Guild Wars 2
“Warriors are masters of weaponry who rely on speed, strength, toughness, and heavy armor to survive in battle. Adrenaline fuels their offensive power—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become*”.
“Warriors are masters of martial skills. They’re versatile in combat and benefit from offensive and defensive abilities. Warriors inspire allies and demoralize enemies. As a soldier profession, warriors wear heavy armor”.
Guild Wars
“Warriors rely on stout hearts, brute strength, and melee weapons to subdue their enemies and protect their allies. They generally disdain long-range warfare, preferring instead to charge directly into the fray swinging their weapon of choice. They can take a beating unlike anyone else. Warriors are equally comfortable wielding axe, hammer, or sword, though many choose to master one weapon over all others. Many Warrior skills require adrenaline, which builds up during combat to enable those skills, and usually results in major damage. Defensive tactics help the Warrior to avoid damage and protect allies, but Strength is the Warrior’s biggest asset, allowing this hero to do more damage with every attack”
“.The mightiest of mighty, the bravest of the brave, the Warrior is the master of melee combat and heavy armor”
Are they same? Do you see any different between? which warrior is true warrior profession? Which profession is true soldier Profession?
They are not same. There is major different between them.
What is brave? “feeling or showing no fear : not afraid”
What is a warrior? “a proud and brave warrior”
What is proud? “feeling pleasure or satisfaction over something regarded as highly honorable or creditable to oneself”
What is honor? “good reputation : good quality or character as judged by other people”
What is soldier? “An active, loyal, or militant follower of an organization”
What is hero? “A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life”
Ok, do you see different between them?
Guild Wars Warrior: is a honorable, loyal and devoted soldier who show no fear and is not afraid of suffering from damage and attack. Warrior motivation and ambition come from their strength and will sacrifice themselves for other; risk their lives, even if to die for other. Warrior can attack long distance with long distance weapon to keep pressure off if face with too much pressure. Warrior also have defensive weapon to keep pressure off and to use to protect other soldier.
Final, Guild Wars warrior is a profession who strong, brave, courage. They will risk their lives to protect other. If their risk involve them to risk their lives to save other, than they will. In end; death or alive, they will be award as a hero.
(Warrior Mission Code; To Serve, To Protect, To Defend, To Rescue, To Risk, To Sacrifice)
Major different between Guild Wars Warrior and Guild War 2 Warrior
1. Guild Wars Warrior risk their life and sacrifice their to serve other, to protect others, to defend others and to rescue others. Death or Alive; they are honored as Hero.
2. Guild Wars 2 Warriors protect others, defend others, rescue others and abandon others when risk is high.
A. Guild Wars Warrior is design to Engage, Risk, Sacrifice
B. Guild Wars 2 Warrior is design to Engage, Survive, Abandoned/Escape if risk is present.
In end,
i believe with investigation and report:
Guild Wars Warrior is True Warrior, True Soldier, Hero and Brave.
“A Warrior Is The Last Man Standing”
“The first virtue in a soldier is endurance of fatigue; courage is only the second virtue”
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
“Being brave means to know something is scary, difficult, and dangerous, and doing it anyway, because the possibility of winning the fight is worth the chance of losing it.
Question; can arena net make Guild Wars 2 Warrior Sacrificing instead of surviving?
Suggestion: decrease all warrior survival design- include mobility/versatility by 50%. Increase all defense design by 25%
what you player think? opinion/critic welcome
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)