State of Warrior

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Snaffled.3298


I have never posted anything on the forums for 3 years because warrior was great. Way back hambow was OP and skullcracker was fun AND viable. Shoutbow was crazy good and GS/Axe+shield was a ton of fun. We had tons of build variety with bow/axe+shield, s/s and bow, as well as many others. Even vs DD ele with blinding ashes or cele engi I still had a chance to win with either GS/Axe+shield of GS/Ham. Now there is tons of blocks, chills, slows, and burns for warrior to do anything. Quickness also feels off again. With druids perma blind now I have ~10s to kill them with berserker stance as a stance warrior. As shoutbow, I feel outclassed by druid and bunker guard. I have not been able to get any zerker specialization build to work viably. If anyone has any ideas to combat the new meta as a warrior please enlighten me. Sorry for the wall of text.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: bLind.6278


The new warrior meta is to reroll Reaper or Dragonhunter. All we can do, really.

One foot out the door, yet again.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Larynx.2453


Warrior didn’t really get nerfed in HoT, everything else just got buffed instead. Your best bet is probably to try the generic Strength/Defense/Discipline GS+Axe/Shield build. That’s about the most you can hope for atm. Berserker doesn’t really offer any sort of competitive advantage for power, and unless there’s been some recent discovery it’s very lackluster for condition damage as well.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Nightmare Of Zg.6059

Nightmare Of Zg.6059

The new warrior meta is to reroll Reaper or Dragonhunter. All we can do, really.

Or a Revenant mind you

(edited by Nightmare Of Zg.6059)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: online.1278


I have never posted anything on the forums for 3 years because warrior was great. Way back hambow was OP and skullcracker was fun AND viable. Shoutbow was crazy good and GS/Axe+shield was a ton of fun. We had tons of build variety with bow/axe+shield, s/s and bow, as well as many others. Even vs DD ele with blinding ashes or cele engi I still had a chance to win with either GS/Axe+shield of GS/Ham. Now there is tons of blocks, chills, slows, and burns for warrior to do anything. Quickness also feels off again. With druids perma blind now I have ~10s to kill them with berserker stance as a stance warrior. As shoutbow, I feel outclassed by druid and bunker guard. I have not been able to get any zerker specialization build to work viably. If anyone has any ideas to combat the new meta as a warrior please enlighten me. Sorry for the wall of text.

Shout warrior still works.

If Settler ShoutBow doesn’t work, or is not be able to AT LEAST sustain from Druid or Dragonhunter or whatever, try Banner Shout and frequently try to land CC on them. I have met some of them in high level of the arena and it all worked. And druid spec usually don’t have break stun a lot. Locking down with banner shout will at least make it 100% sustain.

If you go Anastasis Tactics’s twitch and watch he run modified version of Banner Shout (by replacing Discipline Banner to Fear me), he says it is great build in fact. And he looks pretty much enjoy this by saying “CC again ahh yeahhhh” stuffs. I love this guy for sexy voice.. omg!!! <3

You can watch the video of Anas Tarcis using modified version of Banner Shout at:

or, you can watch play videos of those builds at my twitch link below as well.

The build is confirmed to be good working builds after patch, at least by me, Tarcis and Crysis plus yourfriendmarvin (he is engi tho).

You can grab working builds after HoT expansion at:

Anyway, if you want mobility then use banner to grant mobility and extra fury uptime. Otherwise you can replace banner by fear me just like Anas Tarcis.

The build is designed to be offensive support build that will helps your teammate a lot to kill fast by CCing a lot plus a bunch of heal from Shout and Banner. It is real annoying build.

Hope you enjoy warrior life~

The Korean Gamer (Best Warrior NA)
My Stream : see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!

(edited by online.1278)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Snaffled.3298


@Korean Gamer I know shoutbow works but doesn’t playing it feel like an inferior version of druid?

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: dominik.9721


playing shoutbow warrior atm is a weaker version of literally everything.
If you need the support go druid like most EU teams do and if you don’t need it just go dual scrapper / revenent + reaper like some NA teams do – using warrior in a team atm is a disadvantage and every warrior in EU seems to reroll, which is completly understandable.

Grimkram [sS]

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: online.1278


@Korean Gamer I know shoutbow works but doesn’t playing it feel like an inferior version of druid?

hmm sensitive question, my answer is
I just helped you as much as i can as warrior, not ranger.

If you are not satisfied, then I am sorry for not being helpful.

The Korean Gamer (Best Warrior NA)
My Stream : see me vs Tarcis, Chaith, Crysis and etc!

(edited by online.1278)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: slamfunction.7462


Yeah, Warrior is done. Re-rolled a Revenant and loving it. I hope they fix Warrior in the next few years. I dig what they did, but there is simply no synergy between traits and stats right now, unless you completely ignore the elite trait line.

Arena Nets are used to catch Gladiator Fish.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Tipper.6973


Count me in as another Revenant re-roll. Absolutely loving it.

It’s a shame because I think the theme and aesthetic of Berserker is awesome (torch wielding fire-maniac rampaging through the jungle!?), but the spec is just too ineffective to play.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Zeloheim.1374


anyone else refreshing this sub daily checking for a dev response? all we want really is to know that if theyre working on it or not. at least gives us an answer if the specialization will change or if it will stay like this.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: bLind.6278


anyone else refreshing this sub daily checking for a dev response? all we want really is to know that if theyre working on it or not. at least gives us an answer if the specialization will change or if it will stay like this.

I have been multiple times a day. I really don’t want to reroll another character that I’m unfamiliar with the mechanics of, because I’m concerned I wont like it. I’m already reluctant to play my necro because I prefer the oldschool scepter/dagger necro which isn’t really viable anymore.

I like the look and feel of warrior. I’m kinda kittened that it’s not really a meaningful part of the game anymore.

One foot out the door, yet again.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Revenant re-roll here. It feels like a warrior and guardian and thief all rolled into one.

Amazing class that outshines warrior in every way that matters it feels like.

Which is sad. I didn’t want to bench my warrior but it had to be done and it was a long time coming.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Serophous.9085


Benched Warrior for Reaper here. I just do everything my warrior does but better and then some.

I made a post during the BWE about berserker and then the warrior itself (

And while some of it I would go back on and change even moreso, I was trying to point out at least that warriors were going to be in a bad spot. No surprise, warrior is in a bad spot.

I mean, the trait trees are basically a mess and need rearranging, AGAIN, and some talents just thrown out or redone (AGAIN). But the problem becomes….what will a warrior be now? The other professions seem to have chipped away and taken what a warrior is for their own, so if the warrior IS changed…how do you make it different?

Edit: You know what? NOW I know how the Rangers felt those years ago

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


Warriors state you ask?
50% dead and rerolling
50% stick to class..and are using a jester hat to match the clown face from warriors class

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


Warrior’s been reduced to a support role for a long time. Rampage became one of those stupidly OP things that made actually fighting with a Warrior good, but it got nerfed quickly.

Now Warrior’s just done. All of the skills are weak and outdated due to the power creep. Sure, they can always slap insane damage on random skills and make Warrior playable in sPvP, so I guess that’s the only hope right now.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BlackBunny.3681


I rolled DH and if it gets nerfed into the ground ill just roll necro. I play the game for gswords and hammers and going Nuts! Beserkers damage and survivability compared to other specs is sub par and the torch is so boring to use.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: MrKrataus.6420


Warrior is hopeless atm this is obvious, the only build that is barely working is shoutbow(like always, any other build isn’t working at all) but its not worth taking it insted of an other support class like druid.

[vM] Alkore

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: gannondorf.7628


Well it was pretty sure that, in a melee meta (reaper, scrapper, thief, revenant,warrior) they warrior is having bad time. But that’s not actually the fact that most classes have turned melee, it’s the fault to berserker spec. Which haven’t be touched since the last beta and which really need buffs to compete with all other elite specs.
Fast hand baseline is needed, a buff to dead or alive is wanted, a increase duration on berserker stance too (15 to 20s), an hammer berserk burst rework. I think that, if they want only that. Warrior is going to be in better state. Could need some tweeks after for sure, but make him better than he is for now, regular core warrior outclassed by all others classes who have turned melee with elite specs.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I think you mean Berserker mode. A 15-20s Berserker Stance would be insanely OP.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Azure.8670


The new warrior meta is to reroll Reaper or Dragonhunter. All we can do, really.

Or a Revenant mind you

I rerolled to all 3, and it just so happens they happen to be my 3 favorite professions now. They are all Warrior 2.0

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


State of Warrior is bad because ANET let people touch it who have no idea what they are doing with warriors.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

State of Warrior is bad because ANET let people touch it who have no idea what they are doing with warriors.

This. And warrior players crying over how supposedly bad warrior is? Pathetic. Try thief. They’re FAR worse off than warrior. A lobotomized pigeon could crap randomly over the keyboard and still be good at warrior. Especially compared to thief.

EDIT: I take that back; warrior actually does require skill now. JUST like everybody else has for a long time!

“-le gasp- You mean I can’t faceroll the keyboard anymore?! QQ ermagerd, we’z unapowuhed, need buffs, switch class, durr durr!”

(edited by Keitaro Dragonheart.9047)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


This. And warrior players crying over how supposedly bad warrior is? Pathetic. Try thief. They’re FAR worse off than warrior. A lobotomized pigeon could crap randomly over the keyboard and still be good at warrior. Especially compared to thief.

EDIT: I take that back; warrior actually does require skill now. JUST like everybody else has for a long time!

“-le gasp- You mean I can’t faceroll the keyboard anymore?! QQ ermagerd, we’z unapowuhed, need buffs, switch class, durr durr!”

Agree on thief. They need some love after having been nerfed so long and hard because peoples be fearing the gank. Imo, it limits the class in a way that’d be a lot like warriors having to run killshot all the time.

Happy to see the edit there. I’d say with warrior, it’s easier to survive and contribute something than some other classes (notable exceptions include pew pew ranger), but the extra armor doesn’t give you much, the invulns are short lived, and the health pool only carries you so far.

To be good at a warrior, especially against good players, it ain’t no faceroll. It takes some skill to conceal those telegraphs, etc. And this isn’t a new thing either…. In fact, I’d say thieves used to be able to manhandle most warriors and didn’t need a lot of skill to do it.

Remember condi p/d? That was a faceroll over melee warriors… standard gank also didn’t require much skill against most warriors, but times have changed. Thieves need some help (don’t know if the new specialization is enough or not), and warriors aren’t in a terrible spot.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

(edited by Choppy.4183)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


State of Warrior is bad because ANET let people touch it who have no idea what they are doing with warriors.

This. And warrior players crying over how supposedly bad warrior is? Pathetic. Try thief. They’re FAR worse off than warrior. A lobotomized pigeon could crap randomly over the keyboard and still be good at warrior. Especially compared to thief.

EDIT: I take that back; warrior actually does require skill now. JUST like everybody else has for a long time!

“-le gasp- You mean I can’t faceroll the keyboard anymore?! QQ ermagerd, we’z unapowuhed, need buffs, switch class, durr durr!”

I know right? Thieves are annoying, but at least they take skill! Because of their naturally low HP/def they CANNOT make mistakes! They HAVE to get up close. They have to know when to stealth. I played thief back at release, my first character, and I quit because I just wasn’t good at it.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: perko.8309


What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot.

Why don’t you show us how it’s done? Go ahead and post a video of yourself playing Warrior. Until then, go back to whining about your Thief class.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Onlysaneman.9612


State of Warrior is bad because ANET let people touch it who have no idea what they are doing with warriors.

This. And warrior players crying over how supposedly bad warrior is? Pathetic. Try thief. They’re FAR worse off than warrior. A lobotomized pigeon could crap randomly over the keyboard and still be good at warrior. Especially compared to thief.

EDIT: I take that back; warrior actually does require skill now. JUST like everybody else has for a long time!

“-le gasp- You mean I can’t faceroll the keyboard anymore?! QQ ermagerd, we’z unapowuhed, need buffs, switch class, durr durr!”

I know right? Thieves are annoying, but at least they take skill! Because of their naturally low HP/def they CANNOT make mistakes! They HAVE to get up close. They have to know when to stealth. I played thief back at release, my first character, and I quit because I just wasn’t good at it.

What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot. It’s really not. They just want to be able to win with little to no effort. Seriously, they could give warrior the ability to deal 300k, mobile 100 blades damage from stealth without revealed, with full immunity to damage and control effects, and they’d still find something to whine about.

Why is it that the two professions currently in the worst spots competitively are at each other’s throats? We should both be calling for adjustments to even the playing field, instead of taking potshots at each other.

Warrior and thief right now face different problems as far as PvP is concerned. Warriors, while still typically better in a direct fight than thieves (more in group fights than 1v1 between skilled players), suffer from not really having anything they can do better than another class or without having more drawbacks to building that way. Druid and Tempest support better, Guards and Scrapper engis seem better bruisers, and so on. Thieves suffer from the opposite problem- they have exactly one thing they’re very good at (decapping and +1ing, which I imagine get rather dull quickly), but are more or less terrible in every other respect.

Stop arguing with each other, and instead spend more time pushing for balance improvements to fix BOTH our problems.

Note: I’ve not spent a tremendous amount of time in pvp since HoT launch, so my impressions thus far have been based upon limited data. I apologize if any of these observation are incorrect.

Additional note: I’m referring mostly to PvP balance, as PvE is easy enough right now (even with the harder HoT mobs) that any class can manage fairly well.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


State of Warrior is bad because ANET let people touch it who have no idea what they are doing with warriors.

This. And warrior players crying over how supposedly bad warrior is? Pathetic. Try thief. They’re FAR worse off than warrior. A lobotomized pigeon could crap randomly over the keyboard and still be good at warrior. Especially compared to thief.

EDIT: I take that back; warrior actually does require skill now. JUST like everybody else has for a long time!

“-le gasp- You mean I can’t faceroll the keyboard anymore?! QQ ermagerd, we’z unapowuhed, need buffs, switch class, durr durr!”

I know right? Thieves are annoying, but at least they take skill! Because of their naturally low HP/def they CANNOT make mistakes! They HAVE to get up close. They have to know when to stealth. I played thief back at release, my first character, and I quit because I just wasn’t good at it.

What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot. It’s really not. They just want to be able to win with little to no effort. Seriously, they could give warrior the ability to deal 300k, mobile 100 blades damage from stealth without revealed, with full immunity to damage and control effects, and they’d still find something to whine about.

Playing warrior in PVP has never been face roll against skilled opponents. Don’t talk about PVE here becasue warrior has never had the highest PVE DPS. ANET has given every class abilities to counter warriors simplistic attacks. You literally had to be sleeping on you keyboard to not counter a warrior. Easy to play hard to win VS better players on other classes.

Warrior was in a relatively good spot before the expansion and its still in the same spot as it was. Problem is no other classes are still in the same spot they were. They are in better spots than they already were and were already capable of beating warriors without skill.

If you think it required skill to beat a warrior on another class think again. If you came in here to tell me that it requires no skill as a warrior to beat skilled players show me.

If you are saying hey I can pick up a warrior and beat noobs that cant dodge and dont know how to play what are you trying to prove.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: lighter.2708


State of Warrior is bad because ANET let people touch it who have no idea what they are doing with warriors.

This. And warrior players crying over how supposedly bad warrior is? Pathetic. Try thief. They’re FAR worse off than warrior. A lobotomized pigeon could crap randomly over the keyboard and still be good at warrior. Especially compared to thief.

EDIT: I take that back; warrior actually does require skill now. JUST like everybody else has for a long time!

“-le gasp- You mean I can’t faceroll the keyboard anymore?! QQ ermagerd, we’z unapowuhed, need buffs, switch class, durr durr!”

I know right? Thieves are annoying, but at least they take skill! Because of their naturally low HP/def they CANNOT make mistakes! They HAVE to get up close. They have to know when to stealth. I played thief back at release, my first character, and I quit because I just wasn’t good at it.

What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot. It’s really not. They just want to be able to win with little to no effort. Seriously, they could give warrior the ability to deal 300k, mobile 100 blades damage from stealth without revealed, with full immunity to damage and control effects, and they’d still find something to whine about.

I play every single class in this game, i can say that thief is no where more difficult to play then warrior, in fact, warrior right now is the highest risk lowest reward class compare to the rest.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I dunno, lighter, I burn up thieves pretty consistently in duels. They need to come into melee range to do damage, and there’s a good chance they’ll die if they make the slightest error while there.

That being said, they aren’t as hard to play as Keitaro wants to make out, nor has he characterized the warrior class right. But there has been a bit too much hand wringing over warrior in the forum… much more than there ought to be, imo.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: FatRaKoon.1782


warrior right now is the highest risk lowest reward class compare to the rest.

This. Thousands of time this.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


warrior right now is the highest risk lowest reward class compare to the rest.

This. Thousands of time this.

I’d put thief there.

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: lighter.2708


warrior right now is the highest risk lowest reward class compare to the rest.

This. Thousands of time this.

I’d put thief there.

i’m happy to duel your war on my thief any day.
here’s a hint, i have 1/10 games played on thief.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Choppy.4183


I’d put thief there.

i’m happy to duel your war on my thief any day.
here’s a hint, i have 1/10 games played on thief.

Deal! When are you usually on? (I’m generally NA prime time, but could probably make anything work).

I’m Biff Rangoon, and I approved this message.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Chrisco.5732


It’s the worst spec by far and feels like it’s light years away from its competition. Warrior/Berserker needs serious work.

Although it doesn’t help that class balance is a complete joke =)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ice.5162


For all thieves in this thread-

your spec is just a brainless dodging dealing damage class, thief is brain dead and worthless, if you play thief automatically you`re a roll face keyboard player.

You live up to your account name at least.

I can’t disagree TOO much though, vault + dodge spam, with little to no windows of opportunity to do anything about it, is utter garbage design.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


State of Warrior is bad because ANET let people touch it who have no idea what they are doing with warriors.

This. And warrior players crying over how supposedly bad warrior is? Pathetic. Try thief. They’re FAR worse off than warrior. A lobotomized pigeon could crap randomly over the keyboard and still be good at warrior. Especially compared to thief.

EDIT: I take that back; warrior actually does require skill now. JUST like everybody else has for a long time!

“-le gasp- You mean I can’t faceroll the keyboard anymore?! QQ ermagerd, we’z unapowuhed, need buffs, switch class, durr durr!”

I know right? Thieves are annoying, but at least they take skill! Because of their naturally low HP/def they CANNOT make mistakes! They HAVE to get up close. They have to know when to stealth. I played thief back at release, my first character, and I quit because I just wasn’t good at it.

What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot. It’s really not. They just want to be able to win with little to no effort. Seriously, they could give warrior the ability to deal 300k, mobile 100 blades damage from stealth without revealed, with full immunity to damage and control effects, and they’d still find something to whine about.

Look at you acting all superior.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ice.5162


What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot. It’s really not. They just want to be able to win with little to no effort. Seriously, they could give warrior the ability to deal 300k, mobile 100 blades damage from stealth without revealed, with full immunity to damage and control effects, and they’d still find something to whine about.

Please go play warrior for a while. No seriously, go do it, then come back here =)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: infinityandbeyond.9652


State of Warrior is bad because ANET let people touch it who have no idea what they are doing with warriors.

This. And warrior players crying over how supposedly bad warrior is? Pathetic. Try thief. They’re FAR worse off than warrior. A lobotomized pigeon could crap randomly over the keyboard and still be good at warrior. Especially compared to thief.

EDIT: I take that back; warrior actually does require skill now. JUST like everybody else has for a long time!

“-le gasp- You mean I can’t faceroll the keyboard anymore?! QQ ermagerd, we’z unapowuhed, need buffs, switch class, durr durr!”

I know right? Thieves are annoying, but at least they take skill! Because of their naturally low HP/def they CANNOT make mistakes! They HAVE to get up close. They have to know when to stealth. I played thief back at release, my first character, and I quit because I just wasn’t good at it.

What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot. It’s really not. They just want to be able to win with little to no effort. Seriously, they could give warrior the ability to deal 300k, mobile 100 blades damage from stealth without revealed, with full immunity to damage and control effects, and they’d still find something to whine about.

Baby talk

Infi Erratum.
Snafs Golem Emporium SoS

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Kaze.6029


What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot.

Why don’t you show us how it’s done? Go ahead and post a video of yourself playing Warrior. Until then, go back to whining about your Thief class.

You do realise warriors were basically one of the best classes for the longest time and thiefs/rangers have the right to complain. They have been nerfed to hell with basically everything which would be considered useful taken away, thiefs have the lowest DPS and hp of all classes and other than annoying people in pvp/wvw and roaming around they didnt have much. Ranger were even more useless in basically every game mode and after having some use as a druid they nerfed to utter useless and can’t build AF…

So before you start kittening about how warriors have it so bad…etc you’re forgetting that practically all other classes have been dealing with this treatment for years.

Im not saying warriors dont need a buff/change but dont compare your “nerfs” to basically any class since you had arguably the “best” treatment for years.

anyone else refreshing this sub daily checking for a dev response? all we want really is to know that if theyre working on it or not. at least gives us an answer if the specialization will change or if it will stay like this.

If thiefs and rangers are any indication it will probably stay like this for years. Tbh there are alot of professions which need a major change over, warriors need some buffsto be useful, druids need more least some dps and not take 5 mins to build AF to be get into celestial, thiefs need more “useful” skills with the meta of the game their role has been reduced to “annoy” people, revanant/reaper probably need some nerfs to balance them out with other classes….etc

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: FatRaKoon.1782


You do realise warriors were basically one of the best classes for the longest time and thiefs/rangers have the right to complain.

So before you start kittening about how warriors have it so bad…etc you’re forgetting that practically all other classes have been dealing with this treatment for years.

Well you do realise that this is warrior forum, right ? So of course we will complain about our current state here.

I mean, I see your point and I don’t disagree (about thieves and rangers) but you’ve put your finger on the issue without even noticing it : knowing the fact that warrior used to be one of the best class for a long time is even more frustrating now that we see what has become of it.
Thief and ranger were in bad spots for a long time, so nothing new here. It’s gotta be frustrating too for those who play those classes, sure, but the real question is why ? Why did they “abandon” warrior ?

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Thief started out as the best class to kill other players with, rangers were not always in a bad spot in PVP. Spirit rangers and bunker rangers were quite strong in old metas and thief used to require no skill other than to press 2 over and over at one time.

The truth is until warrior got buffs like CI and Healing sig they were not very good. Thief has suffered as much as it has because of how rediclous OP they were when the game launched. I can’t really sympathize.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot.

Why don’t you show us how it’s done? Go ahead and post a video of yourself playing Warrior. Until then, go back to whining about your Thief class.

You do realise warriors were basically one of the best classes for the longest time and thiefs/rangers have the right to complain. They have been nerfed to hell with basically everything which would be considered useful taken away, thiefs have the lowest DPS and hp of all classes and other than annoying people in pvp/wvw and roaming around they didnt have much. Ranger were even more useless in basically every game mode and after having some use as a druid they nerfed to utter useless and can’t build AF…

So before you start kittening about how warriors have it so bad…etc you’re forgetting that practically all other classes have been dealing with this treatment for years.

Im not saying warriors dont need a buff/change but dont compare your “nerfs” to basically any class since you had arguably the “best” treatment for years.

anyone else refreshing this sub daily checking for a dev response? all we want really is to know that if theyre working on it or not. at least gives us an answer if the specialization will change or if it will stay like this.

If thiefs and rangers are any indication it will probably stay like this for years. Tbh there are alot of professions which need a major change over, warriors need some buffsto be useful, druids need more least some dps and not take 5 mins to build AF to be get into celestial, thiefs need more “useful” skills with the meta of the game their role has been reduced to “annoy” people, revanant/reaper probably need some nerfs to balance them out with other classes….etc

Warriors haven’t been “the best” for 2 years or more. They were perceived as the best in pve only but that was never actually true.

(edited by fellyn.5083)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

For all thieves in this thread-

your spec is just a brainless dodging dealing damage class, thief is brain dead and worthless, if you play thief automatically you`re a roll face keyboard player.

Now I know never to take you, or anyone who thinks like you, seriously, ever. The only warriors who lose to thieves (not counting condi-crap) are brain dead rejects who stand there, thinking they can face tank everything. The only time I lose to thieves on my warrior is when they show up after a fight when I’m half dead, or when they show up mid fight. Let me give you a hint; don’t stand in blind fields.

(edited by Keitaro Dragonheart.9047)

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

this is a warrior thread not a thief thread guys

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: BassHunteR.7246


for the thieves in this thread… GET THEkittenK OF THE THREAD..GO COMPLAIN IN YOUR OWN FORUM.
i do agree daredevil needs a boost..but..THIS IS NOT THE AREA TO ASK FOR IT..
if you search on thieves will find some posts i did stating thieves do need a boost as well..

about warriors…
ye they are dead…
anet finished the business..
gj on that

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Warriors haven’t been the best for years. You guys quickly forget due to your selective memory the down days of this class.

Heck I remember in year 1, people used to laugh at you when you played Warrior because the sustain was so god awful pre Heal Sig or Cleansing Ire that you’d flop over and die. The only people who died to Warrior were those caught by the cheap Quickness bulls charge Hundo crap.

Plus this thread isn’t about “You had it good for the last meta so now you must live with being bottom tier.” That shouldn’t be how balance works. If Thief has been bottom for a while (which I’d argue it hasn’t) it doesn’t make it a sudden priority. Neither is Warrior a priority.

Balance needs to be addressed at present or we will end up like Necromancers. You know the guys who think being OP right now is justified due to them sucking kitten in the past (or so they think, aside from PvE, seeing as Necro was META in WVW and did okay in PvP engagements I never understood the pessimism.)


State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Kyedai.8462


I am afraid to craft any ascended gear based on how the warrior is at this point.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Yeah, ascended gear is account bound so it won’t go to waste if you ever play a different class that uses the same armor type.

I’d say go for it.

State of Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

Cloud Windfoot Omega.7485

Warriors haven’t been the best for years. You guys quickly forget due to your selective memory the down days of this class.

Heck I remember in year 1, people used to laugh at you when you played Warrior because the sustain was so god awful pre Heal Sig or Cleansing Ire that you’d flop over and die. The only people who died to Warrior were those caught by the cheap Quickness bulls charge Hundo crap.

Plus this thread isn’t about “You had it good for the last meta so now you must live with being bottom tier.” That shouldn’t be how balance works. If Thief has been bottom for a while (which I’d argue it hasn’t) it doesn’t make it a sudden priority. Neither is Warrior a priority.

Balance needs to be addressed at present or we will end up like Necromancers. You know the guys who think being OP right now is justified due to them sucking kitten in the past (or so they think, aside from PvE, seeing as Necro was META in WVW and did okay in PvP engagements I never understood the pessimism.)

indeed all classes need to balance equally