Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

OLD: Per point: Burst Damage +0.1%
NEW: Per point: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

i.e. with 30 points in discipline we get +30% recharge rate. i.e. we wait 7 seconds before we can use burst skills again. get the trait and we get +50% or 5 seconds teehee!

now lets see how many people wants this.
i know i want it!
what about you?

(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: beastahead.9732


I want sustainability !

Nothing more.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730


Regenerate x% of your max HP every second would be so much better.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Kurajin.4607


Regenerate x% of your max HP every second would be so much better.

I don’t really understand why so much people (not only you) make suggestions which are totally inconsistent with what other classes get.
Your suggestion could rather be a grandmaster trait in defense.

The last tree always holds a boost to the class specific ability, such as:
recharge time on steal
attribute bonus on pets

I don’t think Anet would consider any suggestions outside of that pattern.
Something that would make sense is a boost, which benefits all burst skills, instead of only the damage skills (as it is atm).

As I assume we have to stay in the pattern I mentionend, the only possible changes I can think of are:

recharge time on burst skills
skill specific boost (e.g. eviscerate has more range; longbow field burns longer…)

Sustainability is a nice thing, but unfortunately it doesn’t fit here.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


i suggested once that the burst unique attribute that warriors would have tied to the discipline line be.

-0.2 seconds off of weapon skills recharge on burst.

so at 15 points in discipline every time you use the burst skill all your cooldowns for your weapon would recharge 3 seconds faster. if you are built to burst like crazy and specked fully into discipline then at the absolute fastest you could remove 6 seconds off of weapon skill recharge every 8 seconds.

practically what this would do is on the rifle you could open with [volley] into say [brutal shot] then immediately use [kill shot]. the [kill shot] would lower your cooldowns by 3 seconds and you would have [volley] available again.

or you could walk up with the mace using [counter blow], and then [hilt bash] them. do a couple of auto attacks and [skull crack], at this point your [counter blow] would be available again.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


If you want sustainability go play a kittening Guardian, so tired of the same whining about how Warrior needs protection and what not.
All we need in that department is our base heal to reflect our health pool, that is all.

I’ve made a similar suggestion in the past and I still believe that +2% CD reduction would be more appropriate. Elementalists receive the exact same trait buff on their profession skill. If we have the Adrenalin we should be allowed to use it.
In an imaginary world where Warriors were up there with the best, we would have no cooldown and rapidly filling adrenalin to set off as many burst skills as possible would finally make us the ‘pain trains’ we were always meant to be. No longer would dodging one strong hit secure victory against us, and even bunkers would think twice about trying to faceroll a Warrior setting loose a flurry of Earthshaker’s and Eviscerates. The other classes can keep their kiting, because now they would actually pay heavily if we caught them.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: dukefx.9730



It can easily be tied to adrenaline which is the class mechanic.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

all right thanks for the feedback i changed it to 2%

keep those support and feedback coming thanks!

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Matzepeng.1053


If I understand correctly you mean to reduce the burst skill cool down by 2% per trait point, right. (correct me if I’m wrong)

First of, I’m all in favor of getting rid of the negligible damage buff and replace it with a cd down reduction, BUT 2% per trait point? You can’t be serious.

Think it through, with 20 points invested (which is probably the average amount invested into discipline to get mobile strikes) this would then mean that every 6 seconds you can eviscerate / kill shot someone, stun someone for up to 3/4 seconds (granted mace gets the leaked buff and sigil of paralysation remains as it is), AoE stun for up to 2-3 seconds with Hammer, immobilise for up to 4 seconds (plus whatever condi duration you’re running), etc.

With 30 points and Burst Mastery (as it is now) you could do all that every 3.2 secs.
That wouldn’t just be OP. It would be game breaking.

IMO unless the change to Burst Mastery mentioned in the GW2hub patch notes are legit, 1% would be too much (because of Mace and Sword alone). However if burst mastery now means less adrenaline spent and more damage inflicted, it could work.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Copenhagen.7015


30% reduction on burst for 30 points sounds very nice. I like this suggestion. I agree with Dolan on bursts having no cooldown, but I would take the % reduction

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

30% reduction on burst for 30 points sounds very nice. I like this suggestion. I agree with Dolan on bursts having no cooldown, but I would take the % reduction

The problem with bursts with no cd, is that you could spam some skills for perm (or close to it) lockdown. Heck just using flurry while hitting 2-3 guys is enough to refill adrenaline to full before the skill finishes.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Kurajin.4607



Of course it would be possible, but I don’t really see the reasoning behind this.
I know that adrenaline is our class mechanic, but when making use of it, it comes down to the burst skills (traits are passive and aren’t actively used).

I just compared the tree to those of other classes. If you look at the necro class mechanic, it is quite similar.
You have a bar, which fills up under certain circumstances (via life force/attacks) and can be used to gain benefits which empty the bar (death shroud/burst).

The necro’s boost in the last tree is a higher life force pool IIRC. It is directly linked
to the class mechanic and improves it.
Having something like “regenerate x% of max. HP in dependency of your adrenaline” would be dependant on the class mechanic, but would not improve it.

Therefore something like cooldown reduction on burst or similar things are more reasonable.
That’s the point I wanted to make

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


I want sustainability !

Nothing more.


Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Dolan.3071


If I understand correctly you mean to reduce the burst skill cool down by 2% per trait point, right. (correct me if I’m wrong)

First of, I’m all in favor of getting rid of the negligible damage buff and replace it with a cd down reduction, BUT 2% per trait point? You can’t be serious.

Think it through, with 20 points invested (which is probably the average amount invested into discipline to get mobile strikes) this would then mean that every 6 seconds you can eviscerate / kill shot someone, stun someone for up to 3/4 seconds (granted mace gets the leaked buff and sigil of paralysation remains as it is), AoE stun for up to 2-3 seconds with Hammer, immobilise for up to 4 seconds (plus whatever condi duration you’re running), etc.

With 30 points and Burst Mastery (as it is now) you could do all that every 3.2 secs.
That wouldn’t just be OP. It would be game breaking.

IMO unless the change to Burst Mastery mentioned in the GW2hub patch notes are legit, 1% would be too much (because of Mace and Sword alone). However if burst mastery now means less adrenaline spent and more damage inflicted, it could work.

Building adrenalin is not as easy as people think. In PvP we land few hits so without using instant fill adrenalin skills (wasted traits and slots to do so) then you would hardly be able to take advantage of the reduced CD, which is why I suggested getting rid of the cooldown all together. Think about it, when was the last time you landed a full attack chain on someone to fill your adrenal in 4 seconds? I’m sure it’s happened, but not very often, and I think that in those cases we should be rewarded by dropping another Burst Skill on someone.
Fear of us becoming OP is why we have been left at the bottom of the barrel for so long, we don’t need more sustainability, if you want that just role a Guardian. We need damage and easier ways to deal out that damage, and I think this would be perfect for the job.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Wallace MacBix.2089

Wallace MacBix.2089

If I understand correctly you mean to reduce the burst skill cool down by 2% per trait point, right. (correct me if I’m wrong)

First of, I’m all in favor of getting rid of the negligible damage buff and replace it with a cd down reduction, BUT 2% per trait point? You can’t be serious.

Think it through, with 20 points invested (which is probably the average amount invested into discipline to get mobile strikes) this would then mean that every 6 seconds you can eviscerate / kill shot someone, stun someone for up to 3/4 seconds (granted mace gets the leaked buff and sigil of paralysation remains as it is), AoE stun for up to 2-3 seconds with Hammer, immobilise for up to 4 seconds (plus whatever condi duration you’re running), etc.

With 30 points and Burst Mastery (as it is now) you could do all that every 3.2 secs.
That wouldn’t just be OP. It would be game breaking.

IMO unless the change to Burst Mastery mentioned in the GW2hub patch notes are legit, 1% would be too much (because of Mace and Sword alone). However if burst mastery now means less adrenaline spent and more damage inflicted, it could work.

Building adrenalin is not as easy as people think. In PvP we land few hits so without using instant fill adrenalin skills (wasted traits and slots to do so) then you would hardly be able to take advantage of the reduced CD, which is why I suggested getting rid of the cooldown all together. Think about it, when was the last time you landed a full attack chain on someone to fill your adrenal in 4 seconds? I’m sure it’s happened, but not very often, and I think that in those cases we should be rewarded by dropping another Burst Skill on someone.
Fear of us becoming OP is why we have been left at the bottom of the barrel for so long, we don’t need more sustainability, if you want that just role a Guardian. We need damage and easier ways to deal out that damage, and I think this would be perfect for the job.

Well I know you’re coming at this from a pvp side, and I don’t have much experience there so take what I say with a grain of salt, but it still seems like you can lock someone down for a good amount of time.

Assume you can get enough adrenaline to use your burst, using a weapon that can stun either mace/hammer. Soon as that hits you use a skill to gain more adrenaline (or some other way, weapon swap, crits, etc) they use their stun breakers, and then you hit them again with another burst, and possibly a 3rd time before they have a chance to move. I agree it wouldn’t be like that for all weapons. With 2-3 fire fields you are controlling area, but not likely doing much damage.

Also when thinking about balance you should consider group dynamic. Throw 2 warriors with no cd on their bursts and they use a hammer to just keep people on the ground and pound them.

If that seems “fair” in pvp, then maybe the skill should be separated between pvp and pve. I just think it’d be broken if I can just stand there and spam Flurry, maxing adrenaline before the channel is even done, keep 25 bleed stacks while things just sit there.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


5s ES would be pretty…. yeah. no. 7s is balanced lol.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: TheMerc.4850


So I was sorta hoping for more adrenaline gain than a burst cooldown but after pvping for a bit with the new blinds, I can go either way at this point. Furious is pretty nice for a mace stun greatsword build too.

Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

oh this is already in the new patch!

Burst Recharge: The Discipline trait line no longer improves burst damage. It now decreases burst cooldown by 1% per point in Discipline.


Survey: Burst Skills Recharge Rate +1%

in Warrior

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


I actually like this change, because +3% burst damage is nothing but a big fat joke. This is a welcomed change. Axe 5, still is awkward to use since you get slowed when using it. Sword MH still clunky, seems to attack fasterbut clunky still but might be the new axe with the recent axe autoattack nerf.