Sword/Sword leveling....
axe/mace and gs
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
RRR Ranger and Warrior videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/ElmoezHerra?feature=watch
pick the weapons you like. I personaly leveled with double sword and later on axe/sword and always had warhorn on swap. There is no reason to min/max untill max level and you start doing explorables. Have some fun and use different weapon sets, but make sure you always have a ranged weapon available aswell.
after lvl 40-50 axe/gs gets crazy, but 1-40 sw/sw worked much better for me:)
The purpose of leveling is to learn to play your character, so switch your weapons often to practise all of them.
Keep a weapon of every type, and extra one maybe if it’s offhand use as well as main hand, so you can practice with axe/axe, mace/mace, sword/sword as well. Even if you’ll never use them when you hit 80, it’s fun to use them.
Take a warhorn to practice using blast finishers, or for debuffing mobs and giving yourself a speed boost, and both range weapons for the times when it’s better to go range, so you can learn how to use either. And a hammer as well, even if it’s lame in PvE!