Summed up notes:

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


These are my feelings of the notes if they are true, if they are not, which I pray to the developers they are not, please listen.

First of all, let us talk about the “Healing Buffs.”

They didn’t do crap to our survivability. We will still go down just as bad as before, worse now that we don’t have anything to deal with these new conditions…

Healing Signet even after changes is poor and does not fix its problem. The signet is meant to have a very powerful passive and active, but with a very long cool-down, used only as an emergency, look at my picture below to see how stupid it is now.

Adrenal Surge should of simply been an 8k-12k heal that gives you 30 adrenaline. Requiring us to have a set of adrenaline simply puts MORE “Oh you use this and your punished” that other classes don’t even have, What other class gets so punished like this? None. Thieves have a heal that simply stealths them and gives them regeneration.. what if it did less if they had less initiative… What if Necromancer heals healed less if they had less lifeforce? Its a stupid mechanic.

Mending should remove all conditions and heal for each one, or have its cool-down lowered to 15 seconds to fill the active gap Healing Signet had, because it would be a much better “active heal” and fill in that spot, where Healing Signet should be the passive.

We did not get any healing added to our traits… Lawl…

The changes are not sustain either, none of these increase our ability to stay in the fight, healing signet is a now a total joke not even Kefka would find humorous.

Second off, lets talk about the “Condition Removal”

Useless, it goes off AFTER you use your burst, you need it before that, not after… I need to remove weakness and blindness immediately or I won’t be able to do anything to the enemy, this just further puts us into one EASY to counter roll, enemies can easilly predict when you burst and take precautions to simply avoid it and win.

The new condition removal also does not go well with Adrenal Health, in fact it lowers our HPS of it now that we are constantly going between stages instead of staying at full. Why wasn’t this changed as well as Berserker’s Power/Heightened Awareness? Did it not appeal to you that we would care about it anymore? Now it has NO SYNERGY with our new trait, NONE, natta, zilch. It is now a waste of a 15 slot.

CC Nerfs:
5 second leg specialist nerf… wow… haha… wow… good bye to warriors in SPVP I won’t even bother commenting on this.

Damage Nerfs:
Looks like we lost a HUGE chunk of our ability to hybrid AND deal damage… that gaurdian (looks at notes for guardian… sees damage buffs and knows they did great damage before… also knows they have much better and reliable well thought out passive condition removal and sustain and boons to keep them alive.) whistle.. I know what class I may go to next!

Real Warriors know that this whole thing was actually more of a nerf then a buff, and an unjustified one at that if it is true, we are trash in SPVP and now we are less then trash, none of the things that were talked about were added.

I do apologize if this was just a big hoax and it was all fake, however I leave you with this funny picture below. Enjoy


Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Patch hasn’t happened yet, you don’t know how thing will actually feel while playing..all you’re doing and have been doing is theorycrafting.

This is just another random thread to go along with your daily spam on the warrior forums.

Wait until the 25th, see what works see what doesn’t and go from there.

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Patch hasn’t happened yet, you don’t know how thing will actually feel while playing..all you’re doing and have been doing is theorycrafting.

This is just another random thread to go along with your daily spam on the warrior forums.

Wait until the 25th, see what works see what doesn’t and go from there.

Perhaps if it is true then the developers may read it and change it accordingly. Or simply giving them more ideas to play with.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Demosthene.2195


These "notes" were posted some time ago, there is a possibility these are outdated internal balance test notes from the QA staff, meaning that functionality and numbers are pending to adjustments.

I’d say it’s mostly authetic, because ... brawn wasn’t mentioned even once. It should be an open secret by now, that Anet hates brawn and will never do anything about it.

Else, it’s a pretty convincing troll which draws directly from forum suggestions and known Anet patterns when it comes to game balancing and attitude.

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139



CC Nerfs:
5 second leg specialist nerf… wow… haha… wow… good bye to warriors in SPVP I won’t even bother commenting on this.

yeh… horrible change
i guess just because sword autoattack has criple now and the immobilize would be too strong… so all other weapons get nerfed… great logic

We Glitched Out Of All [MAPS]
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


Eh it’s a step in the right direction. Discouraging Adrenalin hoarding should be top priority, so far they’re halfway there, they’ve made it incredibly ineffective to go for all adrenalin hoarding traits, yet given us virtually nothing as a reward for using it. So at the moment, it’s a pseudo-nerf, one which I’m hoping will eventually blossom into something amazing with a reworked adrenalin system.

Our heals are still disgustingly bad, but again -5 seconds CD is a step in the right direction.

And of course this is assuming all these rumours turn out to be true, guess we just wait and see.
(I’m hanging onto that Jade Dragon Ticket in case they do wreck Axe, did you see that? Now it’s just a mobile version of 100b, interrupt it and there was no point in doing the first few swings, but yah… See how we go)

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Demosthene.2195


Axe MH nerf is disgusting, sure. Landing the full combo inside circa 130 range of the enemy will prove a similar feat as landing 3rd combo strike from the MH Mace. Even when you’re in range, the dilemma of interrupting 3rd chain and losing 75% damage boost to use another skill, weapon swap or Eviscerate will tear the hairs of most.

My interpretation of weapon changes alone so far ...

- they want Longbow to mesh in naturally with team support or healing builds, despite LB’s innate potential for AoE burst and mild control (they MIGHT want to merge Stronger Bowstrings with Burning Arrows at some point, though)
- they have bloody no idea what to do with MH Mace and OH Sword, but OH Axe is slowly getting there
- MH Sword will be the new pressure/autoattack weapon with addition of cripple spam, leap and spammable physical burst skill (Final Thrust), on top of immobilize (leg specialist, Flurry cancel)
- .... whereas MH Axe will shine for the short moment of landing a crit Eviscerate and suck in the down-time between bursts (in PvP/WvW), while in PvE landing the mini-HB in form of autoattack will be a bit more perilous than before, overall DPS unaffected (unlike HB you can still dance around and dodge)

(edited by Demosthene.2195)

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


they better merge endure pain and revamped berserker stance or something.

thanks for nerfing greatsword to the ground, it was totally op, new damage build will be
30 strength
30 disciplines
10 tactics for leg,
dual axe/lb build.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

(edited by Lighter.5631)

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


The patch is bad enough its probably real, you can see where they fixed some obvious broken things, but missed the big picture. A bunch of meetings with people drinking too much coffee, lots of concessions, and a few obvious under powered or useless tactics (useless as in can’t afford to waste a tactic on) repaired.

Most warriors will see a dps loss (esp hybrid tanky builds) and -5 seconds to heal ability.

A few good traits fixed in disc tree, but the tree itself is still weak due to spending points to get brawn. Other classes are getting better bang for the buck on trait points.

I can see doing this patch internally to get a feel for how low warrior dps will be as you are reworking adrenaline usage, but this should not go live, esp with how slow arenanet is.

anything but a quick check on relative damage and survivability here is silly. Instead it will be 4 months and zero communication.

Obvious stuff just does not get fixed fast enough, did it really take almost a year to figure out warriors sprint should not be so low? esp relative to other classes run speed buffs? Its clear there are big communication issues on the design team, its really time to do less balancing in a bubble on each class.

(edited by dooger.2640)

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578



CC Nerfs:
5 second leg specialist nerf… wow… haha… wow… good bye to warriors in SPVP I won’t even bother commenting on this.

yeh… horrible change
i guess just because sword autoattack has criple now and the immobilize would be too strong… so all other weapons get nerfed… great logic

Yes, to bad they completely butchered what many tournament warriors used to do there only roll in that aspect, lock down people with CC, it used to be where you could crippling strike 3 people and lock them down, that is no longer a possibility.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Summed up notes:

in Warrior

Posted by: Grounder.7381


they have this guideline that one class must not resemble other class at all..
giving protection and sustain will only make a warrior another guardian..
which sadly,.. is the thing warrior lacks the most..

looking at how they keep deleting posts that links the leaked list..
there’s a big chance that that list is the real deal,.. and it really is leaked..