Sensotix’ Builds & Tutorials Collection
Hey guys, Sensotix here and I am bringing you a video showing you what people think about the State of the Warrior!
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Please make sure to list your thoughts like i listed the discussion rules so that the devs can have a better overview
From an sPvP perspective, warriors have never been better. They have the most viable builds of any class right now, 4/5 of their traitlines are useful, many of the weapons are viable, tons of utilities are viable, and so on.
For underpowered abilities, just to make a simple list:
All shouts
Signet of Fury
Signet of Might
Banners I don’t know since no one would use those anyways. Bolas is unreliable, but incredibly strong. Signet of Might (and stomp, but I didn’t list that here) are good but incredibly situational. Rampage/Mending are just useless.
For overpowered? There’s plenty of things people THINK are overpowered, when in reality it’s simply the combination of things. Warrior’s Sprint, Healing Signet, Mace Stun, 50% crit while stunned, berserkers stance, and so on are not overpowered. Together they have the potential to be.
In my opinion the only change they need to do is to make Headcrack have a 3/4 to 1 second animation. Suddenly, not overpowered. Berserker’s Stance should reduce condition duration by 100%, not make the warrior immune to conditions as well.
This is just from my perspective as playing a warrior. I do not believe that Healing Signet is overpowered at all for sustain, considering my thief is significantly more durable and I don’t see anyone complaining about that.
For the hammer/longbow tanky builds, I personally haven’t played it, but it seems they could simply move a few traits around. It would be nice if they could make Merciless Hammer and Cleansing Ire mutually exclusive, but that’s not really possible with the current trait set up. Maybe move unsuspecting foe to masters and replace it with Crack Shot or Opportunist? That would make going 30 in Discipline impossible, and nerf the Mace/GS builds slightly.
To expand on the underpowered list, lets see what they could do.
Fear Me!: Reduce CD from 60 seconds to 40 seconds, reduce the duration of fear by about 25%
Shake It Off!: (need to be careful about signet overlap here) Cure a condition, chill, immobilize, and cripple on yourself and nearby allies. Also breaks stuns. (up from only 1 condition)
On My Mark!: Increased from 10 vulnerability to 25 vulnerability, grants allies fury for 5 seconds
For Great Justice!: Fury for 8s, 5 might for 25s, breaks stun (up from 8s fury, 3 might for 25s)
Signet of Might: Active changed to, your attacks are unblockable for 7 seconds
Signet of Fury: Instant, Active changed to, gain 30 adrenaline and your next burst ability has its effect increased by 30% (damage + debuff time + buff time, 1k damage becomes 1.3k, 10s fury becomes 13)
Kick: Reduce cooldown by 5 seconds, knockback increased by 50%, stability for 1s
Stomp: Increase damage maybe? I was gonna say reduce duration, but it’s already been reduced from 60s to 45
Bull’s Charge: Reduce CD by 10s and cripple target?
Mending I don’t know what they could do without it being overpowered besides flat out increasing the heal, Rampage could simply let the warrior use heals + utilities while in it.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
For overpowered? There’s plenty of things people THINK are overpowered, when in reality it’s simply the combination of things. Warrior’s Sprint, Healing Signet, Mace Stun, 50% crit while stunned, berserkers stance, and so on are not overpowered. Together they have the potential to be.
I think this sums it up.
Taking single skills/traits of the War, they’re balanced. And not badly at all.
The issue is when you give all of them to a single class, let alone the Warrior.
Warrior alway had highest HP and Armor numbers, which as design were balanced out by being not able to self sustain effectively and by having a very high base dmg – making even tanky builds quite hard hitting – plus some of the best burst of the game.
In spvp they’ve been crap for first 9 months or so because the game mode isn’t about killing opponents, but outlasting them for controlling points. Leaving aside the discussion about how crap this is, Warriors suffered it, so Anet started to give them more tools and more sustain. Which, up to a certain point, was alright.
The issue is that now you have a class that retained the high HP+Armor+Dmg component, but got on top of that
longer/better CCs
exclusive anti condition/burst moves
effective sustain without any investiment in healing power
great mobility
decent utility and support.
Ofc you can’t have ALL of that in same build, but a fotm M/S+GS plus HealSig/ZerkStance/EP build packs already CCs, burst, evade, mobility, self passive sustain, negates incoming conditions or incoming burst, can use Soldier gear+mel runes for extra survivability and yet push out decent/high dmg. And i’m not taking in account traits.
So, to me Warriors could use some shaving.
But, aside few skills, no nerfs are needed.
Best thing would be rework some scaling/position/skills, to make impossible to carry all that stuff at same time with same effectiveness.
TL;DR: Healing Signet, the high dmg/hp/armor, endure pain, adrenl health, unspecting foe, shield stance, rush and so on aren’t OP skills.
Putting all of that (and much more) in the same class is likely to be too much good stuff packed in a single build. Which yes, is OP.
(edited by AndrewSX.3794)
This class is about to destroy the whole game, like in this one matrix film where this bad guy consumed all of the pupulation leaving clones of itself behind.
Jes its that bad.
Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:
Lost goes on…….
How I´d fix this?
All of this has to be done VERE CAUTIOUSLY so warrior does not end where ele is now.
Its a tone of changes, but I think having a large number of smaller nerfs is better then hammering a playstyle enitrely.
(edited by Blimm.5028)
I’ll watch the video a bit later, but I’ve said time and time again the only thing about the meta warrior that is too strong is Unsuspecting Foe. Too much damage increase for too little investment.
It’s at the right place as a 10 point skill, imo, but for a 10 point skill it needs to be nerfed down to 20%. The build is still viable, but players now have to actually choose to add enough precision to crit reliably rather than getting it all for 10 throwaway trait points.
I think warriors are fine right now. There’re still stuff out there we have that isn’t that great. I.E. Mending, Shake It Off, and kick (seriously? Why you knockback not knockdown!).
Common complaints are usually just people who encounter them and are hard countered with them.
For example, healing signet and berserker stance hard counter condition + attrition people. He regens and is immune to what you’ve built your damage from. Why do you think you’d win?
Another, you have no stability or stun breaks and you wonder why it seems like you get CC’ed a lot…
I play a warrior, I know what beats me. I know how to beat other warriors. I’m rank 30-ish in PvP and I’ve earned all of that unlike the skyhammer farmers.
Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:
- They have the best CC in the game.
- They have the best cleanse in the game.
- They have the best sustain in the game without speccing into it.
- They have the best stability uptime in the game.
- They can reach ridiculous critchances with amulets not featuring precision.
- They have the best (or second best) mobility in the game.
- They are insanely easy to play right now.
Lost goes on…….
How I´d fix this?
- Reduce duration and number of CCs availiable to warrior.
- Remove the critchance on stunned trait.
- Remove Lyssa runes.
- Reduce warriors stability durations (just a bit, not too much!)
- Fix Asuras.
- Reduce range of warrior gap closers. (again, not too much!)
- Reduce endure pain duration or make it a %age immunity like protection just stronger and not removeable.
- Reduce condition immunity duration.
- Make stances (or how the skilltype of endure pain and condimune skill is called) replace each other on use. A stance is a way you stand. You have two different stances IRL, so this even makes sense.
- Make shield block a limited number of blocked hits.
- Exclude blind from condition immunity.
- Adrenaline has to disappear when F1 is used, even if it does not hit.
- Reduce signet regen a little.
All of this has to be done VERE CAUTIOUSLY so warrior does not end where ele is now.
Its a tone of changes, but I think having a large number of smaller nerfs is better then hammering a playstyle enitrely.
Here is exactly the issue I’m talking about. Warrior is overpowered? Lets nerf everything about them!
No, that’s how you drive the class back into the useless trench it has been in for almost the first year of PvP. Identify what the issues are, why they are issues, and then make the smallest possible change so it wont inadvertently ruin the entire class.
The less things you change, the less impact it has on what you’re NOT trying to nerf.
(edited by Larynx.2453)
Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:
- They have the best CC in the game. They can, but it’s at the cost of a lot of damage
- They have the best cleanse in the game. They do not, that would be the necro who heals and cleanses everything.
- They have the best sustain in the game without speccing into it. No, it’s above decent now but only if you don’t poison them. Kinda just like saying thieves have the best damage in the game without speccing into it.
- They have the best stability uptime in the game. This one is actually somewhat true, but you do have to sacrifice stuff for it.
- They can reach ridiculous critchances with amulets not featuring precision. OMG, so can thieves. They can get 100% crit so long as they’re stealthed. Just like a warrior can get 50% crit so long as you’re stunned.
- They have the best (or second best) mobility in the game. Or we have the worst. It’s easy to outrun a hammer/longbow warrior. You have to pick mobility weapons.
- They are insanely easy to play right now. So are necros, I still see them everywhere. In basic armor that’s easy to get. It’s easy to tell.
- Reduce duration and number of CCs availiable to warrior. Then reduce the amount of stability and stun breaks (in number and duration) for all classes as warriors are the prime people who CC opponents in place.
- Remove the critchance on stunned trait. This is silly, shall we do this with all other classes too? No crits for anyone!
- Remove Lyssa runes. This is just selfish. Other classes use this too. I see mesmers and thieves use it all the time. I’m sure they’d love to have these runes.
- Reduce warriors stability durations (just a bit, not too much!) Then lets do that to all other classes as well to make it balanced out.
- Fix Asuras. Can’t really complain here. They are hard to see to the point of stupidity.
- Reduce range of warrior gap closers. (again, not too much!) Reduce the range of other classes gap closers which can easily rival warriors. Again, not too much!
- Reduce endure pain duration or make it a %age immunity like protection just stronger and not removeable. It’s cool, it makes life rough on you. Learn to go around it with conditions. Burn the warrior to death. That works wonders. Otherwise, lets nerf guardian’s scepter block (or where ever it comes from, I don’t play guardian
). Works the same for most part.
- Reduce condition immunity duration. This is the one way warriors can keep what kills them off them. It happens once every 60 seconds for 8 (10) seconds. That’s not a lot. In that time a guardian can remove 6 conditions just by traits alone. Necro can remove 22 in that time just by getting hit with all and using a heal. Are those not overpowered as well?
- Make stances (or how the skilltype of endure pain and condimune skill is called) replace each other on use. A stance is a way you stand. You have two different stances IRL, so this even makes sense. We’ve asked for this as F# abilities and those renamed to reflect better things like Disciplines. If we change it like yours then can we have other things like this. Like only one mantra (since you should be concentrating on one at a time) up at a time? Can Necros and others only have 1 minion at time because of how they have to manage them? I think that’d be silly
- Make shield block a limited number of blocked hits. Then include this to guardians, rangers, engineers, and anyone else who has a block ability.
- Exclude blind from condition immunity. Then make blind also effect heals. We might as well since patching yourself up is hard to see and blind must clearly not therefore be a condition.
- Adrenaline has to disappear when F1 is used, even if it does not hit. Stealth has to disappear even when an attack is used, even if it does not hit. Would that not be very crippling? Should rangers lose their abilities if their pet screws up? Should mesmers fail to lose their clones if their clones miss their special attack? No. This is bad. This would “fix” nothing.
- Reduce signet regen a little. Then lets reduce regen a little across all classes such as ranger troll ungent, elementalist heals, and theives’ heal in stealth. Especially with thieves’ heal in stealth since it’s the same hp/s.
My asides are in bold.
TL;DR: These changes would also have to go in on other classes otherwise you might as well forget about them. These are all bad or untrue at some point.
(edited by Ottohi.2871)
btw to all of you guys who dont know it:
berserker stance says: reduce the condi dmg by 100% = immunity to condis for that duration
Because somebody suggested to make it reduce the duration by 100% which is already the effect of the skill
I also think that the combination of all this is too strong there is no such thing as one skill that completely makes the warrior a broken class imo the warrior isnt even a broken’s just everything together that makes him incredibly strong
Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:
- They have the best CC in the game.
- They have the best cleanse in the game.
- They have the best sustain in the game without speccing into it.
- They have the best stability uptime in the game.
- They can reach ridiculous critchances with amulets not featuring precision.
- They have the best (or second best) mobility in the game.
- They are insanely easy to play right now.
Lost goes on…….
How I´d fix this?
- Reduce duration and number of CCs availiable to warrior.
- Remove the critchance on stunned trait.
- Remove Lyssa runes.
- Reduce warriors stability durations (just a bit, not too much!)
- Fix Asuras.
- Reduce range of warrior gap closers. (again, not too much!)
- Reduce endure pain duration or make it a %age immunity like protection just stronger and not removeable.
- Reduce condition immunity duration.
- Make stances (or how the skilltype of endure pain and condimune skill is called) replace each other on use. A stance is a way you stand. You have two different stances IRL, so this even makes sense.
- Make shield block a limited number of blocked hits.
- Exclude blind from condition immunity.
- Adrenaline has to disappear when F1 is used, even if it does not hit.
- Reduce signet regen a little.
All of this has to be done VERE CAUTIOUSLY so warrior does not end where ele is now.
Its a tone of changes, but I think having a large number of smaller nerfs is better then hammering a playstyle enitrely.
You do realize while some of it may be true, you can’t feature all of these in a single build.
They have the best CC in the game only if you use a hammer or a mace featured with another weapon set that is CC heavy. And even then, Necro’s can still have the best CC based on how AoE centric their skills are and the amount of conditions they can put on multiple people.
Cleansing Ire (which I assume you are talking about) is only the best cleanse when you use the longbow because you do not need to necessarily point it at a target. Other F1 skills can be interrupted and blinded or may require melee to land. This is partially why Hammer/Longbow is meta right now.
Disagree with the warrior having the best sustain without speccing into it … That still goes to classes like Guardians and Engis.
Best stability uptime, I am not going to argue with that but for a class that is designed around a lot of close-combat, and no other mechanics to help avoid CC, they need stability.
Reaching ridiculous crit chances can only be done using a mace or a hammer build. And even then … each weapon has 1 stun.
They can only reach second best mobility using a sword/greatsword combination. Not possible if you do not use a greatsword or a sword.
As far as being insanely easy to play, you can say that about many classes. Actually mastering and being great at your class, it is a different story.
As far as your suggestions. Reducing the number of CC will take away much of what the warrior has going for them. Maybe the duration on the mace needs to be tweaked but they are already doing that with the sigil of paralyzation.
Why do you need to remove the crit chance on stun trait, when you can just simply reduce it to 25-30%? Or remove Lyssa runes, every class has access to them and they aren’t blatently overpowered.
Why reduce stability durations? You do realize that to have two sources of stability you need to give up 2 utility slots? Which means either berserker stance, endure pain, fear me, shake it off, etc is gone. And nobody gets last stand over Merciless Hammer and Cleansing Ire.
Fixing Asuras, fair enough, no argument there.
In terms of reducing the range of gap closers, only 200 at most for most gap closers, but that isn’t a huge problem.
continued ...
Lots of other classes have access to endure pain like abilities, which in addition to it block incoming conditions. It is fine the way it is it does not need a nerf.
Reduce condition immunity duration, probably by 2 seconds at the very most.
Using the "it makes sense from a real life standpoint" is pretty moot. If you want to say that then why isn’t the rifle or the pistol the strongest weapon because it can kill people in one or two shots? How is it realistic to have a human shoot fireballs from their staff? Or jumping from such a high point and not dieing?
Anyways stances have semi-long cooldowns, so no to your suggestion.
Shield blocking is fine, nothing overpowered about it, many classes have skills that can negate any damage for a period of time.
Excluding blind from condition immunity, in addition to reducing the duration of it? Not sure if you are trying to nerf the class into the ground.
Spending adrenaline whether a skill misses actually helps out warriors because they can remove conditions when adrenaline is spent. Which means that warriors can blindly swing their F1 skill into air and still remove conditions. And Warriors can build back adrenaline faster than the cooldown so it is kind of pointless.
Reducing healing signet regen a little is fine.
Overall i disagree with most of your suggestions and even with the statement that warriors are broken and overpowered. Based on the premise that the changes you suggest are very vague, do not make much sense or are too much of a knee-jerk reaction to our state in a game.
Like many classes, Warrior still has several Major and Minor traits that are pretty much worthless. There’s just no reason to run some of them. As for how to fix some of them, many just need some sort of addition to make them worth running on some specific builds so that you’ll be tempted to take them over others.
Terrible Major Traits
- Berserker’s Might
- Distracting Strikes (Although it can be good for a laugh in WvW)
- Powerful Banners
- Great Fortitude (All traits like these are really, really boring)
- Furious Speed
- Vigorous Return
- Cull the Weak (No real reason to bring over Dogged March)
- [Arguably] Spiked Armor
- Shrug it Off
- Thrill of the Kill
- Mighty Defenses (No reason to take over other Adept traits)
Useless Minor Traits
- Reviver’s Might: gives ONE stack of might on revive, you could also say that the other 3 minor traits are also pretty “meh” as well
- Versatile Power, maybe not useless but a single stack of might is fairly lack luster.
the devs should have a look at this thread there are some nice ideas
I´m not talking about balancing a single build, but the profession. And I don´t intend to groundnerf all of it but SLIGHTLY reduce the numbers involved.
The adrenalin thing however:
Thief SHOULD loose stealth when he fails his attack.
Mesmer does loose his clones when they fail to hit.
Ranger F1 goes on CD when it fails.
Warriors not loosing that adrenaline doesn´t make sense because dodging warrior F1 is basically useless.
I’ve been playing Warrior since release and – even against my self-interest – I have to admit that the profession is overpowered.
The culprits:
- Unsuspecting foe: This minor trait allows warrior to use defensive traits/armor/amulet, but still deal massive damage. Another poster tried to counter this argument with the Hidden Killer trait from the thief and ironically highlighted all the problems with unsuspecting foe. Hidden Killer is a grand master trait, forcing thieves to go offensive. Unsuspecting foe, however, is a minor trait and offers too much, especially given the amount of stuns from hammer/mace. How many thieves use Hidden Killer? How many warrior use Unsuspecting foe? The popularity or the lack of proves how flawed the comparison of both traits is.
- Healing Signet: In contrast to other professions the warrior is easy to play with its heavy armor, hp pool and passive healing effects. The passive regeneration lowers the skillcap of the warrior.
- Longbow: More of a sPvP problem. Longbow deals too much AE, too much power and condition damage. Moreover, it has strong synergies with the hammer as 2nd weapon and Cleansing Ire.
Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:
- They have the best CC in the game.
- They have the best cleanse in the game.
- They have the best sustain in the game without speccing into it.
- They have the best stability uptime in the game.
- They can reach ridiculous critchances with amulets not featuring precision.
- They have the best (or second best) mobility in the game.
- They are insanely easy to play right now.
Lost goes on…….
How I´d fix this?
- Reduce duration and number of CCs availiable to warrior.
- Remove the critchance on stunned trait.
- Remove Lyssa runes.
- Reduce warriors stability durations (just a bit, not too much!)
- Fix Asuras.
- Reduce range of warrior gap closers. (again, not too much!)
- Reduce endure pain duration or make it a %age immunity like protection just stronger and not removeable.
- Reduce condition immunity duration.
- Make stances (or how the skilltype of endure pain and condimune skill is called) replace each other on use. A stance is a way you stand. You have two different stances IRL, so this even makes sense.
- Make shield block a limited number of blocked hits.
- Exclude blind from condition immunity.
- Adrenaline has to disappear when F1 is used, even if it does not hit.
- Reduce signet regen a little.
All of this has to be done VERE CAUTIOUSLY so warrior does not end where ele is now.
Its a tone of changes, but I think having a large number of smaller nerfs is better then hammering a playstyle enitrely.
Lmao this guy can’t be serious .Exclude blind from condition immunity ? Reduce gap closers ? Lololol. He must be playing a thief. 600 range gap closer on sword is too op compared to 1600 range teleport other classes have?How am i supposed to get close to a ranged class that spams 1 on me from 1200 range with my 130 range melee weapons or all other classes that keep teleporting away ?
He basicly suggested to NERF EVERYTHING.Because 130 range skullcrack needs a 1 second channel ? I assure everyone there is no way you can hit a sitting duck at 130 range on that casttime,and he wants it to lose andrenaline to when it will OBVIOUSLY miss?Wait he forgot 130 range on melee is too op .nerf by 33% maybe and make all autoattacks 2 second cast time.
BAsicly what he suggested ONLY IN THE CASE OF SKULCRACK is this :
1 second cast time
1 second stun
loses andrenaline on miss
It’s time for a dislike button on this forum already.
All else is just poor knowledge of the game or other classes trolling wars to get them to freekill status again.
(edited by mini.6018)
I´m not talking about balancing a single build, but the profession. And I don´t intend to groundnerf all of it but SLIGHTLY reduce the numbers involved.
The adrenalin thing however:
Thief SHOULD loose stealth when he fails his attack.
Mesmer does loose his clones when they fail to hit.
Ranger F1 goes on CD when it fails.
Warriors not loosing that adrenaline doesn´t make sense because dodging warrior F1 is basically useless.
Warrior f1 DOES GO ON FULL COOLDOWN if miss,blind,block.It does not lose his andrenaline only .Does a ranger lose the pet if the f1 misses too ?
I’ve been playing Warrior since release and – even against my self-interest – I have to admit that the profession is overpowered.
The culprits:
- Unsuspecting foe: This minor trait allows warrior to use defensive traits/armor/amulet, but still deal massive damage. Another poster tried to counter this argument with the Hidden Killer trait from the thief and ironically highlighted all the problems with unsuspecting foe. Hidden Killer is a grand master trait, forcing thieves to go offensive. Unsuspecting foe, however, is a minor trait and offers too much, especially given the amount of stuns from hammer/mace. How many thieves use Hidden Killer? How many warrior use Unsuspecting foe? The popularity or the lack of proves how flawed the comparison of both traits is.
Hammer/Mace+shield has 3 stuns. Hammer F1, Mace F1, Shield 5
The massive damage only comes after one of those three skills.
You’re mad at the rate in which we can use said stuns, not the trait.
Pin down is my only problem. The animation isn’t clear enough and its projectile speed is to fast making it impossible to dodge if you aren’t at max range. If they make it slower and clearer animation and reduce the bleeding damage it would be a lot more balanced
Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:
- They have the best CC in the game. They can, but it’s at the cost of a lot of damage
- They have the best cleanse in the game. They do not, that would be the necro who heals and cleanses everything.
- They have the best sustain in the game without speccing into it. No, it’s above decent now but only if you don’t poison them. Kinda just like saying thieves have the best damage in the game without speccing into it.
- They have the best stability uptime in the game. This one is actually somewhat true, but you do have to sacrifice stuff for it.
- They can reach ridiculous critchances with amulets not featuring precision. OMG, so can thieves. They can get 100% crit so long as they’re stealthed. Just like a warrior can get 50% crit so long as you’re stunned.
- They have the best (or second best) mobility in the game. Or we have the worst. It’s easy to outrun a hammer/longbow warrior. You have to pick mobility weapons.
- They are insanely easy to play right now. So are necros, I still see them everywhere. In basic armor that’s easy to get. It’s easy to tell.
- Reduce duration and number of CCs availiable to warrior. Then reduce the amount of stability and stun breaks (in number and duration) for all classes as warriors are the prime people who CC opponents in place.
- Remove the critchance on stunned trait. This is silly, shall we do this with all other classes too? No crits for anyone!
- Remove Lyssa runes. This is just selfish. Other classes use this too. I see mesmers and thieves use it all the time. I’m sure they’d love to have these runes.
- Reduce warriors stability durations (just a bit, not too much!) Then lets do that to all other classes as well to make it balanced out.
- Fix Asuras. Can’t really complain here. They are hard to see to the point of stupidity.
- Reduce range of warrior gap closers. (again, not too much!) Reduce the range of other classes gap closers which can easily rival warriors. Again, not too much!
- Reduce endure pain duration or make it a %age immunity like protection just stronger and not removeable. It’s cool, it makes life rough on you. Learn to go around it with conditions. Burn the warrior to death. That works wonders. Otherwise, lets nerf guardian’s scepter block (or where ever it comes from, I don’t play guardian
). Works the same for most part.
- Reduce condition immunity duration. This is the one way warriors can keep what kills them off them. It happens once every 60 seconds for 8 (10) seconds. That’s not a lot. In that time a guardian can remove 6 conditions just by traits alone. Necro can remove 22 in that time just by getting hit with all and using a heal. Are those not overpowered as well?
- Make stances (or how the skilltype of endure pain and condimune skill is called) replace each other on use. A stance is a way you stand. You have two different stances IRL, so this even makes sense. We’ve asked for this as F# abilities and those renamed to reflect better things like Disciplines. If we change it like yours then can we have other things like this. Like only one mantra (since you should be concentrating on one at a time) up at a time? Can Necros and others only have 1 minion at time because of how they have to manage them? I think that’d be silly
- Make shield block a limited number of blocked hits. Then include this to guardians, rangers, engineers, and anyone else who has a block ability.
- Exclude blind from condition immunity. Then make blind also effect heals. We might as well since patching yourself up is hard to see and blind must clearly not therefore be a condition.
- Adrenaline has to disappear when F1 is used, even if it does not hit. Stealth has to disappear even when an attack is used, even if it does not hit. Would that not be very crippling? Should rangers lose their abilities if their pet screws up? Should mesmers fail to lose their clones if their clones miss their special attack? No. This is bad. This would “fix” nothing.
- Reduce signet regen a little. Then lets reduce regen a little across all classes such as ranger troll ungent, elementalist heals, and theives’ heal in stealth. Especially with thieves’ heal in stealth since it’s the same hp/s.
My asides are in bold.
TL;DR: These changes would also have to go in on other classes otherwise you might as well forget about them. These are all bad or untrue at some point.
Ahem someone answered all these points easily and clearly.
one compared the thief regen in stealth with the warrior healing signet regen
i have to say something about this:
thief: when you use this trait you can’t play the meta builds which basically means that the build is not viable in tourny pvp more or less
warrior: if you use healing signet you can still play any build you want so you can actually use it with every meta build no matter what traits you use
Pin down is my only problem. The animation isn’t clear enough and its projectile speed is to fast making it impossible to dodge if you aren’t at max range. If they make it slower and clearer animation and reduce the bleeding damage it would be a lot more balanced
While i agree with the idea of the animation not being all too clear i wonder how you would make it clearer to others. I feel that it being the only skill that fires a single arrow (That is not on fire or that trails smoke) makes it quite easy to notice anyway. And as for the speed of it i find it to be unreliable at connecting with anything over 600 distance. (Possibly due to obstructed arrows and out of range bugs)
I disagree with your idea about balancing the skill by reducing the bleeding damage of the skill along with making the skill harder to hit with as i feel this would be too much.
I don’t have any ideas to add to the discussion. My only hope is that when we are “Balanced” the changes aren’t heavy-handed. MMO’s seem to have this weird vendetta against Warrior archetypes where we get overly-buffed, then nerfed to oblivion and back again…
I think the warrior is a bit to strong, beacause he can do most things really good. I don’t want to say “there is nothing a warrior can’t do well”, but sometimes I think that could be true.
When I was leveling my warrior right after my necro I was kind of shocked. Everything was so easy, there was no challenge at all. Having huge passive healing and if there was too much damage use Endure Pain, which was not that often. Leveling was made with a power build, now I prefer Condi-Warrior.
What I think is OP, well at least in PvE is his healing signet. I thought this about the 300 heal version, the 400 is even worth. For PvP this change could be needed but in PvE it is a joke in my opinion. Probably split this skill and reduce passive but increase active heal in PvE?
What I am confused about are some of the burst skills (F1), because right now some are support skills or there are better Burstskills in slot 2-5:
- Longbow: swap F1 and #3 (Arcing Arrow)
- Greatsword: swap F1 with #2 (100 blades)
- Spear: swap F1 with #5 (Tsunami Slash)
I think the rest is ok, maybe a bit too high stun duration.
Cooldowns may have to be changed and of course damage based on adrenalin.
What also makes the burst skill a bit OP is that you don’t lose adrenalin on interrupt (not sure about block/blind), there is just a ~2sec CD.
compared to other classes with competitive abilities, ranger and engineers, you can’t destroy banners, making them fire and forget. I don’t know how this can be managed, because they are environmental weapons, too. But to be honest no one really uses them as weapon, except of the swiftness. But I think for balancing reasons they have to be destroy able.
On the other hand, this could be a problem with AoE damage in WvW, because of the 5 target limit.
Compared to the ranger his attacks are relatively strong. Having #1 without range penalty (much more damage mid and low range) and 2 strong short CD AoEs.
The warrior is probably not main problem here, but in comparison with other classes and their weapon sets he is most of the time stronger or the set has more synergy.
Didn’t look at the traits right now.
- Unsuspecting foe: This minor trait allows warrior to use defensive traits/armor/amulet, but still deal massive damage.
Unsuspecting Foe only works with real stuns (not knockdown or knockback). At least Earthshaker and Shield Bash are quite easy to dodge.
Yesterday I won twice against a Hammer/Mace warrior in WvW while he was fully buffed in the first fight (3 bloodlust, 5 guard leech, 5 applied fortitude).
IMO warriors are in a good spot right now. So many viable weapons and build. Every build has pros and cons. I wish any profession would be like that.
Most complainers fail to realize, that a warrior cannot have all those great things in one build.
Now the traits:
Looks ok, on the first look, but again, compared to other classes:
Most of the trait for their own, don’t look too strong, but it the combination of them, which makes them stronger compared to other classes. And the main problem I think is, that they all are at the right spot for nearly every build and I dont have to sacrivice anything to get their benefits for my build. Every traitline is in perfect synergy, there is no either this or that.
Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:
- They have the best CC in the game. Probably false, I’ve seen Thieves/Mes stunlock more
- They have the best cleanse in the game. - False, Eles do
- They have the best sustain in the game without speccing into it. - False, Eles do
- They have the best stability uptime in the game.
- They can reach ridiculous critchances with amulets not featuring precision. - True, but only due to one specific trait that hasn’t been balanced
- They have the best (or second best) mobility in the game.
- They are insanely easy to play right now. - These kind of statements automatically make you lose ANY credibility. No class is hard to play in GW2, or noticiably harder than another. “easy to play” has been said in regards of all 8 classes so far, and only in the moment they were unbalanced. Cut this kitten
Lost goes on…….
How I´d fix this?
- Reduce duration and number of CCs availiable to warrior.
- Remove the critchance on stunned trait.
- Remove Lyssa runes.
- Reduce warriors stability durations (just a bit, not too much!)
- Fix Asuras.
- Reduce range of warrior gap closers. (again, not too much!)
- Reduce endure pain duration or make it a %age immunity like protection just stronger and not removeable.
- Reduce condition immunity duration.
- Make stances (or how the skilltype of endure pain and condimune skill is called) replace each other on use. A stance is a way you stand. You have two different stances IRL, so this even makes sense.
- Make shield block a limited number of blocked hits.
- Exclude blind from condition immunity.
- Adrenaline has to disappear when F1 is used, even if it does not hit.
- Reduce signet regen a little.
All of this has to be done VERE CAUTIOUSLY so warrior does not end where ele is now.
Its a tone of changes, but I think having a large number of smaller nerfs is better then hammering a playstyle enitrely.
Here is a good example of why you guys will never get one right with balance suggestions, and why Arena Net will never listen to these things.
One class seems to have a slight advantage under a specific build and you suggect seventy-four different nerfs to every single skill and traits, including those who alone are not causing any unbalance.
Sorry but you guys never post any plausible change.
(edited by Red Falcon.8257)
I’ve been playing Warrior since release and – even against my self-interest – I have to admit that the profession is overpowered.
The culprits:
- Unsuspecting foe: This minor trait allows warrior to use defensive traits/armor/amulet, but still deal massive damage. Another poster tried to counter this argument with the Hidden Killer trait from the thief and ironically highlighted all the problems with unsuspecting foe. Hidden Killer is a grand master trait, forcing thieves to go offensive. Unsuspecting foe, however, is a minor trait and offers too much, especially given the amount of stuns from hammer/mace. How many thieves use Hidden Killer? How many warrior use Unsuspecting foe? The popularity or the lack of proves how flawed the comparison of both traits is.
Hammer/Mace+shield has 3 stuns. Hammer F1, Mace F1, Shield 5
The massive damage only comes after one of those three skills.
You’re mad at the rate in which we can use said stuns, not the trait.
As a warrior myself I don’t have to be mad at anyone, except for ANet. With the heavy CCs from hammer/mace and nerfed Unsuspecting Foe our profession could still fill out a unique position in teams. The stuns themselves are not the problem, but their combination with the damage from Unsuspecting Foe is. Nerfing Unsuspecting Foe would force warriors to decide between offensive and defensive attributes.
(edited by FirstBlood.7359)
@Red Falcon: The problem is, that the warrior has this slight advantage in every build he has. There is nothing I would say a warrior can’t do* or class X is much better at this.
*except of pets
Here’s how you shave without gutting the current Stun-Warrior meta:
Take Unsuspecting Foe from Adept in Arms to Grandmaster and move the crit rate in the talent from 50% to 100% – equivalent to Thief Hidden Killer (so it won’t entirely kill the CC meta build but will put it in its place as a CC build and not a CC + burst DPS build).
Take Furious and swap it to the Adept trait and make it so it creates double/triple Adrenaline (not 4x Adrenaline) on crit.
Helps the CC build perform its function and removes the massive spike DPS issue (when coupled with CC unless you go glass or have higher adrenaline cooldown).
TL;DR Nearly all warrior crying for balance comes down to Unsuspecting Foe being an Adept trait. It needs to be moved and/or changed.
(edited by Artaz.3819)
Here’s how you shave without gutting the current Stun-Warrior meta:
Take Unsuspecting Foe from Adept in Arms to Grandmaster and move the crit rate in the talent from 50% to 100% – equivalent to Thief Hidden Killer (so it won’t entirely kill the CC meta build but will put it in its place as a CC build and not a CC + burst DPS build).
Take Furious and swap it to the Adept trait and make it so it creates double/triple Adrenaline (not 4x Adrenaline) on crit.
Helps the CC build perform its function and removes the massive spike DPS issue (when coupled with CC).
Like anyone would spec 30 points into Arms ( a trait line that has +condition damage) when using a Hammer or Mace. This wouldn’t balance the trait, it wold simply ensure that it never gets used.
Here’s how you shave without gutting the current Stun-Warrior meta:
Take Unsuspecting Foe from Adept in Arms to Grandmaster and move the crit rate in the talent from 50% to 100% – equivalent to Thief Hidden Killer (so it won’t entirely kill the CC meta build but will put it in its place as a CC build and not a CC + burst DPS build). This would break the build like taking Hidden Killer and putting it down in the acrobatics trait line. It just wouldn’t work because this trait is what puts pressure into stun builds. Otherwise it is fine as it because it only works on stuns and unless you’re being 100b’ed by a zerker it really doesn’t hit you nearly as hard as it seems. I mean, you get stunned witha mace for 4 seconds (thanks to sigil bug). Ok, the best he can do without going to a better weapon is auto attack. Lets up his damage by 2.5 times. He hits normal 600 and 1.1k finisher. He can do 2 sets of that or 6 attacks. He will always crit. You’re telling me you can’t stand being hit 11k damage? You could stun break outa it or have protection on you to make that 7.4k damage. Seriously? What do you play? This WON’T outright KILL ANYONE with BASE VIT.
Take Furious and swap it to the Adept trait and make it so it creates double/triple Adrenaline (not 4x Adrenaline) on crit. Data is incorrect. On crit it generates 3 strikes of adrenaline, not 4. “Critical hits grant triple adrenaline.” 1×3 = 3. Check yer math! Also this trait is fine where it is for the most part. I would like to see it moved down and something awesome added but otherwise it’s right where it needs to be.
Helps the CC build perform its function and removes the massive spike DPS issue (when coupled with CC unless you go glass or have higher adrenaline cooldown).
Again, CC will be unchanged. What changes is that even glass wouldn’t use it, if changed. This would solve nothing. It would destroy pressure on CC builds and stop most crit pressure on CC glass builds. If you’re fine with something like that happening perhaps we can do that to all classes like Necro and engie…TL;DR Nearly all warrior crying for balance comes down to Unsuspecting Foe being an Adept trait. It needs to be moved and/or changed. It’s not warriors crying for balance or a lot of the people above this post wouldn’t be here, like you since you don’t even know how furious works. It’s fine as an adept trait because at maximum there’re only 3 sources for it to happen from (shield bash, mace stun F1, hammer stun F1) and even then you need at least 50% crit to insure all hits are crits.
Again, my asides are in bold
How to shave warriors:
- stunbreackers working on launched, knockedback foes.
- Introduce one more class with TEAM stability.
- Change your build to bring stunbreakers.
Warriors Shaved…
This would break the build like taking Hidden Killer and putting it down in the acrobatics trait line. It just wouldn’t work because this trait is what puts pressure into stun builds. Otherwise it is fine as it because it only works on stuns and unless you’re being 100b’ed by a zerker it really doesn’t hit you nearly as hard as it seems. I mean, you get stunned witha mace for 4 seconds (thanks to sigil bug). Ok, the best he can do without going to a better weapon is auto attack. Lets up his damage by 2.5 times. He hits normal 600 and 1.1k finisher. He can do 2 sets of that or 6 attacks. He will always crit. You’re telling me you can’t stand being hit 11k damage? You could stun break outa it or have protection on you to make that 7.4k damage. Seriously? What do you play? This WON’T outright KILL ANYONE with BASE VIT.
Ironically, putting Hidden Killer into Acrobatics would be great for thieves. An offensive trait in a defensive traitline that compensates for the lack of precision. Have you ever asked yourself why nobody takes Hidden Killer?
Back to the warrior: you don’t have to be a zerk warrior to hit like a truck. With Fury and Unsuspecting Foe even warriors in mostly Soldier’s gear/amulet will crit you with every hit. You need only a 30% crit chance for a guaranteed crit every hit while your opponent is stunned. The obligatory 30 points in Discipline brings in Critical Damage. My warrior kills most players in a single stun that cannot break out of it anymore: Shield Bash, Mace Stun, Hundred Blades. It’s between 16k and 20k damage in total. That’s insane damage given the short cooldowns.
@Red Falcon: The problem is, that the warrior has this slight advantage in every build he has. There is nothing I would say a warrior can’t do* or class X is much better at this.
*except of pets
That’s simply false.
Bunker – Eles and Guardians are far better.
Healer/Protector – Eles and Guardians are far better.
Condition applier/spreader – Necro is far better.
Roamer/Spiker – Thief is far better.
Warrior is better than others just at two things: Bunker-killing and PVE DPS.
Stuns – Sigil of Para is bugged, and will be fixed. Once that happens, Warrior stuns will be right where they should.
Unsuspecting Foe – This is the only really problematic and downright “OP” trait. This, plus bugged Para Sigil, is what makes the GS/Mace build overpowered. There are two possible fixes here. 1. Moving it to a Master trait. 2. Simply nerfing it directly; Reducing it to +33% crit chance, or making it just a static +% damage trait may work.
Sustain – Again, this only seems to be OP when the Warrior is ALSO locking you down (bugged para sigil) and DPSing you at the same time (Unsuspecting foe).
Banners –
Underpowered Traits
ALL Weapon Traits – No, really. Hear me out. Our weapon traits are fragmented, and scattered. They should be consolidated, and brought together to be more consistent.
One Handed Mastery Axe, Sword, Mace
Reduces the cooldown by 20%, and grants a weapon specific bonus
Two Handed Mastery Greatsword, Hammer, Spear
Reduces the cooldown by 20%, and grants a weapon specific bonus
Offhand Mastery Shield, Warhorn
Reduces the cooldown by 20% and grants a weapon specific bonus
Ranged Mastery Rifle, Longbow, Harpoon
Reduces the cooldown by 20% and grants a weapon specific bonus
Downed-State of the Warrior
(edited by Dand.8231)
Ironically, putting Hidden Killer into Acrobatics would be great for thieves. An offensive trait in a defensive traitline that compensates for the lack of precision. Have you ever asked yourself why nobody takes Hidden Killer?
Then we shall throw it into the grandmaster slot in power! Ain’t nobody touchin’ that trait line!Back to the warrior: you don’t have to be a zerk warrior to hit like a truck. With Fury and Unsuspecting Foe even warriors in mostly Soldier’s gear/amulet will crit you with every hit. You need only a 30% crit chance for a guaranteed crit every hit while your opponent is stunned. The obligatory 30 points in Discipline brings in Critical Damage. My warrior kills most players in a single stun that cannot break out of it anymore: Shield Bash, Mace Stun, Hundred Blades. It’s between 16k and 20k damage in total. That’s insane damage given the short cooldowns.
But you proved my point of without 100b, there’s not a ton of damage coming out of that stun.
Yep, asides to what I’m directly responding to. They’re in there. Go find ’em!
Skullcrack is part of the stuncombo and hits up to 4,000 damage. Pressing 3 buttons for inflicting up to 20,000 damage is broken as the combo requires neither effort nor skill. At this point I’m not sure if you’re really that ignorant or simply a lobbyist fighting for his privileges.
Skullcrack is part of the stuncombo and hits up to 4,000 damage. Pressing 3 buttons for inflicting up to 20,000 damage is broken as the combo requires neither effort nor skill. At this point I’m not sure if you’re really that ignorant or simply a lobbyist fighting for his privileges.
Just like those 15k Backstab crits, and 20k shatters, and 500k bleed ticks from necros?
The only time hundred blades will ever hit over 12k is in WvW on an upleveled player, and in sPvP it’s more likely to hit 6-8k
(edited by Larynx.2453)
Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:
- They have the best CC in the game.
- They have the best cleanse in the game.
- They have the best sustain in the game without speccing into it.
- They have the best stability uptime in the game.
- They can reach ridiculous critchances with amulets not featuring precision.
- They have the best (or second best) mobility in the game.
- They are insanely easy to play right now.
Lost goes on…….
How I´d fix this?
- Delete warriors
Here’s how you shave without gutting the current Stun-Warrior meta:
Take Unsuspecting Foe from Adept in Arms to Grandmaster and move the crit rate in the talent from 50% to 100% – equivalent to Thief Hidden Killer (so it won’t entirely kill the CC meta build but will put it in its place as a CC build and not a CC + burst DPS build).
Take Furious and swap it to the Adept trait and make it so it creates double/triple Adrenaline (not 4x Adrenaline) on crit.
Helps the CC build perform its function and removes the massive spike DPS issue (when coupled with CC).
Like anyone would spec 30 points into Arms ( a trait line that has +condition damage) when using a Hammer or Mace. This wouldn’t balance the trait, it wold simply ensure that it never gets used.
You are forgetting the bonus from the trait works with other stun CC on the target (not just the ones from Warrior’s mace/hammer). It could have a specialized use. If need be, add a secondary bonus when the Warrior hits a non-stunned target (i.e. causes Torment, internal CD 1-second)).
The point is to move the broken OP Adept trait making the build have survivability, CC and burst DPS all in one.
Here’s how you shave without gutting the current Stun-Warrior meta:
Take Unsuspecting Foe from Adept in Arms to Grandmaster and move the crit rate in the talent from 50% to 100% – equivalent to Thief Hidden Killer (so it won’t entirely kill the CC meta build but will put it in its place as a CC build and not a CC + burst DPS build).
Take Furious and swap it to the Adept trait and make it so it creates double/triple Adrenaline (not 4x Adrenaline) on crit.
Helps the CC build perform its function and removes the massive spike DPS issue (when coupled with CC).
Like anyone would spec 30 points into Arms ( a trait line that has +condition damage) when using a Hammer or Mace. This wouldn’t balance the trait, it wold simply ensure that it never gets used.
You are forgetting the bonus from the trait works with other stun CC on the target (not just the ones from Warrior’s mace/hammer). It could have a specialized use. If need be, add a secondary bonus when the Warrior hits a non-stunned target (i.e. causes Torment, internal CD 1-second)).
The point is to move the broken OP Adept trait making the build have survivability, CC and burst DPS all in one.
Specialized use = never ever being used again, ever unless for weird combos like Mace/Axe or some crap.
Warriors are brokenly overpowered right now, because:
- They have the best cleanse in the game.
Come on man. I think some parts of warriors are overpowered but lets keep it real here.
I never played really a warrior but from what i m seeing now they finally stopped being the joke of gw2 and thats all.
In my opinion hearing alot complaints about wars is only the result of people not even considering losing to a war after months of steamrolling every possible build they had. Those builds that use melandru runes and -40% condition duration food still die through direct dmg and the stunlock builds suddenly stop critting too if you pop stability. You just can’t kill every war build with any setup you run into them anymore… and thats basically how other classes always have been.
So i’d say the war finally made it to the state of a viabe class even outside of wvw zergs. There are still some skills (like the already mentioned kick) that are completly useless but thats the same with every class.
Now the traits:
* Looks ok, only thing is that his damage boosts for high his damage weapons are in there (GS and Axe). Which isn’t bad, but compared to other classes, ranger for example has to invest 20 Points in a defensive traitline for 5% more GS damage. (no real warrior Problem) That is all fine and dandy except for the fact that almost no warrior in sPvP invests in strength because you need 20 in strength for it to be worth it, and we are pretty much locked deep into Defense and Discipline trees. It is a heavily underused trait line, even when compared to other classes. And comparing specific traits between classes is stupid. Rangers get 50% endurance regeneration just as a minor adept trait, what is your point?Arms:
* Deep Cuts (III):50% Bleed duration is isane. His Autoattacks apply 8s bleed (6s with rifle) and up to 12s bleed with #2-5I don’t think i’ve heard anybody call this trait insane, and it really isn’t considering condition warriors aren’t used in tPvP. 50% extra bleed duration in most cases is over kill because bleeds are often cleansed before you see the 50% take effect, unless of course you have no condition removal which is your fault. It is a sweet trait, but hardly overpowered.
* Unsuspectin Foe: (IV): 50% is too much for an adept trait, espacially in combination with Opprtunist (IX) and a Hammer/Mace. 25% would be enough or swap it with blademaster (VIII). Agreed with lowering the crit chance
* Attack of Oppotunity (25): Not a warrior issue, but again compared to Necro, Engi and Mesmer it is stronger and with (trait 5) and a decent crit chance it’s nearly permanent, compared to Guardian, Ranger and Thief it is ok. I think the other 3 clases could need a buff here and maybe change the bleed with cripple? This trait is perfectly fine the way it isDefense:
* Dogged March (II): 33% less CC is strong for a adept trait, with aditionaly regeneration. Maybe reduce it to 20-25%, regen is fine
* Adrenal Health (15): This heal is perfect, I cant understand, why the healing signet dont work like this, 400 health every 3 seconds Because 400 health every 3 second would be around 166 health per second, which would be worse then it was prebuff
* Merciless Hammer (X): 25% sounds a bit too high. It could be because of a bad scaling with power? Almost nobody picks this trait over Cleansing Ire, which means you need to invest 30 into defense to pick up this trait. A fair tradeoff.Tactics:
* Desperate Power (III): 20% damage is a bit much for a adept trait, I Know below 50% health is risky, but 10% should be enough for an adept trait. I could agree with that
* Inspiring Battle Standard (XI): Would be ok, if Banners could be destroyed, but right now, this means 100% Regeneration uptime for the whole group. You are kidding right? Somebody complaining about banners being too strong? First of all, you have to invest 30 into tactics which is huge. Second of all, banners have a long cooldown, much longer than their uptime so it isn’t 100% uptime in regen. Third of all, with all the regen that is thrown around, you can get nearly 100% uptime on regen anyway.Discipline:
Looks ok, on the first look, but again, compared to other classes:
* Warrior’s Sprint (III): Compared to Necro and Ele there is no strong requirement for this boost. Because it is nearly every weapon he has. I think axe and mace in mainhand would be ok, every other weapon has a gap closer, to compensate this. For an engineer it is a Mastertrait in a defensive Traitline and only in combat, where you are slower. There is nothing the warrior has to sacrifice for this. Many warriors use longbows, 25% extra movement speed is nice but hardly gamebreaking especially when you can easily get swiftness. And again, STOP comparing traits from one class to other classes, it is totally different, unless you want every class to be the same.Most of the trait for their own, don’t look too strong, but it the combination of them, which makes them stronger compared to other classes. And the main problem I think is, that they all are at the right spot for nearly every build and I dont have to sacrivice anything to get their benefits for my build. Every traitline is in perfect synergy, there is no either this or that.
As for your last point, I can say you are wrong. Our traits aren’t strong compared to any other class. And there is a lot of sacrifice involved.
For example, Cleansing Ire it pretty much mandatory for almost any build, which means you need to burn 20 in Defense right off the bat. Fast hands is pretty much mandatory as well for most builds so that is another 15 into Discipline.
Now if you want great healing and sustain you need to put 30 into tactics, which means your damage output takes a huge hit. If you want 10% damage from the greatsword, you need to invest 20 into strength, with the 10 trait not having many very good traits. If you want merciless hammer, you need 30 into defense b/c of cleansing ire.
Every traitline is far from perfect synergy. Strength has absolutely no synergy with what we are accomplishing in this meta. Tactics still have very limited options and weak kitten minor traits.
Warrior is so mindless right now, I just got into the top 550 solo q spamming a single combo for 10 games. Bull’s rush, frenzy, hb, whirlwind, shield bash, eviscerate, and a few axe autos if they dodge some. Even if I’m getting blocked (looking at guards) I’m racking up free ridiculous might/adren with short temper, essentially rewarding me for being stupid. The damage is obscene, and even if they survive, they can’t kill me even with zerker amulet because of my ridiculous mobility/blocking and healing signet. I can even kite with bladetrail and whirlwind after unloading, with both doing ridiculous damage. Running away ain’t exactly a penalty either when you can go to cap another point within seconds with gs mobility. Don’t even get me started on whirlwind into groups on points. It’s a massacre.
And I’ve been playing war in spvp for like a month, to far better results than I could ever get with the ele I’ve been playing since launch. It’s especially sad whenever I run into “burst” s/f or s/d eles in spvp, who can barely get past my healing signet as I take their entire health bar with a single hb or eviscerate.
I give credit almost entirely to pure numbers, rather than mechanics. Highest hp, highest armor, insane healing signet regen with no healing power investment. And on top of that, there are far too many damage boosting traits given warrior survivability and sustain. Desperate power+destruction of the empowered+slashing power+stick and move+berserker’s power+versatile power+short temper+heightened focus boost war damage to astronomical levels. For those saying cleansing ire is mandatory, it is not since engagements are so fast you can just kill and runaway while your healing signet keeps you up (or use berserker’s stance when it is up, which should last long enough for you to kill several people).
(edited by Jabberwock.9014)
Thanks for the discussion so far and I have not seen any offensive things against others which makes me quite happy
still I do understand that some of you rage if smbdy suggests to delete warri from the game…then you have my permission to rage haha
Pin down is my only problem. The animation isn’t clear enough and its projectile speed is to fast making it impossible to dodge if you aren’t at max range. If they make it slower and clearer animation and reduce the bleeding damage it would be a lot more balanced
Pin down has a very obvious animation…
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