Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: JETWING.2759



I likes my warrior, and no think drop him.
Has some classes realy much more powerful than warrior, but i not give up him

In general Anet is making a great job.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


Yeah zerkers power moved to grandmaster, but boon hate moved to master.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

(edited by Warlord.9074)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Zestus.2931


with a name like fony…

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Warlord.9074


ya no this is real, Im pretty sure of it, what they have done is since they moved so many usfull things to lower teirs they spread out the power enhancing stuff so you cant be god mode. Its going to make there be a lot of differnt buuilds but no best build.

“Just press 2 to win all the dps was us cuz we’re a
warrior and we’re the best class” Eugene

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


Everything sounds decent except for the main hand axe change. We’re really going to have to pay attention on getting that last single hit in. I really hope that doesn’t make it through.

No single attack should carry so much weight in a chain like this, especially in PvP…

EDIT: I’m ok with them adjusting the damage levels to be more towards the end but to give all 75% to the last single hit in a 6 hit combo is insane.

… I still want tengu.

(edited by Hammerguard.9834)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


>Cleansing Ire in the same tier as the hammer trait

This is the dumbest thing since forever.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


The OP’s name is “fony” … nuff said.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Hammerguard.9834


… I still want tengu.

(edited by Hammerguard.9834)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Redscope.6215


He’s not the source…

He’s posted it to troll…you guys can have fun being trolled o.O

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Cygnus.6903


Here’s to hoping most of this is false.

I only state my opinion unless stated otherwise.
Hulk Roaming Montages/Build Vids
I always rage but never quit.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Khenzy.9348


The complainers just don’t see the bigger picture.
I’m seeing some amazing buffs there and some potential sinergies all over the place (never underestimate the aftercast reductions which could improve gameplay massively).
30 defense + 30 discipline + berserker stance = lol conditions. Add there a Sword and Leg Specialist and now you have and unkiteable immobilizing machine of a warrior.
Mending is now amazing, period.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


Cleansing Ire is great and all, but it actively discourages Warriors from going Hammer, as you have to choose between Cleansing Ire and Merciless Hammer.
Bad decision.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Leaked info and everyone has lost their minds….

wait 4 days then start the panic/crying/working stuff out + an influx of Daecollo threads.

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


But you must admit, if it IS the state of affairs, hammer warriors are one of the builds most in need of reliable condition removal thanks to how hard it gets hit by Blind. To force hammer warriors to choose between excellent adrenaline gain and condition removal or better hammer damage and cooldowns strikes me as being particularly cruel.

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Borex.6403


Hello all,
i am a warrior i play almost only pve and i like my sonic boon build.
This was before this.
Moving Heightened Focus and Berserker’s Power to grandmaster will have only 1 result all GS zerker warrior will become axe/axe zerker warrior with 30/0/0/10/30 and we will like the beginning.
My build have got a huge nerfbat.
Anyway i like the changes to revitalize hammer and mace.
a sad warrior here.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


IF all these changes are true and happen, instead of all the tears that will flood this forums, learn to adapt instead.

People who play 1 spec/weapon set day in day out need to take the training wheels off big time.

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


People tend to focus on their class changes while forgetting to look at other classes’ changes in every patch including this one. Did you read through the full notes to see what other classes got?
The changes to your class are half the game..the other half is what other classes got since spvp is about you and them.

I’ll start with mesmers:

The two biggest changes that will affect you as a warrior:
Compounding Celerity: Movement speed per active illusion has been increased to 10%, allowing for 30% movement speed when three illusions are active.
The mesmers were laughing their kitten off thought getting on top of a mesmer before was hard..
Torment: Added a new Condition called Torment. This does damage every second (75% of a bleed), and double damage to foes that are moving(150% of a bleed). Stacks intensity.

Other changes that mesmers got similar to ours:
Chaotic Interruption: This trait has been moved to the Grandmaster tier. In addition to inflicting a random condition, this trait will also apply a 2 second immobilize when interrupting an enemy.
Halting Strike: Damage dealt when interrupting enemies has been increased by 500%
This is based on power.

Now compare it with what we got for interrupting:
Distracting Strikes: This trait now applies 4 stacks of confusion for 8 seconds upon interrupting an enemy.
Remember..confusion is based on condition damage. How many hammer warriors here use condition damage gear? Yep..that’s what I thought.
It is also in a line not a lot of people go into when using hammer builds and would rather get other abilities.
Let me be generous..say you got 200 condition damage from going 20 into arms tree+100 base condition damage that means for all 4 stacks you deal an extra 350 damage..Compare that to what the mesmers get (correct me on this confusion stack calculation plz from :

-Mesmers can now move at a speed of 30% extra at times and can punish you for following them by Torment.
-Now almost every warrior -since the majority go into discipline- will move 25% faster since warrior’s sprint is really the only ability in the discpline adept line worth taking -signet mastery if your a ranged warrior?-.
-Also, Dogged march is practically the only worth while minor defense trait and I’m assuming this will compliment the 25% movement speed. Shield mastery is meh since they did not combine it with arrow reflection.
This means that if you are a melee warrior,you will most likely take Dogged march+Warrior’s sprint. So will this be enough to deal with Torment and mesmer increased speed movement? I dunno.

GS nerf:
This is a nerf in the discipline tree for GS warriors -no..good GS warriors use GS for mobility+GS3 immunity not 100b nooblet action-. Reason being is Heightened focus is now beyond GS warriors reach since they rarely go 30 into discipline and would rather go into tactics, strength, arms, defense etc. Remember that in spvp crit chance is less from the amulets compared with wvw.
GS is really ignored by the majority of the players. GS3 (whirlwind attack) evade to cc/dps etc every 8-10s seconds is nothing to be laughed at. It helps when a thief is on you, avoiding an opener by basilisk venom , get out of an engineer elite or are avoiding a shatter.
How many warrior abilities evadeaside from the GS3? That’s right..none..

It is a weaker version of the OP mesmer ability:

Which they are not going to nerf, after all, even though they admitted it is OP and wanted to nerf it a while back.

(edited by XII.9401)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Warriors vs. Thieves:
They got Torment. It remains to be seen if it is only on one venom or not. See discussion above for movement.
Sadow return is no longer a stun breaker. Though this sounds as a much needed nerf, shadow return does not break immobilize but you can still use it thus creating a gap between you and your attacker whom by the time they reach you, immob is gone. I’m thinking that they can still shadowstep while stunned but remain stunned as well..but that doesn’t matter since they moved out of your damage and by the time you get there they are nerf..

Comparison of similar abilities:
Protection from CC:
Hard to Catch: The cooldown of this effect has been reduced from 60 seconds to 30.
Arguably the best reactive ability to cc just got insanely better. 30s cool down..
VS. the reactive the warriors have:
90s cool down..does not move you away from the area of inferior in both effect and cool down to a thieve’s. Not only that but it now competes with hammer specialization, the new cleansing ire -which I think the majority of warriors will take- and for the defy pain in grand master -defy pain cool down dropped to 60s and is 4 s durationas it was always supposed to be and is still inferior to a Ranger’s..-

Gap closing:
Long Reach: This trait now increases the range of Steal to 1500, up from 1200.
Steal: Recharge reduced to 35 from 45.
Sleight of Hand: In addition to dazing your target, this trait now reduces the recharge of Steal by an additional 20%.
Yep..thieve’s were just hurting and needed gap closers with insanely bigger distances on shorter cool downs…I guess stealth/shadowstep was too difficult to use to gap close on someone who can’t see you.

For warriors: see the above.

Boon ripping: Now engys can boon rip. We still don’t have any boon ripping. the changes we got over two patches vs. the laundry list the necromancers got. I’m very pessimistic regarding our chances vs. Necros which were problematic pre buff in spvp in skilled hands.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


The problem is that, they buffed everything, and what happens when you buff something that was already balanced or OP, it becomes OP, or very OP, and what this have to do with us?, well, warrior was at the bottom of the dirt… they are buffing them (i suppouse? but actually i dont see many good things like other classes) but they are buffing everything so warrior will stay at the bottom of the dirt, so… nice “BALANCE” there, its like they always want to balance in favor to thives and mesmers.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


The problem is that, they buffed everything, and what happens when you buff something that was already balanced or OP, it becomes OP, or very OP, and what this have to do with us?, well, warrior was at the bottom of the dirt… they are buffing them (i suppouse? but actually i dont see many good things like other classes) but they are buffing everything so warrior will stay at the bottom of the dirt, so… nice “BALANCE” there, its like they always want to balance in favor to thives and mesmers.

Yep. Gearing my necro as we speak.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


But you must admit, if it IS the state of affairs, hammer warriors are one of the builds most in need of reliable condition removal thanks to how hard it gets hit by Blind. To force hammer warriors to choose between excellent adrenaline gain and condition removal or better hammer damage and cooldowns strikes me as being particularly cruel.

That is assuming the condition removal for burst abilities happens before the burst damage/effect is applied. Otherwise..meh..

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Arkanis Drako.5169

Arkanis Drako.5169

The problem is that, they buffed everything, and what happens when you buff something that was already balanced or OP, it becomes OP, or very OP, and what this have to do with us?, well, warrior was at the bottom of the dirt… they are buffing them (i suppouse? but actually i dont see many good things like other classes) but they are buffing everything so warrior will stay at the bottom of the dirt, so… nice “BALANCE” there, its like they always want to balance in favor to thives and mesmers.

I think that´s a sign, that these are not the upcoming changes or at least not the final
ones, as ArenaNet described that they wanted to avoid it:

" Why don’t we just increase the power of weaker skills to match the most popular ones? Well, the problem is that then we get into something called power creep; the power of all builds and classes keeps rising as we keep making improvements, which causes instability in game balance."

Also while most of these supposed changes sound credible,
others sound just unlikley.

Hamstring for example is supposed to become the third chain skill on the sword
and has it´s cripple duration reduced to 1 second. That´s just useless and robs the skill of its purpose. 1 second immobilize, yeah maybe, but one second cripple, that is nothing.

They also posted a few weaks ago, that warriors lack sustain in PvP, which
5 seconds of reduced cooldown on all healing skills would not account for, in my opinion.

And were changes to the discipline´s measly 0.1% burst damge per point even mentioned?

Same with the greatsword´s burstskill. They wanted to do something about it,
they even accidently updated the tooltip to list might, months ago.
Yet nothing about it in these notes.

I simply cannot believe, that they would make so many changes and not
do something about these issues which they acknowledged for a long time.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


The problem is that, they buffed everything, and what happens when you buff something that was already balanced or OP, it becomes OP, or very OP, and what this have to do with us?, well, warrior was at the bottom of the dirt… they are buffing them (i suppouse? but actually i dont see many good things like other classes) but they are buffing everything so warrior will stay at the bottom of the dirt, so… nice “BALANCE” there, its like they always want to balance in favor to thives and mesmers.

Yep. Gearing my necro as we speak.

Man im think im going guardian or continue my mesmer, because this is just hilarious.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


The problem is that, they buffed everything, and what happens when you buff something that was already balanced or OP, it becomes OP, or very OP, and what this have to do with us?, well, warrior was at the bottom of the dirt… they are buffing them (i suppouse? but actually i dont see many good things like other classes) but they are buffing everything so warrior will stay at the bottom of the dirt, so… nice “BALANCE” there, its like they always want to balance in favor to thives and mesmers.

I think that´s a sign, that these are not the upcoming changes or at least not the final
ones, as ArenaNet described that they wanted to avoid it:

" Why don’t we just increase the power of weaker skills to match the most popular ones? Well, the problem is that then we get into something called power creep; the power of all builds and classes keeps rising as we keep making improvements, which causes instability in game balance."

Also while most of these supposed changes sound credible,
others sound just unlikley.

Hamstring for example is supposed to become the third chain skill on the sword
and has it´s cripple duration reduced to 1 second. That´s just useless and robs the skill of its purpose. 1 second immobilize, yeah maybe, but one second cripple, that is nothing.

They also posted a few weaks ago, that warriors lack sustain in PvP, which
5 seconds of reduced cooldown on all healing skills would not account for, in my opinion.

And were changes to the discipline´s measly 0.1% burst damge per point even mentioned?

Same with the greatsword´s burstskill. They wanted to do something about it,
they even accidently updated the tooltip to list might, months ago.
Yet nothing about it in these notes.

I simply cannot believe, that they would make so many changes and not
do something about these issues which they acknowledged for a long time.

I really, really want you to be right, i hope you are right.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Time will tell on the 25th.

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Epic.3950


its not fake. he just copied it from another post earlier, its a repost. Jeez warriors are so negative. SWOOOOORRDD BUFF! its gonna be baws

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Arkanis Drako.5169

Arkanis Drako.5169

its not fake. he just copied it from another post earlier, its a repost. Jeez warriors are so negative. SWOOOOORRDD BUFF! its gonna be baws

I don´t care where this has been posted first, that does not make them any less likely to be fake. Copied, resposted stuff of unkown origin is never credible.

I will only believe 100% that these are the official balance changes, when they have been officially posted. And I sure hope we will get something else, than this.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730



If I’m not mistaken the movement speed changes are irrelevant since nothing ever stacks with swiftness (except that extra +7% from runes).

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


this changed nothing to warriors sustain and nerfed warriors most powerful damage build to the ground, only if that 25% speed will do anything for staying on target, i bet it will not, you will be dead anyway.

oh look, they buffed zerker guardian, so great, now alone with bunker, now they get better zerker which is already decent. i guess anet just want to remove warrior completely and let everyone play guardian

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

(edited by Lighter.5631)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


What a weird way to prevent a double immob on GS #4. If they go with this, they should show ICDs instead of making us keep up with all the ICDs for every trait, sigil, etc.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


What a weird way to prevent a double immob on GS #4. If they go with this, they should show ICDs instead of making us keep up with all the ICDs for every trait, sigil, etc.

Im sure that they put ICD just to prevent the constant immobilize from sword cripple and they forgot about greatsword 4.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Bushido.2184


Well, there goes mainhand axe… :<

And yeah, nothing stacks with swiftness anyways.

Leet Hacker (War) | Linüx (Necro) | Linúx (Ele)
Quit to play my 2 favorite competitive fps and moba games ported to my favorite OS.

(edited by Bushido.2184)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Retsuko.2035


Why is axe mainhand no good anymore?

I know about the change in #1 chain, but i don’t see much issue with that inside PvE. But in pvp i see why that’s bad though. Is there anything else that makes axe mainhand worse now?

Retsu ~ Inner Monkey [IM] ~ Piken Square

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


Only that that appears missing is a reduction to the aftercast on Dual Shot – it’s a horrendously weak autoattack that all but makes Longbow unusable outside of certain specific situations.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


What a weird way to prevent a double immob on GS #4. If they go with this, they should show ICDs instead of making us keep up with all the ICDs for every trait, sigil, etc.

Im sure that they put ICD just to prevent the constant immobilize from sword cripple and they forgot about greatsword 4.

Don’t forget hammer shock.

Aoe cripple able to become aoe immobilize with 10 mere trait points.

Pretty sure now it will immobilize 1 single target and cripple the other 4.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730


Btw… I was hoping to see Brawn rebalanced or completely replaced with something else.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AndrewSX.3794


Btw… I was hoping to see Brawn rebalanced or completely replaced with something else.

Considering those notes aren’t neither official or confirmed, it’s totally possible that they’re not complete or up to date with notes hitting on 25th.

Seafarer’s Rest EU – PvE/WvW – 8 × 80 chars.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730


I sure hope so

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Bushido.2184


Why is axe mainhand no good anymore?

I know about the change in #1 chain, but i don’t see much issue with that inside PvE. But in pvp i see why that’s bad though. Is there anything else that makes axe mainhand worse now?

In PvP, it’s worse than the obvious that much more damage is moved to the last chop and is easily dodgeable. Warriors have to fight kiting, so the last attack of the chain is naturally less often reached, and periods of no attacking means that other skills are more frequently found off cooldown (including gap closers) that you must sacrifice for the sake of reaching that last chop (which will just be dodged). It’s a flat nerf, and makes you less flexible, which is exactly what Warriors didn’t need.

For PvE, you’re right. It’s not that big of an issue, and the flexibility lost doesn’t matter as much.

And the problem with Warriors has been that it’s lowest tier in PvP, but godly in PvE. This change does not reduce much its power in PvE, but arbitrarily over-nerfs it for PvP.

Leet Hacker (War) | Linüx (Necro) | Linúx (Ele)
Quit to play my 2 favorite competitive fps and moba games ported to my favorite OS.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: deathTouch.9706


From the original source:

“One of my guildies send me a link to an site. I’ve posted this a few minutes ago but it got downvoted because people don’t trust .txt files on a Polish site. So here you go:

I do not know where these notes come from, but they look legit enough to share. Don’t kick me when the actual patch notes are way different."

Yeah, seems legit. I’ll take one of those real 24 carat Rolex you got hanging from your trenchcoat too.

V deathTouch V – Warrior
STD [Scarlet Gave Me Harpies]

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568



I get what your saying but its too inconsistent. The fact is that many of those traits simply are not popular now. They are simply being outshined by better traits. On top of that you account for none of the changes to warrior that are in place to counter them. You are literally trying to make a balance argument on traits that simply do not fit into many builds. Your talking about Compounding Celerity when most mesmer simply do not need a trait like that to get around in combat. I say wait and see how it all balances out. From what I read and the way I see it warrior done right might actually move to the top of the food chain.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Why is axe mainhand no good anymore?

I know about the change in #1 chain, but i don’t see much issue with that inside PvE. But in pvp i see why that’s bad though. Is there anything else that makes axe mainhand worse now?

In PvP, it’s worse than the obvious that much more damage is moved to the last chop and is easily dodgeable. Warriors have to fight kiting, so the last attack of the chain is naturally less often reached, and periods of no attacking means that other skills are more frequently found off cooldown (including gap closers) that you must sacrifice for the sake of reaching that last chop (which will just be dodged). It’s a flat nerf, and makes you less flexible, which is exactly what Warriors didn’t need.

For PvE, you’re right. It’s not that big of an issue, and the flexibility lost doesn’t matter as much.

And the problem with Warriors has been that it’s lowest tier in PvP, but godly in PvE. This change does not reduce much its power in PvE, but arbitrarily over-nerfs it for PvP.

I was surprised to see the axe in there. I’m not putting much stock in the leak, but I always felt axe was solid and everything else needed touched up. The high flat damage coupled with a heavy burst did a lot to counter its awful mobility. Now, if I had to guess, we could see the axe go the way of the mace as far as being a less flexible weapon choice. I forsee it needing heavy immob/CC support to achieve its full potential… sounds a tad like the GS doesn’t it?

I wouldn’t care so much if we already had multiple strong options, but although some weapons excel in certain situations, within our 19 weapon combinations there isn’t a pile PvP viable ones; which, in my mind, is a developmental flaw. PvE will always have room for flavor and personal preference, but PvP is about winning, and a choice isn’t a choice if one option is clearly better.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Look on the bright side. Hammer got a nice speed boost and condition cleansing got quite a bit better.

I really don’t understand why they nerfed axe 1 though.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: THEmeltor.7295


Axe is still going to be quite viable in PvP, just because of eviscerate…anytime your spike can outright kill or near-kill enemy players that’s a plus.

The problem with Warriors in general in PvP is that Guild Wars 2’s current PvP is centered around holding points and capturing points, which is not something that the Warrior does very well. Bunker classes rule PvP because they are fantastic point holders…

Maybe when we see some changes to the PvP system (a deathmatch-type gametype? you know…the mainstay of pretty much every PvP ever?), Warriors will be held in higher regard.

Right now they don’t fit too well into the PvP system because of the gametypes.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


If these are true then we’ve been rolled over once again.

No passive sustain – with a huge damage nerf. With Berserker’s power and Heightened focus on grandmaster we’re basically out of the game. Just saying.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


Axe is still going to be quite viable in PvP, just because of eviscerate…anytime your spike can outright kill or near-kill enemy players that’s a plus.

The problem with Warriors in general in PvP is that Guild Wars 2’s current PvP is centered around holding points and capturing points, which is not something that the Warrior does very well. Bunker classes rule PvP because they are fantastic point holders…

Maybe when we see some changes to the PvP system (a deathmatch-type gametype? you know…the mainstay of pretty much every PvP ever?), Warriors will be held in higher regard.

Right now they don’t fit too well into the PvP system because of the gametypes.

The problem with eviscerate in s/tPvP is the crit chance. An eviscerate that crits is devastating and pretty much what lead to our Brawn stat getting nerfed to uselessness. Conversely, when an eviscerate doesn’t crit, the adrenaline was better left simmering in in our adrenaline bar, provided you are running Strength/Discipline V which most warriors do. That combined with low mobility makes it a less than desirable solution to the super slippery builds which I think contributed to why we saw such a proliferation of GS/X Frenzy users. A clutch CC followed by a reliably damaging skill accompanied by awesome escape abilities functions much better in a PvP setting than a clutch CC followed by crossed fingers for a crit. Sigil of Intel acts as a band-aid for the issue, but band-aids don’t make games fun.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: THEmeltor.7295


^yeah Eviscerate not critting does suck….there are ways to guarantee that it crits (unsuspecting foe, etc.) but they aren’t 100% reliable. But yeah, I agree. Eviscerate is hit or miss. Awesome when it hits and crits…lackluster when it doesn’t.

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Veritas.6071


^yeah Eviscerate not critting does suck….there are ways to guarantee that it crits (unsuspecting foe, etc.) but they aren’t 100% reliable. But yeah, I agree. Eviscerate is hit or miss. Awesome when it hits and crits…lackluster when it doesn’t.

Lol I totally forgot to mention Unsuspecting Foe. My fault. But yes, I cry inside when it doesn’t crit, or my latency is just high enough that my eviscerate lands after the stun wears off.

Ve·ri·tas [English ver-i-tahs] A Latin noun meaning Truth.

(edited by Veritas.6071)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Kill me but actually im happy to see sitting on adrenaline trait moved to GM. Im just not sure about rest..

oh – little buff but dmg still sux

mh – damage nerf? I hope hamstring actually will do highter dmg than it is now, also 1s of cripple is a joke. Also lets see how much dmg on final thrust will be.

F1 still sux.
5 increased projectile speed..glad they listened to it

Mace f1 stun increased the way i have it susgested..With siigl of para its will be actually..4sec. Also increased dmg will make it even better..

Too bad its still does lack any real mobility, cripples or whatever, also a fixed (?) nerf to mace trait. Pulverize still at 1sec cast time which is too long.

oh: good to hear about whirl dmg increased, but make it also reflecting projectiles.

Dual strike still remains useless.

mh: seems like a nice dmg buff, but placed in the last hit of chain is a terrible idea. For me it is a mobile hb now which will be hard to pull off but if do, its will be rewarding far better than hb.

lower castimes was needed which is a decent thing, howered backbreaker needs something betetr than just “2” sec kd against single target. I think that if blocked its should do something extra.

Staggering Blow is still selfroot skill. Its should be mobile and blocking hits while casting.

No much changed that are actually needed. Brutal shot should either give us a 2sec stun to land killshot or at least 2sec immo. Killshot castime itself reduced by half.

Aimed shot should actually..chill rathen than cripple

And naturally rifle needs to pierce by default
Longbow..enuf said..its will be actually a decent weapon to pick up

Gs: i feel its will actually become much less of an option

I hope that rush is fixed now, but its still has 2 useless abilities: Arcing slide and hundren blades

Also bladetrail could get some love too (pulling when sword returns)

(edited by Scoobaniec.9561)

Supposed upcoming changes to the warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


As for traitlines some are decent changed and some..unwelcomed.
What i like:

-Furious Speed
-Cleansing Ire (lets face it..if u wish to pick it up along with dogger march and merciless hammer u have to put 30 in defense..personally i don’t see a problem with that)
-Warrior’s Sprint (should be made long ago with signet speed buffs for other classes but oh well)
-Destruction of the Empowered (now worth picking up but its still the worse counter to boons ingame)
-Physical Training (still need to be improved)
-Dual Wielding
-Burning Arrows
-Desperate Power (wanna bet its will be a must have for cof?)

As for healing abilities..thats not enough.

(edited by Scoobaniec.9561)