Suggestion: Give Banners a Burst Skill

Suggestion: Give Banners a Burst Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Ultrajoe.8674


Currently, banners are lacking in appeal from a gameplay perspective, which is a shame because the stats they bring to any group are stunning. For all they contribute to a group, they take little skill to use and prevent the warrior from taking other, more enjoyable skills. Even if they only take a single banner, picking up that banner to move it or keep it applied to a moving group is an exercise in banality. For those rare warriors who like to provide two, three or even four banners to their party, the fun-factor of being such a group asset quickly plummets. And it is fun this suggestion is intended to address; it is a game, after all, played for enjoyment.

It’s difficult to buff the 1-5 skills on banners without making them too strong, especially given that any profession can pick them up. For this reason, I suggest that banners give access to a burst skill when held by warriors. This limits this ability and the inherent ‘buff’ to a single profession.

I would theorize that this burst skill would be the same for each banner, even the warbanner, for the sake of simplicity. I would love to hear any suggestions for what this skill should be, as I have little idea beyond the notion that this change would improve quality of life for warriors who elect to bear a banner for their party. Perhaps a short rage leap strike that transfers conditions from allies to that foe? Or an AOE stun on par with that seen on spears? A move like this would make it attractive for warriors to bear their banners, which is nice for everyone.

Ideas, additions or vengeful peanuts from the gallery?

Sportuu The Dour – Fort Aspenwood Warrior
Fattest Man in [GLOB]

Suggestion: Give Banners a Burst Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Nike.2631


It took me a moment to figure out what you were suggesting… but wow, that IS kinda neat.

I agree it doesn’t need to be unique by banner carried – just having something there. I’m actually kind of inclined to make it some sort of “rally the troops” action with the radius based on the number of adrenaline bars. Something that plops down a big visible circle and any ally that can get into it before the channel ends gets their conditions removed or something.

I could also see some sort of self-immobilize + a 1 second per bar of complete invulnerability like the Guardian Renewed Focus as you ‘show the colors’.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.