Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069



is it not destroying all projectiles? Im soooo tired of reading kitten in the tooltip and it not doing what it says it does. Guardian shoots its hooks at me right through my fireballs and lands right on me.

Does equipping an unblockable negate the projectile destruction of the f2? This is dumb…

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


Unblockable goes through reflects.

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Unblockable goes through reflects.

well duh.

Are you saying sword f2 is a block? that doesnt’ ’make sense since it would reflect if i trait shieldmaster

kitten dam why can’t you people use actual words rather than 1 liners. If its not a yes or no answer, just give 2 sentences explanations….thats all i ask. not hard

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


Well duh that line speaks pretty kitten well for itself.

It’s your own problem that you associate the word with only it’s obvious connotation. Do they need to add an ‘unreflective’ tooltip to all unblockable skills just for you? Well duh of course they can’t be reflected if it’s unblockable. You’re the one who asked. You were given an answer. So I say again. Unblockable goes through reflects.

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Well duh that line speaks pretty kitten well for itself.

It’s your own problem that you associate the word with only it’s obvious connotation. Do they need to add an ‘unreflective’ tooltip to all unblockable skills just for you? Well duh of course they can’t be reflected if it’s unblockable. You’re the one who asked. You were given an answer. So I say again. Unblockable goes through reflects.

wow the salt is real…

Why are you explaining basic stuff to me that I already know? WHy don’t you read the original OP instead of wasting my time with ur own problems. You have answered Nothing that I asked, and now you are angry at urself for some reason….

Here I’ll give you the response you should have used:

you “f2 serves a block. So an unblockable spear pull goes trhough it”
me " well does it serve as a reflect them when traited? cause ive never noticed it reflecting anything"
you “yes/no”

Instead you post this salty mess and expect me to be greatful? Then you get angry and expect me to apologize? you got problems. A little forum ettiquette will serve you well.

“It’s your own problem that you associate the word with only it’s obvious connotation.”
You respond with 4 words and the meaning has multiple connotations, and the obvious connotation is the one that you AREN’T using? You need to work on ur communication skills….ur acting ridiculous.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


K not going to sit here and whine because you can’t understand how quite literally direct my answer was. If you can’t understand it that’s your problem. Good day.

(edited by Gwaihir.1745)

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

So Unblockables go through both blocks and reflects.

Projectile Destruction is a third category because technically it is not a “block” (as per shield or aegis) and it does not reflect the projectile. But in terms of game mechanics it is considered a block for all intents and purposes pertaining to projectiles with unblockable status.

(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

K not going to sit here and whine because you can’t understand how quite literally direct my answer was. If you can’t understand it that’s your problem. Good day.

My answer was vastly superior to yours :D


Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: vove.2768


K not going to sit here and whine because you can’t understand how quite literally direct my answer was. If you can’t understand it that’s your problem. Good day.

My answer was vastly superior to yours


I concur.

As for the topic:
unblockables go trough reflect, but flaming fury is not a reflect, it “destroys projectiles” as per skill description in contrary to other skills that actually reflect (“Spin around, reflecting missiles and hitting enemies.”, “Reflect projectiles while damaging nearby foes.”, etc.).

I think what really happened here is they made a skill supposed to destroy projectiles but in the end treat it as a reflect and that is the reason why unblockables still hit you during flaming fury.

They should update the skill tooltip.

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: UmbraNoctis.1907


Unblockable projectiles go through all projectile destruction skills, it doesn’t only apply to Flaming Flurry.

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


We’re on the Warrior forums which is the class with the strongest access to unblockable skills, if you don’t know how the mechanic works crying about it is only making a fool of yourself.

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745


A single line in google would have saved the trip.

-gw2 wiki
“Unblockable is a property of attack skills which prevents the attack from being blocked, and in case of ranged attacks, reflected or otherwise destroyed by effects of skills. Unblockable is also an effect, currently only available from Signet of Might, “Nothing Can Save You!”, and Phase Traversal, making attacks for the duration unblockable. Skills that block will be ignored and effects that trigger on blocking will not trigger against unblockable attacks. Unblockable skills can be evaded by dodging or other effects, aside from the ones that cannot be evaded by any means. "

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: emkelly.2371


“Destroying” all projectiles is not a block, which is why it does not reflect when your are traited with shield master. But unblockable projectiles cannot be blocked, reflected, or destroyed. I think that’s what Cerby needed to know. Sorry if I misunderstood something, but hopefully this stops the angst that is going around.

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Cerby.1069


Some helpful answers here, thankyou all. I think ill settle for the fact that it functions as a reflect that doesn’t reflect.

We’re on the Warrior forums which is the class with the strongest access to unblockable skills, if you don’t know how the mechanic works crying about it is only making a fool of yourself.

Well if you read my actual post you would know I was crying over the fact the tooltips are very unclear. Let’s at least get that part right, okay? And if I don’t know how a mechanic works I shouldn’t ask how it works cause it makes a fool of myself? I will gladly ask every stupid question imaginable if it means I can learn the answers. You can quote me on that! Cause not asking questions and not finding answers is how you become a real fool.

Also I don’t know what having 2 unblockables has to do with something that functions like a block.
……but I did mention Dh spear…..and you are a dh…..so maybe that has something to do with ur ‘comment’? maybe.

A single line in google would have saved the trip.

-gw2 wiki
“Unblockable is a property of attack skills which prevents the attack from being blocked, and in case of ranged attacks, reflected or otherwise destroyed by effects of skills. Unblockable is also an effect, currently only available from Signet of Might, “Nothing Can Save You!”, and Phase Traversal, making attacks for the duration unblockable. Skills that block will be ignored and effects that trigger on blocking will not trigger against unblockable attacks. Unblockable skills can be evaded by dodging or other effects, aside from the ones that cannot be evaded by any means. "

And yet Flaming furry isn’t listed under the skills that block……I wonder why that is? Maybe its worth a discussion! Like the one we are having! The one you don’t seem to want to take part in….? maybe

K not going to sit here and whine because you can’t understand how quite literally direct my answer was. If you can’t understand it that’s your problem. Good day.

I mean you seem more than happy “to sit here and whine” (quote on quote)….you really gotta make up your mind bro. At least stand by the things you say….
I had a chance to ‘return the salt’ after the others agreed with me, I decided not to. Now you are just asking for ‘attention’ of a certain sort.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

(edited by Cerby.1069)

Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: XTR.9604



“Unblockable is a property of attack skills which prevents the attack from being blocked, and in case of ranged attacks, reflected or otherwise destroyed by effects of skills.”

You literally only had to read the first sentence of the wiki about unblockable to be able to understand this.

Asphyxia [XT] – Crystal Desert & Fort Aspenwood Roamer
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Sword f2 not destroying all projectiles

in Warrior

Posted by: Gwaihir.1745



“Unblockable is a property of attack skills which prevents the attack from being blocked, and in case of ranged attacks, reflected or otherwise destroyed by effects of skills.”

You literally only had to read the first sentence of the wiki about unblockable to be able to understand this.

Quite literally this.