Sword/Sword + Shouts?

Sword/Sword + Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: chaosmesmer.9857


Hey all, i’m looking for a build that incorporates sword/sword and shout healing. Would this be a good combination?? Trait wise i was thinking along the lines of 10/30/0/30/0. Gearwise, I was thinking of Knight Armor and Weapons, or should i aim for something with condition damage? I mainly do dungeons with my guild mates and WvW.


Sword/Sword + Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: gaspara.4079


Shout healing builds are highly dependant on healing power as a stat therefore to be useful you are much better off with gear with healing power. S/S is highly dependant on condition damage because the /S part is mostly about condition damage and a lot of the Sword Burst is condition damage.

Lucky for you in the recent content update they added apothacary’s armor which is craftable and Passifloria jewelry with matching stats, also craftable. It has healing power main stat with condition damage and toughness minor stats.

While I can tell you nothing about how viable this build would be as far as overall damage and support since it was never really possible before, it sounds like a fun idea. However the cost of crafting this gear is probably going to be fairly expensive for a while.

Sword/Sword + Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: chaosmesmer.9857


Thanks gaspara. Hmm, i’ll take a look at the new armor then. Yeah my thoughts exactly, it sounds pretty fun, being able to provide support whilst dishing out a considerable amount of damage and conditions.

Sword/Sword + Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vilhelm.9647


I’m running this build right now. At 78 with the new apothecary gear its really tough. I did start using rampager jewelry for a little extra damage. It’s a Yo-Jack build that traded in the warhorn for a second sword.

No idea about PvP, but in PvE its been really fun. The difference in damage is not nearly as much as the durability gain. A friend said that he felt like I did more damage while fighting a few champs too. I didn’t have to evade nearly as much.

Sword/Sword + Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: chaosmesmer.9857


Yeah Vilhelm, im probably planning on going with Rampager’s armor but with Apothecary accessories.

One question, trait-wise im planning on going either 20/20/0/30/0 or 10/30/0/30/0. Is the grandmaster minor trait worth it (the one that does 10% more damage to bleeding enemies) or would it be better to invest it into the Dual Wielding Trait?

Sword/Sword + Shouts?

in Warrior

Posted by: blurps.2340


With this build you’ll have bleeding up on your enemies pretty much 24/7, so it comes down to a straight 5% damage increase for the dual wielding trait vs. 10% for the 25 minor one.

Easy call imo.