite – Rampage, Elite – Battle Standard on Skill 2 use, Utility – Stomp (technically speaking)

Condition Clear: Utility – Signet of Stamina, Utility – Shake it Off, Healing Skill – Mending, Trait – Brawler’s Recovery (Discipline), Trait – Cleansing Ire (Defense), Rune – Trooper Rune (6th bonus applied to shouts)

Skills to stop the application of Conditions: Utility – Berserker Stance, Healing – Healing Signet

Stability and condition removal?

in Warrior

Posted by: thaniretouni.4762


When you learn the animations of bosses you will know when to cast hundred blades. Most people say warrior is so easy, but I believe he is easy to learn but to master is even more difficult than ele, cause as ele even playing piano can win you games, while as warrior you will get stomped. But to the point, warrior has to move a lot during the battle like every class and use hundred blades when you stack with ur party or when you know boss is not going for hard cc. Also, use the third ability from gs as soon as possible especially against walls, since it does tons of dmg as well while evading. And ranger loses a lot of dmg if he stays on longbow during dungeons, I believe you know that so we dont talk about distance here.

Stability and condition removal?

in Warrior

Posted by: Valik Shin.9027

Valik Shin.9027

Open world pve I like healing signet / shake it off/ signet of stamina / endure pain or dolyak signet / signet of rage. Gives u a bit on everything.

Valik Shin
Darkwood Legion [DARK]
Yak’s Bend